Category Archives: Futurology

Generation AI Replacing Generation Z

Generation AI Replacing Generation Z

by Braden Kelley

The boundary lines between different named generations are a bit fuzzy but the goal should always be to draw the boundary at an event significant enough to create substantial behavior changes in the new generation worthy of consideration in strategy formation.

I believe we have arrived at such a point and that it is time for GenZ to cede the top of strategy mountain to a new generation I call Generation AI (GenAI).

The dividing line for Generation AI falls around 2014 and the people of GenAI are characterized by being the first group of people to grow up not knowing a world without easy access to generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools that begin to transform their interactions with our institutions and each other.

We have already seen professors and teachers having to police AI-generated school essays, while the rest of us are trying to cope with frighteningly realistic deep fake audio and video. But what other impacts on people’s behavior will we see as a result of the coming ubiquity of artificial intelligence?

It is important to remember that generative artificial intelligence is not really artificial intelligence but collective intelligence informed by what we the people have contributed to the training/reference set. As such these large language models are predicting the next word or combining existing content based on whatever training set they are exposed to. They are not creating original thought.

Generative AI is being built into nearly all of our existing software and cloud tools, and GenAI will grow up only knowing a reality where every application and web site they interact with will have an AI component to it. Generation AI will not know a time where they cannot ask an AI, in the same way that GenZ relies on social search, and Gen X and Millenials assume search engines hold their answers.

Our brains are changing to focus more on processing and less on storage. These changes make us more capable, but more vulnerable too.

This new AI technology represents a double-edge sword and its effects could fall on either edge of the sword in different areas:

Option 1 – Best Case

  • Generative AI will amplify creativity by encouraging recombination of existing images, text, audio and video in new inspiring ways using the outputs of AI as inputs into human creativity

Option 2 – Worst Case

  • Generative AI will reduce creativity because people will become reliant on using artificial intelligence to create, creating an echo chamber of new content only created from existing content, leading to AI outputs becoming the only outputs and a world where people spend more time interacting with AI’s than with other people

Which of these two options on the impact of AI reliance do you see as the most likely in the areas where you focus?

How do you see Generation AI impacting the direction of societies around the world?

Are you planning to add Generation AI to your marketing strategies and strategic planning for 2024 or beyond?


For reference, here is timeline of previous American generations according to an article from NPR:

Though there is a consensus on the general time period for generations, there is not an agreement on the exact year that each generation begins and ends.

Generation Z – Born 2001-2013 (Age 10-22)

These kids were the first born with the Internet and are suspected to be the most individualistic and technology-dependent generation. Sometimes referred to as the iGeneration.

EDITOR’S NOTE: This description is erroneous, the differentiating factor of GenZ is that they experienced the rise of social media.

Millennials – Born 1980-2000 (Age 23-43)

They experienced the rise of the Internet, Sept. 11 and the wars that followed. Sometimes called Generation Y. Because of their dependence on technology, they are said to be entitled and narcissistic.

Generation X – Born 1965-1979 (Age 44-58)

They were originally called the baby busters because fertility rates fell after the boomers. As teenagers, they experienced the AIDs epidemic and the fall of the Berlin Wall. Sometimes called the MTV Generation, the “X” in their name refers to this generation’s desire not to be defined.

EDITOR’S NOTE: GenX also experienced the rise of the personal computer and this has influenced their parenting of a large portion of Millenials and GenZ

Baby Boomers – Born 1943-1964 (Age 59-80)

The boomers were born during an economic and baby boom following World War II. These hippie kids protested against the Vietnam War and participated in the civil rights movement, all with rock ‘n’ roll music blaring in the background.

Silent Generation – Born 1925-1942 (Age 81-98)

They were too young to see action in World War II and too old to participate in the fun of the Summer of Love. This label describes their conformist tendencies and belief that following the rules was a sure ticket to success.

GI Generation – Born 1901-1924 (Age 99+)

They were teenagers during the Great Depression and fought in World War II. Sometimes called the greatest generation (following a book by journalist Tom Brokaw) or the swing generation because of their jazz music.

If you’d like to sign up to learn more about my new FutureHacking™ methodology and set of tools, go here.

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When Innovation Becomes Magic

When Innovation Becomes Magic

GUEST POST from Pete Foley

Arthur C Clarke’s 3rd Law famously stated:

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”

In other words, if the technology of an advanced civilization is so far beyond comprehension, it appears magical to a less advanced one. This could take the form of a human encounter with a highly advanced extraterrestrial civilization, how current technology might be viewed by historical figures, or encounters between human cultures with different levels of scientific and technological knowledge.

Clarke’s law implicitly assumed that knowledge within a society is sufficiently democratized that we never view technology within a civilization as ‘magic’.  But a combination of specialization, rapid advancements in technology, and a highly stratified society means this is changing.  Generative AI, Blockchain and various forms of automation are all ‘everyday magic’ that we increasingly use, but mostly with little more than an illusion of understanding around how they work.  More technological leaps are on the horizon, and as innovation accelerates exponentially, we are all going to have to navigate a world that looks and feels increasingly magical.   Knowing how to do this effectively is going to become an increasingly important skill for us all.  

The Magic Behind the Curtain:  So what’s the problem? Why do we need to understand the ‘magic’ behind the curtain, as long as we can operate the interface, and reap the benefits?  After all, most of us use phones, computers, cars, or take medicines without really understanding how they work.  We rely on experts to guide us, and use interfaces that help us navigate complex technology without a need for deep understanding of what goes on behind the curtain.

It’s a nuanced question.  Take a car as an analogy.  We certainly don’t need to know how to build one in order to use one.  But we do need to know how to operate it and understand what it’s performance limitations are.  It also helps to have at least some basic knowledge of how it works; enough to change a tire on a remote road, or to have some concept of basic mechanics to minimize the potential of being ripped off by a rogue mechanic.  In a nutshell, the more we understand it, the more efficiently, safely and economically we leverage it.  It’s a similar situation with medicine.  It is certainly possible to defer all of our healthcare decisions to a physician.  But people who partner with their doctors, and become advocates for their own health generally have superior outcomes, are less likely to die from unintended contraindications, and typically pay less for healthcare.  And this is not trivial.  The third leading cause of death in Europe behind cancer and heart disease are issues associated with prescription medications.  We don’t need to know everything to use a tool, but in most cases, the more we know the better

The Speed/Knowledge Trade-Off:  With new, increasingly complex technologies coming at us in waves, it’s becoming increasing challenging to make sense of what’s ‘behind the curtain’. This has the potential for costly mistakes.  But delaying embracing technology until we fully understand it can come with serious opportunity costs.  Adopt too early, and we risk getting it wrong, too late and we ‘miss the bus’.  How many people who invested in crypto currency or NFT’s really understood what they were doing?  And how many of those have lost on those deals, often to the benefit of those with deeper knowledge?  That isn’t to in anyway suggest that those who are knowledgeable in those fields deliberately exploit those who aren’t, but markets tend to reward those who know, and punish those who don’t.    

The AI Oracle:  The recent rise of Generative AI has many people treating it essentially as an oracle.  We ask it a question, and it ‘magically’ spits out an answer in a very convincing and sharable format.  Few of us understand the basics of how it does this, let alone the details or limitations. We may not call it magic, but we often treat it as such.  We really have little choice; as we lack sufficient understanding to apply quality critical thinking to what we are told, so have to take answers on trust.  That would be brilliant if AI was foolproof.  But while it is certainly right a lot of the time, it does make mistakes, often quite embarrassing ones. . For example, Google’s BARD incorrectly claimed the James Webb Space Telescope had taken the first photo of a planet outside our solar system, which led to panic selling of parent company Alphabet’s stock.  Generative AI is a superb innovation, but its current iterations are far from perfect.  They are limited by the data bases they are fed on, are extremely poor at spotting their own mistakes, can be manipulated by the choice of data sets they are trained on, and they lack the underlying framework of understanding that is essential for critical thinking or for making analogical connections.  I’m sure that we’ll eventually solve these issues, either with iterations of current tech, or via integration of new technology platforms.  But until we do, we have a brilliant, but still flawed tool.  It’s mostly right, is perfect for quickly answering a lot of questions, but its biggest vulnerability is that most users have pretty limited capability to understand when it’s wrong.

Technology Blind Spots: That of course is the Achilles Heel, or blind spot and a dilemma. If an answer is wrong, and we act on it without realizing, it’s potentially trouble. But if we know the answer, we didn’t really need to ask the AI. Of course, it’s more nuanced than that.  Just getting the right answer is not always enough, as the causal understanding that we pick up by solving a problem ourselves can also be important.  It helps us to spot obvious errors, but also helps to generate memory, experience, problem solving skills, buy-in, and belief in an idea.  Procedural and associative memory is encoded differently to answers, and mechanistic understanding helps us to reapply insights and make analogies. 

Need for Causal Understanding.  Belief and buy-in can be particularly important. Different people respond to a lack of ‘internal’ understanding in different ways.  Some shy away from the unknown and avoid or oppose what they don’t understand. Others embrace it, and trust the experts.  There’s really no right or wrong in this.  Science is a mixture of both approaches it stands on the shoulders of giants, but advances based on challenging existing theories.  Good scientists are both data driven and skeptical.  But in some cases skepticism based on lack of causal understanding can be a huge barrier to adoption. It has contributed to many of the debates we see today around technology adoption, including genetically engineered foods, efficacy of certain pharmaceuticals, environmental contaminants, nutrition, vaccinations, and during Covid, RNA vaccines and even masks.  Even extremely smart people can make poor decisions because of a lack of causal understanding.  In 2003, Steve Jobs was advised by his physicians to undergo immediately surgery for a rare form of pancreatic cancer.  Instead he delayed the procedure for nine months and attempted to treat himself with alternative medicine, a decision that very likely cut his life tragically short.

What Should We Do?  We need to embrace new tools and opportunities, but we need to do so with our eyes open.   Loss aversion, and the fear of losing out is a very powerful motivator of human behavior, and so an important driver in the adoption of new technology.  But it can be costly. A lot of people lost out with crypto and NFT’s because they had a fairly concrete idea of what they could miss out on if they didn’t engage, but a much less defined idea of the risk, because they didn’t deeply understand the system. Ironically, in this case, our loss aversion bias caused a significant number of people to lose out!

Similarly with AI, a lot of people are embracing it enthusiastically, in part because they are afraid of being left behind.  That is probably right, but it’s important to balance this enthusiasm with an understanding of its potential limitations.  We may not need to know how to build a car, but it really helps to know how to steer and when to apply the brakes .   Knowing how to ask an AI questions, and when to double check answers are both going to be critical skills.  For big decisions, ‘second opinions’ are going to become extremely important.   And the human ability to interpret answers through a filter of nuance, critical thinking, different perspectives, analogy and appropriate skepticism is going to be a critical element in fully leveraging AI technology, at least for now. 

Today AI is still a tool, not an oracle. It augments our intelligence, but for complex, important or nuanced decisions or information retrieval, I’d be wary of sitting back and letting it replace us.  Its ability to process data in quantity is certainly superior to any human, but we still need humans to interpret, challenge and integrate information.  The winners of this iteration of AI technology will be those who become highly skilled at walking that line, and who are good at managing the trade off between speed and accuracy using AI as a tool.  The good news is that we are naturally good at this, it’s a critical function of the human brain, embodied in the way it balances Kahneman’s System 1 and System 2 thinking. Future iterations may not need us, but for now AI is a powerful partner and tool, but not a replacement

Image credit: Pixabay

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Latest Interview with the What’s Next? Podcast

Latest Interview with the What's Next? Podcast

I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Shannon Phillips and Tristan Ham of the What’s Next? Podcast, about altering your mindset to become future-focused and the impact this can have on your business.

We had the opportunity to discuss the links between curiosity, imagination and creativity. And how to bring urgency to imagination leveraging among other things – The Nine Innovation Roles.

From there we explore how imagination can atrophy in an organization, how our educational and corporate institutions fail us and how we can bring back imagination and innovation through world building.

Some of the elements of the conversation came from things I have incorporated into a set of tools designed to help anyone be a futurist called FutureHacking™, which is designed to take some of the mystery out of futures research and foresight, and help you get to the future first!

But most importantly, we spoke about how a futurist is not the same as a fortune teller.

I think you’ll enjoy the conversation!

Here is the Spotify version of my visit with the What’s Next? podcast:

If you’d like to sign up to learn more about my new FutureHacking™ methodology and set of tools, go here.

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8 Strategies to Future-Proofing Your Business & Gaining Competitive Advantage

The Power of Harnessing Strategic Foresight

8 Strategies to Future-Proofing Your Business & Gaining Competitive Advantage

GUEST POST from Teresa Spangler

“Patience and foresight are the two most important qualities in business.” — Henry Ford

In the dynamic business landscape of the 21st century, strategic foresight stands as the beacon that lights the path toward future-proofing businesses and gaining a competitive advantage. More than a mere tool for predicting trends, it is a sophisticated compass that allows businesses to navigate the turbulence of change, seize emerging opportunities, and ensure long-term sustainability.

Below are eight key strategies that form the backbone of strategic foresight. These strategies will enable you to effectively navigate the future, transforming uncertainties into opportunities, and driving your business towards lasting success:

1. Leveraging the “Got You There Shuffle”

Adapting to the future begins with understanding the past. Grounded in the wisdom of renowned leadership thinker Marshall Goldsmith’s philosophy, “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There,” businesses are urged to reflect on their past successes. Unpack what led to your success and how it can be reshaped to meet future demands. The key here is not merely sticking to what has worked before but reshuffling and reimagining these elements to adapt to new realities.

2. Embrace the Power of Imagination

Building a resilient business requires thinking beyond the constraints of the present. Push the boundaries of your team’s creative thinking, considering the possibilities and the seemingly impossible. Encourage a culture where imagination is not restricted but nurtured. Remember, today’s unimaginable can become tomorrow’s reality. Your next breakthrough idea might just be hidden in the peripheries of your imagination.

3. Mastering the Anticipation Game

The future, by its nature, is laden with ‘what-ifs.’ Anticipate all possible scenarios – from the most optimistic to the most challenging. Proactively playing the anticipation game enables you to create effective plans to navigate potential pitfalls and seize emerging opportunities. With a well-thought-out contingency plan in place, you ensure the resilience of your business no matter the scenario.

4. Celebrating Success and Embracing failure

Understanding each scenario’s potential outcomes- success and failure – provides crucial insights for your business strategy. Create detailed visualizations of success and failure: identify potential pitfalls, anticipate customer challenges, and plan for various market dynamics. This allows you to monitor progress and adjust your course as necessary, ensuring you remain on the path to success.

 As the world evolves, competitive advantage will increasingly belong to those who can anticipate change, adapt swiftly, and reinvent themselves. Through strategic foresight, you can build a future-proof business that doesn’t merely survive change but leverages it for continued success. Remember, resilience isn’t just about bouncing back; it’s about bouncing forward.

5. Encouraging Cross-Pollination of Ideas

In an interconnected business world, fostering a culture of cross-pollination of ideas can help companies anticipate future trends and devise innovative solutions. Encourage your team members to collaborate, blend insights from different industries, and develop fresh perspectives. Not only does this approach boost creativity, but it also leads to more robust strategies capable of weathering future uncertainties.

6. Regular Horizon Scanning

Horizon scanning is a strategic foresight tool that systematically explores and interprets the business landscape to identify emerging trends, opportunities, and threats. Regular horizon scanning enables businesses to keep their finger on the pulse of change and stay ahead of the curve.

7. Building Learning Organizations

An organization that learns from its past, observes the present, and uses that knowledge to inform the future has a significant competitive advantage. Promote a culture of continuous learning within your organization, where failures are seen as opportunities for improvement and successes as steppingstones towards greater innovation.

8. Implementing Backcasting Techniques

Backcasting is a strategic planning method that starts with defining a desirable future and then works backward to identify the steps necessary to achieve that future. It enables businesses to establish a clear vision and map a path aligning with their long-term strategic objectives.

 Shaping the Future through Strategic Foresight

Navigating the future may seem daunting, given its inherent unpredictability. However, with strategic foresight, businesses can convert uncertainty into an opportunity-filled landscape. Implementing these strategies equips your organization with the agility and resilience needed to respond to change and shape the future.

The crux of strategic foresight lies in understanding that the future isn’t something that happens to us – it’s something we can influence. As business leaders, we can turn our visions for the future into reality. By embracing strategic foresight, we gain the ability to foresee, adapt, innovate, and ultimately lead in an evolving business landscape. It’s not about predicting the future but about making informed decisions today that will shape the future of our organizations.

Additional Insights from Teresa Spangler:

Podcast links:

FutureForward on Linkedin | Plazabridge Group |  Spotify

Apple Podcast | iHeart Radio  |  Podcast |Youtube |Amazon  |Google  |  Podcast Addict

Image credit: Unsplash

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Unintended Consequences.  The Hidden Risk of Fast-Paced Innovation

Unintended Consequences.  The Hidden Risk of Fast-Paced Innovation

GUEST POST from Pete Foley

Most innovations go through a similar cycle, often represented as an s-curve.

We start with something potentially game changing. It’s inevitably a rough-cut diamond; un-optimized and not fully understood.  But we then optimize it. This usually starts with a fairly steep leaning curve as we address ‘low hanging fruit’ but then evolves into a fine-tuning stage.  Eventually we squeeze efficiency from it to the point where the incremental cost of improving it becomes inefficient.  We then either commoditize it, or jump to another s-curve.

This is certainly not a new model, and there are multiple variations on the theme.  But as the pace of innovation accelerates, something fundamentally new is happening with this s-curve pattern.  S-curves are getting closer together. Increasingly we are jumping to new s-curves before we’ve fully optimized the previous one.  This means that we are innovating quickly, but also that we are often taking more ‘leaps into the dark’ than ever before.

This has some unintended consequences of its own:

1. Cumulative Unanticipated Consequences. No matter how much we try to anticipate how a new technology will fare in the real world, there are always surprises.  Many surprises emerge soon after we hit the market, and create fires than have to be put out quite quickly (and literally in the cases of some battery technologies).  But other unanticipated effects can be slower burn (pun intended).  The most pertinent example of this is of course greenhouse gasses from Industrialization, and their impact on our climate. This of course took us years to recognize. But there are many more examples, including the rise of antibiotic resistance, plastic pollution, hidden carcinogens, the rising cost of healthcare and the mental health issues associated with social media. Just as the killer application for a new innovation is often missed at its inception, it’s killer flaws can be too.  And if the causal relationship between these issues and the innovation are indirect, they can accumulate across multiple s-curves before we notice them.  By the time we do, technology is often so entrenched it can be a huge challenge to extract ourselves from it.

2.  Poorly understood complex network effects.  The impact of new innovation is very hard to predict when it is introduced into a complex, multivariable system.  A butterfly flapping its wings can cascade and amplify through a system, and when the butterfly is transformative technology, the effect can be profound.  We usually have line of sight of first generation causal effects:  For example, we know that electric cars use an existing electric grid, as do solar energy farms.  But in today’s complex, interconnected world, it’s difficult to predict second, third or fourth generation network effects, and likely not cost effective or efficient for an innovator to try and do so. For example, the supply-demand interdependency of solar and electric cars is a second-generation network effect that we are aware of, but that is already challenging to fully predict.  More causally distant effects can be even more challenging. For example, funding for the road network without gas tax, the interdependency of gas and electric cost and supply as we transition, the impact that will have on broader on global energy costs and socio political stability.  Then add in complexities supply of new raw materials needed to support the new battery technologies.  These are pretty challenging to model, and of course, are the challenges we are at least aware of. The unanticipated consequences of such a major change are, by definition, unanticipated!

3. Fragile Foundations.  In many cases, one s-curve forms the foundation of the next.  So if we have not optimized the previous s-curve sufficiently, flaws potentially carry over into the next, often in the form of ‘givens’.  For example, an electric car is a classic s-curve jump from internal combustion engines.  But for reasons that include design efficiency, compatibility with existing infrastructure, and perhaps most importantly, consumer cognitive comfort, much of the supporting design and technology carries over from previous designs. We have redesigned the engine, but have only evolved wheels, breaks, etc., and have kept legacies such as 4+ seats.  But automotives are in many, one of our more stable foundations. We have had a lot of time to stabilize past s-curves before jumping to new ones.  But newer technologies such as AI, social media and quantum computing have enjoyed far less time to stabilize foundational s-curves before we dance across to embrace closely spaced new ones.  That will likely increase the chances of unintended consequences. And we are already seeing the canary in the coal mine with some, with unexpected mental health and social instability increasingly associated with social media

What’s the Answer?  We cannot, or should not stop innovating.  We face too many fundamental issues with climate, food security and socio political stability that need solutions, and need them quite quickly.

But the conundrum we face is that many, if not all of these issue are rooted in past, well intentioned innovation, and the unintended consequences that derive from it. So a lot of our innovation efforts are focused on solving issues created by previous rounds of innovation.  Nobody expected or intended the industrial revolution to impact our climate, but now much of our current innovation capability is rightly focused on managing the fall out it has created (again, pun intended).  Our challenge is that we need to continue to innovate, but also to break the cycle of todays innovation being increasingly focused on fixing yesterdays!

Today new waves of innovation associated with ‘sustainable’ technology, genetic manipulation, AI and quantum computing are already crashing onto our shores. These interdependent innovations will likely dwarf the industrial revolution in scale and complexity, and have the potential for massive impact, both good and bad. And they are occurring at a pace that gives us little time to deal with anticipated consequences, let alone unanticipated ones.

We’ll Find a Way?  One answer is to just let it happen, and fix things as we go. Innovation has always been a bumpy road, and humanity has a long history of muddling through. The agricultural revolution ultimately allowed humans to exponentially expand our population, but only after concentrating people into larger social groups that caused disease to ravage many societies. We largely solved that by dying in large numbers and creating herd immunity. It was a solution, but not an optimum one.  When London was in danger of being buried in horse poop, the internal combustion engine saved us, but that in turn ultimately resulted in climate change. According to projections from the Club of Rome in the 70’s, economic growth should have ground to a halt long ago, mired in starvation and population contraction.  Instead advances in farming technology have allowed us to keep growing.  But that increase in population contributes substantially to our issues with climate today.  ‘We’ll find a way’ is an approach that works until it doesn’t.  and even when it works, it is usually not painless, and often simply defers rather than solves issues.

Anticipation?    Another option is that we have to get better at both anticipating issues, and at triaging the unexpected. Maybe AI will give us the processing power to do this, provided of course that it doesn’t become our biggest issue in of itself.

Slow Down and Be More Selective?  In a previous article I asked if ‘just because we can do it, does it mean we should?’.  That was through a primarily moral lens.  But I think unintended consequences make this an even bigger question for broader innovation strategy.  The more we innovate, the more consequences we likely create.  And the faster we innovate, the more vulnerable we are to fragility. Slowing down creates resilience, speed reduces it.  So one option is to be more choiceful about innovations, and look more critically at benefit risk balance. For example, how badly do we need some of the new medications and vaccines being rushed to market?  Is all of our gene manipulation research needed? Do we really need a new phone every two years?   For sure, in some cases the benefits are clear, but in other cases, is profit driving us more than it should?

In a similar vein, but to be provocative, are we also moving too quickly with renewable energy?  It certainly something we need.  But are we, for example, pinning too much on a single, almost first generation form of large scale solar technology?  We are still at that steep part of the learning curve, so are quite likely missing unintended consequences.  Would a more staged transition over a decade or so add more resilience, allow us to optimize the technology based on real world experience, and help us ferret out unanticipated issues? Should we be creating a more balanced portfolio, and leaning more on more established technology such as nuclear? Sometimes moving a bit more slowly ultimately gets you there faster, and a long-term issue like climate is a prime candidate for balancing speed, optimization and resilience to ultimately create a more efficient, robust and better understood network.

The speed of AI development is another obvious question, but I suspect more difficult to evaluate.  In this case, Pandora’s box is open, and calls to slow AI research would likely mean responsible players would stop, but research would continue elsewhere, either underground or in less responsible nations.  A North Korean AI that is superior to anyone else’s is an example where the risk of not moving likely outweighs the risk of unintended consequences

Regulation?  Regulation is a good way of forcing more thoughtful evaluation of benefit versus risk. But it only works if regulators (government) understand technology, or at least its benefits versus risks, better than its developers.  This can work reasonably well in pharma, where we have a long track record. But it is much more challenging in newer areas of technology. AI is a prime example where this is almost certainly not the case.  And as the complexity of all innovation increases, regulation will become less effective, and increasingly likely to create unintended consequences of its own.

I realize that this may all sound a bit alarmist, and certainly any call to slow down renewable energy conversion or pharma development is going to be unpopular.  But history has shown that slowing down creates resilience, while speeding up creates instability and waves of growth and collapse.  And an arms race where much of our current innovative capability is focused on fixing issues created by previous innovations is one we always risk losing.  So as unanticipated consequences are by definition, really difficult to anticipate, is this a point in time where we in the innovation community need to have a discussion on slowing down and being more selective?  Where should we innovate and where not?  When should we move fast, and when we might be better served by some productive procrastination.  Do we need better risk assessment processes? It’s always easier to do this kind of analysis in hindsight, but do we really have that luxury?

Image credit: Pixabay

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Navigating the Future to Ensure Long-Term Success

A CEO Checklist

Navigating the Future to Ensure Long-Term Success

GUEST POST from Teresa Spangler

“Trends are only useful when we look at them through multiple lenses as we gaze across all six time zones. We must think of trends as signposts that can illuminate the conditions we will likely encounter at some point in the future, even if that future is a century away.” — Amy Webb

No one will argue the need today to focus on back-to basics! Challenging economies dictate this type of focus. In my years of experience, those companies that cut to deeply in futures planning struggle more trying to rebound when economies improve. So why is it so important to be a futurist in today’s economy? It’s a formidable way to help you and your organization navigate the world of extreme consequences with optimism. But let’s face it, maintaining good organizational morale and motivation can be challenging as worldly events may create fear and anxiety. That’s why I want to talk to you about an effective method called “signal crafting.”

So, what is signal crafting? This healthy exercise provides insights beyond your day-to-day and even your year-to-year planning. It involves diving deeply into futuristic scenarios by crafting the best-case and worst-case outcomes. Signal crafting exercises help you anticipate future scenarios of global events, giving life and a 360-degree view of circumstances. In turn, by building out these signaling exercises, you are equipping your organization to plan better and, in many cases, alleviate and turn that fear into fuel.

But what are the benefits of signaling in planning for the future? Let me tell you:

  • Signal crafting is an exercise that helps businesses prepare for the future by creating scenarios based on different factors that affect their industry.
  • Companies must focus on attuning to signals of change in the world, including industry trends and emerging technologies, changing consumer behavior, social and cultural shifts, political and regulatory changes, and economic conditions.
  • By combining different factors that affect a business’s future, it can envision various potential outcomes and make strategic decisions based on the most likely scenarios.
  • The exercise helps businesses identify risks and opportunities and develop strategic plans considering possible outcomes.
  • The exercise fosters cross-departmental collaboration and gains multiple perspectives.
  • The exercise can be repeated periodically, allowing companies to adapt to new signals of change and remain future-ready planners and strategists.

So, how do you start the signal crafting exercise? Here are some steps you can take:

Focus teams on attuning to signals of change in the world, including industry trends and emerging technologies, changing consumer behavior, social and cultural shifts, political and regulatory changes, and economic conditions. Here are a few team exercises you could use to gain future insights:

  • Choose a signal of interest: Each team member chooses one signal.
  • Go as deep as you can to envision how the world is affected by this signal of change.
  • Envision the signal, including the details above; in the scenario, it’s ten years from today. What’s happening?
  • Write a futuristic story about that signal. Write about two different outcomes ten years from now.
  • Construct a positive outcome.
  • Construct a worst-case outcome.
  • Share your stories, both optimistic and worst-case scenarios. Talk about these and how each signal may impact your business, people, individuals, environments, governments, etc.

Company teams can create scenarios based on the categories they choose. The teams can then present their scenarios to other groups, fostering cross-departmental collaboration and gaining multiple perspectives. The exercise can be repeated periodically, allowing companies to adapt to new signals of change and remain future-ready planners and strategists.

By creating a range of scenarios that identify potential risks and opportunities, businesses can develop strategic plans that consider different possible outcomes. These actions enable the company to be better prepared for the future and proactively prepare for different outcomes instead of reacting to events as they unfold. The approach will ensure you maintain a competitive advantage, but moreover, you may experience a calming of fear and anxiety in the organization. So many benefits come from this one exercise, but overall it is a future-planning exercise to help the organization achieve long-term success.

These steps are helpful to you as you navigate the tough times ahead. As Amy Webb said, “Trends are only useful when we look at them through multiple lenses as we gaze across all six time zones. We must think of trends as signposts that can illuminate the conditions we will likely encounter at some point in the future, even if that future is a century away.”

Below is a more comprehensive checklist to Future-Visioning:

  1. Focus on signals of change. Pay attention to industry trends, emerging technologies, changing consumer behavior, social and cultural shifts, political and regulatory changes, and economic conditions.
  2.  Identify potential risks and opportunities. Develop strategic plans that consider different possible outcomes. Remain, future-ready planners and strategists.
  3. Choose a signal of interest. Each team member chooses one signal of focus.
  4. Encourage team members to become experts in their chosen signal. Gain a deeper understanding of a specific trend or factor affecting the business.
  5.  Envision future scenarios: Imagine the future based on different possible outcomes. Dive deep into how the world is affected by each signal of change.
  6. Build a 360-degree view of potential scenarios. Anticipate future events and prepare for them proactively. Alleviate fear and turn it into fuel for the organization.
  7. Write a futuristic story. Write a futuristic story about what could happen ten years from now. Construct a positive and worst-case outcome based on the chosen signal.
  8. Envision a range of potential outcomes. Identify potential risks and opportunities. Encourage cross-departmental collaboration and gain multiple perspectives.
  9. Share stories and outcomes
  10. .Discuss the stories and outcomes with other groups. Discuss how each signal may impact the business, individuals, environments, governments, etc.
  11. Foster collaboration and communication within the organization. Gain a better understanding of different perspectives. Develop strategic plans based on a range of possible outcomes.
  12. Repeat periodically. Conduct the exercise periodically to adapt to new signals of change and remain future-ready planners and strategists.

Develop a long-term strategic vision for the organization. Stay up-to-date on industry trends and emerging technologies. Remain adaptable and flexible to changing conditions by evolving these strategies on a periodic basis. Be ready when markets rebound!

Image credit: Unsplash

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Signal Crafting

Providing Foresight to Turn Fear into Fuel for Future-Proofing Your Business

Signal Crafting

GUEST POST from Teresa Spangler

As a business leader, it’s crucial to have a futurist vision and navigate the world of extreme consequences with optimism.  Maintaining good morale and motivation within the organization can be challenging as worldly events may create fear and anxiety. These issues can compound when navigating through company or organizational traumas.

“Trends are only useful when we look at them through multiple lenses as we gaze across all six time zones. We must think of trends as signposts that can illuminate the conditions we will likely encounter at some point in the future, even if that future is a century away. Or, as we’re about to see, as close as 1.3 light seconds.”

― Amy Webb, The Signals Are Talking: Why Today’s Fringe Is Tomorrow’s Mainstream

What strategies could be used to turn fear into fuel and lead through these tough times?

One effective method is through what I call “signal crafting.”  Signal crafting involves diving deeply into futuristic scenarios. Crafting both the best-case and the worst-case outcomes is a healthy exercise that provides insights beyond your day-to-day and even your year-to-year planning.  Signal crafting exercises help you anticipate future scenarios of global events, giving life, and a 360-degree view of circumstances.  In turn, by building out these signaling exercises you are equipping your organization to better plan.  Diving even deeper, combining different factors that affect not just your business’s future but humanity’s future, can help leaders envision various potential outcomes and make strategic decisions based on the most likely scenarios.  Signal exercises provide a foresight into the future in many cases alleviating fear and turning that fear into fuel.

What are the benefits of signaling in planning for the future?

  • Signal crafting is an exercise that helps businesses prepare for the future by creating scenarios based on different factors that affect their industry.
  • Companies must focus on attuning to signals of change in the world, including industry trends and emerging technologies, changing consumer behavior, social and cultural shifts, political and regulatory changes, and economic conditions.
  • By combining different factors that affect a business’s future, it can envision various potential outcomes and make strategic decisions based on the most likely scenarios.
  • The exercise helps businesses identify potential risks and opportunities and develop strategic plans considering different possible outcomes.
  • The exercise fosters cross-departmental collaboration and gains multiple perspectives.
  • The exercise can be repeated periodically, allowing companies to adapt to new signals of change and remain future-ready planners and strategists.

Signal Crafting Exercise

To reinvent the future, leaders should be attuned to the signals of change in the world. These signals may come from internal and external factors, such as:

  • Industry trends and emerging technologies: Businesses should keep a close eye on industry trends and emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and automation, that may potentially transform the industry.
  • Changing consumer behavior: Businesses should stay abreast of evolving consumer preferences, such as a growing focus on sustainability and ethical practices.
  • Social and cultural shifts: Businesses should keep up with social and cultural shifts, such as changes in attitudes towards diversity and inclusion.
  • Political and regulatory changes: Businesses should be aware of political and regulatory changes, such as new regulations around carbon emissions and sustainable practices.
  • Economic conditions: Businesses should monitor economic conditions and prepare for potential changes in the market, such as recessions or fluctuations in currency.

Here are twenty-five (25) possible signals of change that may impact the world in 2035: 

  1. Climate change: The effects of climate change are expected to become more severe, with more frequent extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and widespread impacts on ecosystems and human societies.
  2. Artificial Intelligence: The development of advanced artificial intelligence systems will have a transformative impact on many industries, including healthcare, transportation, and manufacturing.
  3. Automation: The increasing use of automation in manufacturing, agriculture, and other industries is expected to displace many workers, creating significant social and economic challenges.
  4. Internet of Things: The widespread adoption of connected devices and sensors, known as the Internet of Things, will enable more efficient and data-driven management of everything from supply chains to energy systems.
  5. Energy transition: The world is moving towards a more sustainable energy mix, with renewable energy sources such as wind and solar becoming increasingly essential and fossil fuels declining.
  6. Space exploration: Human exploration of space is set to accelerate, with more missions to the moon, Mars, and beyond, as well as the development of commercial space travel.
  7. 5G and beyond: The rollout of 5G and other advanced communication technologies will enable faster and more reliable connections, leading to new applications in areas such as autonomous vehicles and virtual and augmented reality.
  8. Quantum computing: The development of quantum computing could enable breakthroughs in cryptography, drug discovery, and climate modeling.
  9. Synthetic biology: Advances in synthetic biology are expected to lead to new forms of agriculture, medicine, and materials science, as well as ethical and regulatory challenges.
  10. Nanotechnology: The ability to manipulate materials at the nanoscale could lead to breakthroughs in areas such as energy storage, medicine, and electronics.
  11. Gene editing: The ability to edit genes could lead to new treatments for genetic diseases and improvements in agriculture, but it also raises ethical and regulatory concerns.
  12. Virtual and augmented reality: These technologies are expected to transform industries such as gaming, entertainment, education, and healthcare.
  13. Autonomous vehicles: The development of autonomous vehicles could lead to significant changes in transportation and urban planning, as well as in industries such as logistics and shipping.
  14. Cybersecurity: As more critical systems connect to the internet, the threat of cyber attacks will become increasingly significant.
  15. Blockchain: The development of blockchain technology could lead to more secure and efficient financial transactions and new applications in areas such as supply chain management and voting.
  16. Wearable technology: The widespread adoption of wearable technology, such as smartwatches and fitness trackers, is expected to enable more personalized and data-driven healthcare.
  17. Bioprinting: The ability to 3D print living tissues and organs could revolutionize medicine and lead to new forms of regenerative therapies.
  18. Vertical farming: Developing vertical farming techniques could enable more sustainable and efficient food production in urban areas.
  19. Smart cities: Using sensors and data analytics in urban planning and management is expected to lead to more efficient and livable cities.
  20. Universal basic income: The idea of providing a guaranteed income to all citizens, regardless of their employment status, is gaining traction as a potential response to the challenges of automation and job displacement.
  21. Circular economy: The concept of a circular economy, where waste is minimized, and resources are reused and recycled, is gaining momentum as a more sustainable alternative to the traditional linear economy.
  22. Mental health: The growing awareness of the importance of mental health is expected to lead to new treatments and interventions and changes in social attitudes and policies.
  23. Aging population: The increasing proportion of older adults in many societies is expected to create new challenges and opportunities in healthcare, housing, and social services.
  24. Social media: The impact of social media on society is expected to continue to evolve, with potential changes in areas such as politics, privacy, and mental health.
  25. Biometric authentication: The use of biometric data, such as facial recognition and fingerprint scanning, is expected to become more widespread as a means of authentication in areas such as finance, travel, and security, raising concerns about privacy and security.
  26. Geoengineering: As the impacts of climate change become more severe, the concept of geoengineering, such as solar radiation management and carbon capture and storage, is gaining attention as a potential solution to mitigate the effects of climate change, but it also raises ethical and environmental concerns.

Start the exercise:

  • Focus teams on attuning to signals of change in the world, including industry trends and emerging technologies, changing consumer behavior, social and cultural shifts, political and regulatory changes, and economic conditions.
  • Choose a signal of interest: Each team member choose 1 signal ea member
  • Details are important:
    • Who is affected?
    • What are the effects of this change/trend?
    • What does it feel like to people?
    • How are people interacting?
    • How will this impact businesses?
    • How will this impact the political environment?
    • Go as deep as you can to envision how the world is affected by this signal of change.
    • What will you be doing? How will this signal affect your world/life/family?
    • Keep going as deep as you can.
    • Include how will it impact your company.
  • Envision the signal including the details above in the scenario…it’s 10 years from today what happening?
    • Write a futuristic story about that signal. Write about two different outcomes 10 years from now.
      • Construct a positive outcome.
      • Construct worst-case outcome.
    • Finally, share your stories both positive and worst-case scenarios. Talk about these and the impacts that each signal may have on your business, on your people, on individuals, environments, governments …etc.

Company teams can create scenarios based on the categories they choose to work with. The teams can then present their scenarios to other groups, fostering cross-departmental collaboration and gaining multiple perspectives. The exercise can be repeated periodically, allowing companies to adapt to new signals of change and remain future-ready planners and strategists.

By creating a range of scenarios that identify potential risks and opportunities, businesses can develop strategic plans that consider different possible outcomes. This enables the company to be better prepared for the future and proactively prepare for different outcomes instead of reacting to events as they unfold. The approach will ensure you maintain a competitive advantage but moreover, you may experience a calming of fear and anxiety in the organization.  So many benefits come from this one exercise but overall is a future-planning exercise to help the organization achieve long-term success.

Image credit: Unsplash

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A Guide to Harnessing the Power of Foresight

Unlock Your Company’s Full Potential

A Guide to Harnessing the Power of Foresight

GUEST POST from Teresa Spangler

Foresight is the superpower of the 21st century business world, allowing companies to see beyond the horizon and seize opportunities before they become trends.

Innovation has always been the driving force behind progress and growth in the business world. However, in today’s rapidly changing landscape, it has become even more essential to stay ahead of the curve and uncover major shifts and hidden opportunities to remain competitive. Companies that can harness the power of foresight and innovate in response to changing market conditions will be well-positioned to succeed in the years ahead.

So, what exactly is foresight, and how can it be leveraged to drive innovation? Simply put, foresight is the ability to anticipate and prepare for future trends and developments. It involves a deep understanding of the current landscape and an awareness of emerging technologies, consumer preferences, and macroeconomic forces. By staying attuned to these trends and developments, companies can stay ahead of the curve and take advantage of new opportunities.

Company leaders can take several key actions to tap into the power of foresight and drive innovation in their organizations. Here are a few steps to get started:

1. Develop a culture of innovation: To truly drive innovation, creating a culture that encourages and supports creative thinking and risk-taking is essential. This can be accomplished through a variety of means, including:

  • Encouraging open and transparent communication among employees
  • Providing opportunities for employees to share their ideas and collaborate with others
  • Offering training and development programs that help employees develop new skills and knowledge
  • Encouraging a “fail fast, learn fast” mentality

2. Invest in research and development: To stay ahead of the curve and uncover new opportunities, companies must be willing to invest in research and development. This could involve dedicating resources to exploring new technologies, conducting market research, or experimenting with new business models.

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3. Foster partnerships and collaborations: Collaboration is key to unlocking the full potential of innovation. By working with other companies, universities, and organizations, companies can access new ideas, technologies, and expertise that would be difficult to acquire on their own.

  • Your best customers want to be your most collaborative partners. How are you engaging them in foresight and planning for the future?
  • Stay connected to customers: Understanding customer needs and preferences is critical to driving innovation. Companies should regularly engage with customers and solicit feedback to stay attuned to their changing needs.

4. Embrace new technologies: Technology is driving many of the significant shifts and hidden opportunities in the business world. Companies that are able to embrace new technologies and leverage them to improve their products and services will be well-positioned to succeed. Seems so simple these days, but there are so many new technologies.

  • Bring in experts to keep you abreast of new ways technologies are integrating
  • Explore a new technology in with a different set of filters – break it down and break down how you might use it to innovation.

5. Be open to change: Finally, companies must be willing to embrace change and be flexible in their approach. The world is constantly evolving, and companies that are able to adapt and evolve in response to new trends and developments will be better positioned to succeed. Are you tired of hearing BE OPEN TO CHANGE? I imagine so, it’s fatiguing all the change we’ve been through the last 4 years however, change in the world is accelerating, keeping pace can be daunting.

  • Ensure you have people with eyes on the future
  • Create foresight team and create scenarios of your future
  • Imagine the best possible change but also imagine the downside “what ifs”

The business world is changing rapidly, and companies that can stay ahead of the curve and innovate in response to shifting market conditions will be well-positioned to succeed. By tapping into the power of foresight and taking the necessary steps to drive innovation, company leaders can unlock new opportunities and stay ahead of the competition. So why wait? Start taking action today and seize the opportunities that lie ahead.

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Image credit: Pixabay

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Is Futurology a Pseudoscience?

Is Futurology a Pseudoscience?

GUEST POST from Art Inteligencia

Futurology (aka Future Studies or Futures Research) is a subject of study that attempts to make predictions and forecasts about the future. It is an interdisciplinary field that draws from a variety of sources, including science, economics, philosophy, and technology. In recent years, futurology has become a popular topic of debate, with some arguing that it is a pseudoscience and others defending its validity as a legitimate field of study.

One of the main criticisms of futurology is that it relies on speculation and extrapolation of existing trends, rather than on scientific evidence or principles. Critics argue that this makes futurists’ predictions unreliable and that futurology is more of a speculative activity than a rigorous scientific discipline. They also point out that predictions about the future are often wrong, and that the field has had a reputation for making exaggerated claims that have not been borne out by the facts.

“Futurology always ends up telling you more about you own time than about the future.” Matt Ridley

On the other hand, proponents of futurology argue that the field has a legitimate place in the scientific community. They point to the fact that many futurists are well-educated, highly trained professionals who use rigorous methods and data analysis to make accurate predictions. These futurists also often draw on a wide range of sources, such as history, economics, and psychology, to make their forecasts.

Ultimately, the debate over whether or not futurology (aka future studies or futures research) is a pseudoscience is likely to continue. Some may see it as a legitimate field of study, while others may view it as little more than guesswork. What is certain, however, is that the field is still evolving and that the ability of futurists to accurately predict the future will be an important factor in determining its ultimate validity.

Do you think futurology is a pseudoscience?
(sound off in the comments)

And to the futurists and futurology professionals out there, what say you?
(add a comment)

Bottom line: Futurology and prescience are not fortune telling. Skilled futurologists and futurists use a scientific approach to create their deliverables, but a methodology and tools like those in FutureHacking™ can empower anyone to engage in futurology themselves.

Image credit: Pixabay

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Cultivating Prescience to Increase Innovation

Cultivating Prescience to Increase Innovation

GUEST POST from Art Inteligencia

Prescience is the ability to foresee or predict the future with accuracy. Although it may be perceived as a supernatural power, prescience is actually a skill that can be cultivated through practice and dedication. Here are some tips for developing prescience and leveraging these skills in your innovation efforts:

1. Learn About the Past

The past is a great teacher, and it can provide valuable insight into the future. By studying history, you can get an understanding of how certain events have played out in the past, and you can use that information to make predictions about the future.

2. Develop Your Intuition

Intuition is a powerful tool that can help you make decisions and anticipate upcoming events. Spend some time each day focusing on your intuition and trying to hone in on your instincts.

3. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and paying attention to your thoughts and feelings. This can help you become more aware of your surroundings and the potential future outcomes of any given situation.

4. Take Risks

Taking risks can be a great way to develop prescience. By pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, you can learn to anticipate potential outcomes and see things from different perspectives.

5. Study Patterns

Pay attention to patterns in your life and the world around you. This can help you identify potential trends and make predictions about the future.

By developing these skills, you can begin to cultivate your own prescience and become better prepared for whatever the future may bring. With practice and dedication, you can become a master of predicting the future and leverage this to increase your innovation capabilities and capacity.

Bottom line: Futurology and prescience are not fortune telling. Futurists use a scientific approach to create their deliverables, but a methodology and tools like those in FutureHacking™ can empower anyone to engage in futurology themselves.

Image credit: Pixabay

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