Unlocking Innovation Through Prototyping

GUEST POST from Mike Shipulski

A prototype moves us from “That’s not possible.” to “Hey, watch this!”

A prototype moves us from “We don’t do it that way.” to “Well, we do now.”

A prototype moves us from “That’s impossible.” to “As it turns out, it was only almost impossible.”

A prototype turns naysayers into enemies and profits.

A prototype moves us from an argument to a new product development project.

A prototype turns analysis-paralysis into progress.

A prototype turns a skeptical VP into a vicious advocate.

A prototype turns a pet project into top-line growth.

A prototype turns disbelievers into originators of the idea.

A prototype can turn a Digital Strategy into customer value.

A prototype can turn an uncomfortable Board of Directors meeting into a pizza party.

A prototype can save a CEO’s ass.

A prototype can be too early, but mostly they’re too late.

If the wheels fall off your first prototype, you’re doing it right.

If your prototype doesn’t dismantle the Status-Quo, you built the wrong prototype.

A good prototype violates your business model.

A prototype doesn’t care if you see it for what it is because it knows everyone else will.

A prototype turns “I don’t believe you.” into “You don’t have to.”

When you’re told “Don’t make that prototype.” you’re onto something.

A prototype eats not-invented-here for breakfast.

A prototype can overpower the staunchest critic, even the VP flavor.

A prototype moves us from “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” to “Oh, yes I do.”

If the wheels fall off your second prototype, keep going.

A prototype is objective evidence you’re trying to make a difference.

You can argue with a prototype, but you’ll lose.

If there’s a mismatch between the theory and the prototype, believe the prototype.

A prototype doesn’t have to do everything, but it must do one important thing for the first time.

A prototype must be real, but it doesn’t have to be really real.

If your prototype obsoletes your best product, congratulations.

A prototype turns political posturing into reluctant compliance and profits.

A prototype turns “What the hell are you talking about?” into “This.”

A good prototype bestows privilege on the prototype creator.

A prototype can beat a CEO in an arm-wrestling match.

A prototype doesn’t care if you like it. It only cares about creating customer value.

If there’s an argument between a well-stated theory and a well-functioning prototype, it’s pretty clear which camp will refine their theory to line up with what they just saw with their own eyes.

A prototype knows it has every right to tell the critics to “Kiss my ass.” but it knows it doesn’t have to.

You can argue with a prototype, but shouldn’t.

A prototype changes thinking without asking for consent.

Image credit: misterinnovation.com

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Harnessing the Secrets of Successful Customer Engagement

Harnessing the Secrets of Successful Customer Engagement

GUEST POST from Shep Hyken

What is customer engagement? A Google search will provide plenty of definitions to consider. Here are a few to give you a clear understanding:

  • Qualtrics defines it as “the emotional connection between a customer and a brand.”
  • A recent Forbes article defines it as “building relationships with customers at every touch point.”
  • Wikipedia offers numerous definitions from multiple sources, including this one from Forrester from 2008: “creating deep connections with customers that drive purchase decisions, interaction, and participation over time.”

All of these (and more) are correct. They work. As a modern marketer, the new question is about how to deliver on the foundational definition of customer engagement using current tools and technology.

I had a chance to do an Amazing Business Radio interview with Spencer Burke, SVP of Growth at Braze, a customer engagement platform that offers messaging solutions to multiple communication channels. We discussed the innovative ways marketers and customer experience (CX) leaders are taking customer engagement to new levels.

Burke simplified the marketing and customer engagement definition to four words: connecting brands to consumers. That’s really the job of a marketer. The result is that customers want to buy, come back and buy more.

It may sound simple, but there are obstacles to the optimal customer engagement experience. According to Burke, “Marketers have a lot on their plate. It’s not easy to be creative when there’s an emphasis on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and time-draining routine tasks.”

To support this statement, Burke shared findings from the 2024 Global Customer Engagement Review, in which Braze interviewed 1,900 marketing decision makers to learn about challenges and opportunities in the marketing and CX industries.

Marketing used to be about finding creative ways to engage with customers, but today’s marketers are burdened in four areas:

    1. Too much emphasis on KPIs: Forty-two percent of marketers surveyed felt KPIs inhibit a focus on creativity. Numbers/KPIs are important. After all, you can’t manage what you don’t or can’t measure (Peter Drucker). But if they get in the way of creativity, then consider pushing the numbers aside for a moment—or maybe just focus on one or two KPIs.
    2. Too many routine tasks: Forty-two percent feel too much time is spent on “business as usual execution and tasks,” leaving less time for creative work. If there’s something that can be automated, then automate it. Don’t waste any employee’s time—especially when they are trying to be creative—with tasks and processes that drain energy and take up too much time.
    3. Lack of technology: Forty-one percent feel that a lack of technology hinders the execution of creative ideas. This is where Artificial Intelligence (AI) can support the process. How can AI make a creative marketer’s life easier? There are many, many ways!
    4. Return on Investment (ROI) is hard to track: Forty percent said it’s hard to demonstrate the ROI impact of creativity. Leadership wants ROI. Often, they demand to know the ROI before a project starts. You can’t fight this. Start with the end in mind. Understanding the benefits of the work that is to be performed is important to getting leadership to buy in and support the marketing and customer engagement efforts.

AI should be used as a tool to free up time and let creatives be creative, according to Burke. For example, he says, “When you know what you want to say but haven’t been able to articulate it just right, it’s a huge confidence booster to know you can drop the message into an AI interface to get feedback and suggestions for improvement.” The time savings are substantial, but more importantly, the marketer’s focus gets to be on creating, not finishing.

Burke also mentioned how important personalization is in today’s customer engagement strategy. There’s a tremendous amount of data on customers, and brands must be thoughtful in how they manage that data. AI can help interpret the data and deliver insights about customers that can be useful. For instance, Netflix learns its customers’ viewing habits and suggests TV shows and movies. Amazon remembers what its customers have bought in the past and can accurately predict when the customer should order more. The best brands use the data AI provides to create a better experience. But, it’s a balancing act. Too much personalization creates “the creepiness factor,” where being too detailed or specific has the opposite effect of what marketers want to achieve.

Astha Malik, Chief Business Officer of Braze, says, “Today’s marketers face growing expectations from increasingly connected consumers, who want value in exchange for their attention. In response, we see a growing number of marketers tapping into first-party data and utilizing AI to ignite creativity and craft personalized experiences that both resonate with consumers and foster brand loyalty.”

In addition, brands need to be consistent with their personalization. You can’t recognize a customer one time and not know them the next time. That defeats the entire personalization campaign.

All of this takes us back to Burke’s original definition of customer engagement, which is connecting brands to consumers. That connection must be consistent and accurate. There are more and better tools than ever to help create an optimal customer engagement experience, one interaction at a time. The closer you can get to meeting customers where they are, when they need you and provide value in those interactions, the more likely they will see you as a trusted brand and say, “I’ll be back!”

Image Credits: Pexels, Shep Hyken

This article originally appeared on Forbes.com

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Organizational Debt Syndrome Poses a Threat

Organizational Debt Syndrome Poses a Threat

GUEST POST from Stefan Lindegaard

Organizations face numerous challenges as they grow and evolve. One of the most significant challenges is the Organizational Debt Syndrome, a phenomenon that results from accumulated compromises and shortcuts taken in people, culture, and leadership practices over time.

Just as financial – and technical – debt accumulates and becomes a burden, organizational debt accumulates and creates difficulties for the organization, such as reduced agility, slower delivery, decreased competitiveness, decreased employee morale, and increased resistance to change.

Organizational Debt Syndrome is a particular concern for scale-up companies, given the rapid pace of growth they experience and the changes they face both internally and externally. This syndrome can become a vicious cycle, as the organization’s inability to address the debt leads to further compromise and a worsening of the situation. However, even large, more established organizations and their teams need to address this issue to stay, or become, more agile.

The ability to adapt to change, manage transformation, and drive innovation is essential for organizations to thrive and succeed in today’s fast-paced business environment. If left unaddressed, the Organizational Debt Syndrome can limit an organization’s ability to adapt to changing market conditions, make it less competitive, and ultimately lead to its downfall.

Signs of Organizational Debt Syndrome

Organizational debt can be identified by several signs that indicate the organization is struggling to be agile, efficient, and competitive.

Some of the signs of organizational debt include:

  1. Decreased agility: When a company is struggling with organizational debt, it can become less agile and less able to respond quickly to changes in the market or new opportunities. This can result in missed opportunities for growth and increased competition.
  2. Slowed delivery: Projects that once took only a few weeks to complete can start taking several months or even years. This can lead to a backlog of work that is never completed, which can further reduce efficiency and competitiveness.
  3. Reduced competitiveness: Companies that are suffering from organizational debt often fall behind their competitors in terms of innovation, product development, and market share. This can be due to a lack of investment in research and development, a lack of focus on innovation, or a lack of support for new ideas.
  4. Decreased employee morale: When a company is struggling with organizational debt, it can also lead to decreased employee morale. This can result in disengaged employees who are unenthusiastic about their work and may be more likely to leave the company.
  5. Increased resistance to change: The culture of a company suffering from organizational debt can become resistant to new ideas and changes, making it difficult for the company to adapt to new market conditions. This can result in missed opportunities for growth and increased competition.

Leaders can spot these issues by regularly monitoring the company’s performance, gathering feedback from employees, and conducting regular audits of processes and systems.

Applying Metrics and KPI’s for Organizational Debt Syndrome

Here are some of the metrics that leaders can use to track the health of their organization and identify signs of organizational debt syndrome. These metrics provide insight into key areas such as delivery times, market share, sales and revenue, employee morale, company culture, competitiveness, and adaptability based on three categories of performance, behavioral and innovation metrics:

Performance metrics:

  • Delivery times: Leaders should track how long it takes for projects to be completed, as this can indicate a decrease in efficiency.
  • Market share: By monitoring their company’s market share, leaders can see if their organization is falling behind competitors.
  • Sales and revenue: Regularly monitoring sales and revenue can help leaders see if the organization is losing ground in the market.
  • Employee turnover: High rates of employee turnover can indicate low morale and engagement among employees.
  • Profit margins: Tracking the organization’s profit margins can give leaders insight into its financial health.
  • Productivity: Monitoring employee productivity can give leaders an understanding of how effectively the organization is utilizing its resources.
  • Operational costs: Keeping an eye on operational costs, including overhead expenses and supply chain expenses, can help leaders identify areas where the organization may be overspending.

Behavioral metrics:

  • Employee feedback: Leaders should gather feedback from employees on a regular basis. This can help them understand how engaged employees are with their work and the company culture.
  • Meeting dynamics: Observing the dynamics of meetings and interactions between employees can give leaders a sense of the company culture and whether it is resistant to change.
  • Employee satisfaction: Measuring employee satisfaction through regular surveys can help leaders understand the level of morale and engagement among employees.
  • Communication patterns: Tracking the frequency and effectiveness of communication within the organization can give leaders an understanding of the organization’s culture and dynamics.
  • Collaboration: Measuring the level of collaboration between departments and teams can give leaders insight into the organization’s ability to work together effectively.

Innovation metrics:

  • Customer satisfaction with new products: Feedback from customers on their satisfaction with new products and services
  • Employee engagement in innovation: Measure of employee engagement and involvement in the innovation process
  • Adoption of new technologies: Monitoring the organization’s adoption of new technologies can give leaders an understanding of its ability to adapt to new trends and advancements in its industry.
  • Number of new ideas generated: Tracking the number of new ideas generated by employees can give leaders insight into the organization’s ability to innovate.

If leadership teams regularly monitor the various metrics, they achieve valuable insights into the state of their organization and this helps them identify signs of organizational debt syndrome.

It is important to note that metrics should be used as a tool, not as the sole indicator of success or failure, as it’s important to consider the context and complexity of organizational dynamics. By taking an holistic approach like this, leaders can work to prevent and mitigate the negative impact of organizational debt syndrome.

Addressing Organizational Debt Syndrome

To prevent and address the Organizational Debt Syndrome, leaders and their teams must take a proactive approach, which includes steps such as:

  1. Awareness: Leaders must first be aware of the concept of Organizational Debt Syndrome and its potential impact on the organization.
  2. Assessment: Leaders must regularly assess the organization’s performance and gather feedback from employees and stakeholders to identify any signs of organizational debt.
  3. Root cause analysis: Once the issues have been identified, leaders must conduct a root cause analysis to understand the underlying causes and drivers of organizational debt.
  4. Prioritization: Leaders must prioritize the most pressing issues and determine which ones to address first based on their impact on the organization.
  5. Action plan: Leaders must develop a comprehensive action plan to address the root causes of organizational debt, which may include revising processes, restructuring teams, and implementing new systems and technologies.
  6. Implementation: The action plan must be implemented effectively, with clear goals, timelines, and metrics for measuring progress.
  7. Continuous improvement: Leaders must continuously monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the action plan and make adjustments as needed to ensure the organization remains agile and competitive.

At the early stages of addressing the Organizational Debt Syndrome, reflection is key for the leadership team. Everyone is super busy these days and there is a tendency to focus on short term issues related to growth and “just” managing the day-to-day business rather than shaping the future and taking steps to do the right things for the long run.

So, it’s understandable that leaders will not dive into action immediately but they must start to reflect on this and develop a plan for addressing this.

Organizational Debt Syndrome is a real challenge for organizations as they grow, evolve and transform. By recognizing the signs of this syndrome and taking a proactive approach to addressing its root causes, leaders can help their organizations overcome the negative impacts of organizational debt and become more stable, sustainable, and successful.

It’s definitely not easy but it is doable and it starts with reflection and acknowledgement of the issues at hand.

Image Credit: Pixabay, Stefan Lindegaard

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Creating Value from Nothing

Creating Value from Nothing

GUEST POST from Robyn Bolton

Doing nothing fuels creativity and innovation, but that fuel is wasted if you don’t put it to use. Idleness clears the mind, allowing fresh ideas to emerge, but those ideas must be acted upon to create value.

Why is doing something with that fuel so difficult?

Don’t blame the status quo.

The moment we get thrown back into the topsy-turvy, deadline-driven, politics-navigating, schedule-juggling humdrum of everyday life, we slide back into old habits and routines.  The status quo is a well-known foe, so it’s tempting to blame it for our lack of action. 

But it’s not stopping us from taking the first step.

We’re stopping ourselves.

Blame one (or more) of these.

Last week, I stumbled upon this image from the Near Future Laboratory, based on a theory from psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s book Flow:

There’s a lot going on here, but four things jumped out at me:

  • When we don’t have the skills needed to do something challenging, we feel anxiety
  • When we don’t feel challenged because our skills exceed the task, we feel boredom
  • When we don’t feel challenged and we don’t have the skills, we feel apathy
  • When we have the skills and feel challenged, we are in flow

Four different states.  Only one of them is positive.

I don’t love those odds.

Yet we live them every day.

Every day, in every activity and interaction, we dance in and through these stages.  Anxiety when given a new project and doubt that we have what it takes. Boredom when asked to explain something for the 82nd time to a new colleague and nostalgia for when people stayed in jobs longer or spent time figuring things out for themselves.  Sometimes, we get lucky and find ourselves in a Flow State, where our skills perfectly match the challenge, and we lose track of space and time as we explore and create. Sometimes, we are mired in apathy.

Round and round we go. 

The same is true when we have a creative or innovative idea. We have creative thoughts, but the challenge seems too great, so we get nervous, doubt our abilities, and never speak up. We have an innovative idea, but we don’t think management will understand, let alone approve it, so we keep it to ourselves.

Anxiety.  Boredom.  Apathy.

One (or more) of these tells you that your creative thoughts are crazy and your innovative ideas are wild.  They tell you that none of them are ready to be presented to your boss with a multi-million-dollar funding request.  In fact, none of them should be shared with anyone, lest they think you, not your idea, is crazy.

Then overcome them

I’m not going to tell you not to feel anxiety, boredom, or apathy. I feel all three of those every day.

I am telling you not to get stuck there.

Yes, all the things anxiety, boredom, and apathy tell you about your crazy thoughts and innovative ideas may be true. AND it may also be true that there’s a spark of genius in your crazy thoughts and truly disruptive thinking in your innovative ideas. But you won’t know if you don’t act:

  • When you feel anxious, ask a friend, mentor, or trusted colleague if the challenge is as big as it seems or if you have the skills to take it on.
  • When you feel bored, find a new challenge
  • When you feel apathetic, change everything

Your thoughts and ideas are valuable.  Without them, nothing changes, and nothing gets better.

You have the fuel.  Now, need to be brave.

We need you to act.

Image credit: Pexels

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How to Pursue a Grand Innovation Challenge

How to Pursue a Grand Innovation Challenge

GUEST POST from Greg Satell

All too often, innovation is confused with agility. We’re told to “adapt or die” and encouraged to “move fast and break things.” But the most important innovations take time. Einstein spent ten years on special relativity and then another ten on general relativity. To solve tough, fundamental problems, we have to be able to commit for the long haul.

As John F. Kennedy put it in his moonshot speech, “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills.” Every organization should pursue grand challenges for the same reason.

Make no mistake. Innovation needs exploration. If you don’t explore, you won’t discover. If you don’t discover you won’t invent and if you don’t invent you will be disrupted. It’s just a matter of time. Unfortunately, exploration can’t be optimized or iterated. That’s why grand challenges don’t favor the quick and agile, but the patient and the determined.

1. Don’t Bet The Company

Most grand challenges aren’t like the original moonshot, which was, in large part, the result of the space race with the Soviets that began with the Sputnik launch in 1957. That was a no-holds-barred effort that consumed the efforts of the nation, because it was widely seen as a fundamental national security issue that represented a clear and present danger.

For most organizations, those type of “bet-the-company” efforts are to be avoided. You don’t want to bet your company if you can avoid it, for the simple reason that if you lose you are unlikely to survive. Most successful grand challenges don’t involve a material investment. They are designed to be sustainable.

“Grand challenges are not about the amount of money you throw at the problem, Bernard Meyerson, IBM’s Chief Innovation Officer, told me. “To run a successful grand challenge program, failure should not be a material risk to the company, but success will have a monumental impact. That’s what makes grand challenges an asymmetric opportunity.”

Take, for example Google’s X division. While the company doesn’t release its budget, it appeared to cost the company about $3.5 billion in 2018, which is a small fraction of its $23 billion in annual profits at the time. At the same time, just one project, Waymo, may be worth $70 billion (2018). In a similar vein, the $3.8 billion invested in the Human Genome Project generated nearly $800 billion of economic activity as of 2011.

So the first rule of grand challenges is not to bet the company. They are, in fact, what you do to avoid having to bet the company later on.

2. Identify A Fundamental Problem

Every innovation starts out with a specific problem to be solved. The iPod, for example, was Steve Jobs’s way of solving the problem of having “a thousand songs in my pocket.” More generally, technology companies strive to deliver better performance and user experience, drug companies aim to cure disease and retail companies look for better ways to drive transactions. Typically, firms evaluate investment based on metrics rooted in past assumptions

Grand challenges are different because they are focused on solving fundamental problems that will change assumptions about what’s possible. For example, IBM’s Jeopardy Grand Challenge had no clear business application, but transformed artificial intelligence from an obscure field to a major business. Later, Google’s AlphaGo made a similar accomplishment with self-learning. Both have led to business opportunities that were not clear at the time.

Grand challenges are not just for technology companies either. MD Anderson Cancer Center has set up a series of Moonshots, each of which is designed to have far reaching effects. 100Kin10, an education nonprofit, has identified a set of grand challenges it has tasked its network with solving.

Talia Milgrom-Elcott, Executive Director of 100Kin10, told me she uses the 5 Whys as a technique to identify grand challenges. Start with a common problem, keep asking why it keeps occurring and you will eventually get to the root problem. By focusing your efforts on solving that, you can make a fundamental impact of wide-ranging consequence.

3. Commit To A Long Term Effort

Grand challenges aren’t like normal problems. They don’t conform to timelines and can’t effectively be quantified. You can’t justify a grand challenge on the basis of return on investment, because fundamental problems are too pervasive and ingrained to surrender themselves to any conventional form of analysis.

Consider The Cancer Genome Atlas, which eventually sequenced and published over 10,000 tumor genomes When Jean Claude Zenklusen first came up with the idea in 2005, it was highly controversial, because although it wasn’t particularly expensive, it would still take resources away from more conventional research.

Today, however, the project is considered to be a runaway success, which has transformed the field, greatly expanding knowledge and substantially lowering costs to perform genetic research. It has also influenced efforts in other fields, such as the Materials Genome Initiative. None of this would have been possible without commitment to a long-term effort.

And that’s what makes grand challenges so different. They are not business as usual and not immediately relevant to present concerns. They are explorations that expand conventional boundaries, so cannot be understood within them.

An Insurance Policy Against A Future You Can’t Yet See

Typically, we analyze a business by extrapolating current trends and making adjustments for things that we think will be different. So, for example, if we expect the market to pick up, we may invest in more capacity to profit from greater demand. On the other hand, if we expect a softer market, we’d probably start trimming costs to preserve margins.

The problem with this type of analysis is that the future tends to surprise us. Technology changes, customer preferences shift and competitors make unexpected moves. Nobody, no matter how diligent or smart, gets every call right. That’s why every business model fails sooner or later, it’s just a matter of time.

It’s also what makes pursuing grand challenges is so important. They are basically an insurance policy against a future we can’t yet see. By investing sustainably in solving fundamental problems, we can create new businesses to replace the ones that will inevitably falter. Google doesn’t invest in self-driving cars to improve its search business, it invests because it knows that the profits from search won’t last forever.

The problem is that there is a fundamental tradeoff between innovation and optimization, so few organizations have the discipline to invest in exploration today for a uncertain payoff tomorrow. That’s why so few businesses last.

— Article courtesy of the Digital Tonto blog and previously appeared on Inc.com
— Image credits: Unsplash

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Rise of the Atomic Consultant

Or the Making of a Superhero

Rise of the Atomic Consultant

by Braden Kelley

In today’s rapidly evolving world, the consulting landscape is undergoing a profound transformation. I was recently asked a series of questions to capture my thoughts on how the consulting industry and its employees will need to evolve to thrive in the coming years – including my thoughts on the creation of “superhero” consultants. The emergence of the “superhero” consultant is not merely a result of advanced tools and technologies, but rather the cultivation of essential skills and capabilities. As we navigate through this era of unprecedented change, it is imperative for consulting firms to foster a culture of flexibility, growth, and continuous learning. The future of consulting lies in the hands of those who can seamlessly integrate human expertise with artificial intelligence (AI), build meaningful connections in a hybrid work environment, and facilitate diverse perspectives to drive innovation. This article delves into the key attributes that will define the next generation of consultants and explores the obstacles that must be overcome to unlock their full potential.

Here are the questions:

1) What are the tools and technologies that a consultant should use to become a “superhero” consultant? Why are these specific tools/technologies important? How should these tools be used most effectively?

This is the wrong question. It is not tools and technologies that will enable “superhero” consultants, but instead the development of the right skills and capabilities. The future of consulting will require consulting firms to hire and develop employees that are:

  1. Flexible and growth minded – the world is changing at an accelerating rate and consultants more than ever before will need to be lifelong learners, comfortable with knowledge gaps and eager to become an expert in something on behalf of the client with each new project
  2. AI Taskmasters – the future of work is man and machine working together and consultants skilled at breaking down work to the right size (atomizing work) and assigning it to both human and AI workers
  3. Socially Savvy – remote and hybrid work is here to stay and even clients have soured on having consultants travel in every week, so “superhero” consultants must excel at building connections and relationships via internal, external and client social tools to both distribute/execute work and to source new work
  4. Skilled facilitators – as data and AI-generated work products become plentiful, sense-making rises in importance along with a diversity of perspectives – often in workshops facilitated by consultants
  5. Open Sourced – gone are the days of rinse and repeat projects powered by proprietary frameworks and IP, instead “superhero” consultants will excel at identifying the right tools and frameworks to bring to bear – from FutureHacking™ to Design Thinking to the Change Planning Toolkit™

The capabilities of tools and technologies will grow over time and new ones will emerge. The best consultants will constantly be scanning the horizon for new tools, technologies, and capabilities and leverage the above skills and capabilities to unlearn and then re-learn the best ways to create value for their clients.

2) What are the biggest obstacles that prevent consultants from being able to access or learn the steps needed to become a “superhero” consultant? What should be done to remove these obstacles to help make this transformation easier for more consultants?

The biggest obstacles that prevent consultants from becoming “superheroes” are internal – to both the consultants themselves and the firms they work for. Companies will need to examine their own policies, procedures, and training programs to right-size them for this emerging new reality. Firms will need to allow consultants to pick the right frameworks, tools and technologies for addressing client challenges – instead of limiting them to those owned by the firm. Consultants will need to shift their mindset from being experts in a particular tool or technology and towards being masters of the above skills and capabilities and experts in achieving key client outcomes. Firms will need to invest in the training and the technology necessary to provide AI’s built for purpose to accelerate the ability of consultants to more efficiently and effectively solve client challenges. Firms will also need to update their tools and methods for capturing and sharing knowledge to leverage AI capabilities at the same time.

3) What specific areas of consulting (eg. IT, finance, marketing, etc.) have the greatest potential to produce this new brand of “superhero” consultants? Why?

This new brand of “superhero” consultants will excel in a number of different disciplines because they will be able to not only find more efficient and effective ways to execute work traditionally performed by consultants (technology implementations, analytical work, etc.), but as they are helping clients transform the ways they perform different types of work, they will also be able to help clients identify new activities that will be made possible by the transformation and the new technologies and ways of working they bring with it. The reason is their focus on building skills and capabilities into which tools and technologies plug in – somewhat interchangeably.


The journey to becoming a “superhero” consultant is not without its challenges, but the rewards are immense. By embracing a mindset of lifelong learning and adaptability, consultants can harness the power of emerging technologies to deliver unparalleled value to their clients. The future of consulting is not about rigid frameworks or proprietary tools, but about the ability to unlearn and relearn, to innovate and collaborate, and to drive meaningful change. As we look ahead, it is clear that the most successful consultants will be those who can navigate the complexities of a dynamic world with agility and foresight. Let us continue to push the boundaries of what is possible and strive to create a brighter future for the consulting industry. Keep innovating!

p.s. Be sure and follow both my personal account and the Human-Centered Change and Innovation community on LinkedIn.

Image credit: Bing Copilot (Microsoft Designer)

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Your Ability to Innovate Determined By Your Ability to Pause

Your Ability to Innovate Determined By Your Ability to Pause

GUEST POST from Janet Sernack

Many of my coaching clients have recently shared their struggles with feeling tired, emotionally overwhelmed, and cognitively overloaded and are close to burnout.  They attribute these issues to the pervasive and addictive nature of technology, exacerbated by the pandemic and divisive global conflicts, accelerating change and the rise of AI and hybrid work. As a result, many have retreated and frozen into a state of habitual, reactive ‘busyness.’ This affects their overall emotional, physical, and mental health and wellness. It also inhibits their ability to focus, create, invent and innovate and restricts their optimism, hope, and positivity about their future in an unstable and uncertain world.

The Coaching Opportunity

Coaching creates a unique opportunity to partner with people to develop their pause-power to identify the transformative actions to reverse this pervasive phenomenon to flourish in a world of unknowns.

A coaching session usually serves as a first step towards cultivating the pause-power needed to stop, observe, reflect and take valuable time out to rest, replenish, re-energize and reboot. This allows people to courageously notice, attune to, and express their true feelings and thoughts, to disrupt, dispute and deviate them to develop the pause-power required to heal and provide relief, hope and optimism for a better future.

Everyone must cultivate intentional pause-power to empower them to observe and understand their inner and outer worlds. This practice helps them remove distractions, stop multitasking, and break free from the ‘busyness’ that depletes their cognitive, emotional, and visceral resources, putting them in the driver’s seat of their mental and emotional well-being.

Self-reflection and reflective practice become potent tools, enabling people to move away from reactivity and short-term focus and towards taking the transformative actions to adapt, create, invent, and innovate. 

Hitting Your Pause Button

Being adaptive, creative, inventive and innovative involves consciously taking your hands off the controls and encouraging yourself and others to notice and disrupt your habitual and addictive ‘busyness’ (time scarcity + task focus).

This awareness is the first step towards reclaiming your focus and attention so that you can engage with and interpret the modern world rather than try to control it or withdraw from it.

Being willing to take a break and hit the ‘pause button’ stops your continuous cycle of doing. It focuses your attention on breaking limiting beliefs or unresourceful patterns and provides a support structure for applying rigorous perception practices to our daily lives.

Using pause-power to create a place, as recently described by Otto Scharmer from the Presencing Institute:

 “Between action and non-action, there is a place. A portal into the unknown. But what are we each called to contribute to the vision of the emerging future? Perhaps these times are simply doorways into the heart of the storm, a necessary journey through the cycles of time required to create change”.

What Does Pause-Power Involve?

A pause is created when you suspend activity, a time of temporary disengagement when you no longer move towards any goal. It can occur amid almost any activity and can last for an instant by taking a deep breath to get grounded, for minutes to become mindful or to take a rest, for hours to enjoy a well-deserved break, or for years to experience life in a different culture or place.

Intentionally pausing enables you to take time between your range of habitual, largely unconscious reactive responses; it helps our brain’s executive function utilize the valuable ‘empty spaces’ between stimulus and response and between different ideas. It creates a space open to options and choices for being, thinking and acting differently.

Doing this allows you to notice and disrupt unresourceful and habitual auto ‘stimulus-response’ default patterns, which usually occur when things go wrong, you make a mistake and fail, or you dive into blaming, shaming or avoiding others as part of our naturally wired defence mechanisms.

Radical Acceptance

Learning to pause is one of the critical steps in innovation because it helps you initiate a practice of radical acceptance. This requires embracing uncertainty, or ‘what is’ truly happening in the present moment, relationship, or situation, by accepting things just as they are. 

“During the moments of a pause, we become conscious of how the feeling that something is missing or wrong keeps us leaning into the future, on our way somewhere else. This gives us a fundamental choice in how we respond: We can continue our futile attempts at managing our experience or meet our vulnerability with the wisdom of Radical Acceptance”.

By being willing to dive into an ‘empty space’ from an emergent process, you can unleash possibilities, opportunities, options, and choices towards identifying the transformative actions that create your desired future.  

People who can artfully and skillfully facilitate creative conversations that funnel pause power and co-create valuable ‘empty spaces’ to occur can generate our imagination and curiosity to manifest glorious moments of insights required to emerge creative ideas.  

Pausing also enables you to observe, pay attention, notice, and regulate how your overall nervous system impacts and manages your brain’s functions. This is key to being practical, resourceful, healthy, and productive in the face of volatility, complexity, uncertainty, and accelerating change in our hyper-connected world.  

It also needs rest to do this. By applying our pause-power and giving ourselves some rest, we offer our bodies, hearts, and minds a chance to recharge, keep moving, and work towards taking the transformative actions required to build better workplaces and flourishing futures.

A Valuable Toolkit and Habit

This skill is valuable for everyone to reflect upon, cultivate and master. It is initiated by intentionally stopping by hitting an invisible cognitive ‘pause button’ to observe, pay attention, notice your inner experience, and see yourself as the cause of it.

Developing pause power involves six simple vital steps and questions:

1.Retreat from reacting to the situation – by stepping back into the present moment or time to notice, be with, allow, accept (radical acceptance), and acknowledge ‘what is’ going on internally and externally, and be willing to name it with detachment and discernment.

What is going on for me right now – how am I feeling about it?

2. Step up and out to disrupt yourself and create an opening, doorway, threshold, or empty space – to allow something new to emerge.

What can I learn from this situation?

3. Step up and out to disrupt yourself and create an opening, doorway, threshold, or empty space – to allow something new to emerge.

What can I learn from this situation?

4. Be willing to introduce and explore options and choices that allow you to deviate and refocus your attention on what really matters – taking a rest, having a holiday, completing a project, being a better person, getting a new job, or getting a promotion.

What are some of my options for change?

5. Be inquisitive, curious and open to reimagining, reinventing, and pivoting – an intention, mindset, behaviour, task, goal, or business focus to re-plenish, re-energize, re-engage and re-boot to mobilize yourself.   

How might I feel, think or act differently to achieve my outcome?

6. Step out into the system’s edges – by being calm, hopeful and optimistic, to identify the transformative actions required to move towards and exploring new creative, inventive and innovative solutions for providing value in ways people appreciate and cherish.

What will I do next?

Engaging in a Looking Lab

As many of our ImagineNation community members know, I am currently writing a book on ‘Being Innovative.’ There is a whole chapter on developing pause power to help people engage what Christian Madsbjerg calls in his latest book “Look: How to Pay Attention in a Distracted World” (Riverhead Books) – a Looking Lab, to:

“Get away from your screens, turn off your notifications, go out into the wilds of reality, and look around. Let go of all filters—clichés, conventions, colour corrections, whatever they may be. Try to pay attention to the simple act of seeing.”

He reveals that “if we choose to look for them, there are invisible worlds all around us ready to reveal their magic. The seemingly mundane or average can appear extraordinary, but only if we take the time to notice and see it”.

This is a vital part of our remarkable human capacity to transform through the slow, patient act of observing, attending, noticing, replenishing, re-energizing, re-engaging, and re-booting to take the transformative actions that will help you make the world a better place and achieve your 21st-century growth and success differently.

Please find out more about our work at ImagineNation™.

Please find out about our collective learning products and tools, including The Coach for Innovators, Leaders, and Teams Certified Program, presented by Janet Sernack, it is a collaborative, intimate, and profoundly personalised innovation coaching and learning program supported by a global group of peers over 9-weeks, and can be customised as a bespoke corporate learning program.

It is a blended and transformational change and learning program that will give you a deep understanding of the language, principles, and applications of an ecosystem focus, human-centric approach, and emergent structure (Theory U) to innovation, and upskill people and teams and develop their future fitness, within your unique innovation context. Please find out more about our products and tools.

Image Credit: Pixabay

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Overcoming Judgement

Overcoming Judgement

GUEST POST from Mike Shipulski

Judging results when things are different than our expectations.

If you don’t like being judged, stop judging yourself.

No one can judge you without your consent, even you.

If someone judges you, that’s about them.

People’s judgment of you is none of your business.

When you see a friend judging themselves, give them a hug. A virtual one will do.

Judging someone means you want them to be different than they are.

If someone gives you a gift and you don’t accept it, it’s still theirs. Judgment is like that.

If you’re afraid of being judged for trying something new, be afraid, and try it anyway.

Judgment is objective evidence of disapproval if you accept it.

Judging someone won’t change their behavior, other than make them angry.

When you see a friend being judged, give them a hug (in a social distance way.)

When someone judges you, don’t worry. In ten years, no one will remember.

When someone tries to judge you, let them try.

If you do your best, why do you think it’s okay to judge yourself about the outcome?

If you don’t do your best, don’t judge. Ask why.

Judgment can debilitate, but only if you let it.

Image credit: Unsplash

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It’s Easy to Say No to Customers

It's Easy to Say No to Customers

GUEST POST from Shep Hyken

If a customer asks you to do something you haven’t done before, “No” is an easy answer. Why? Because …

“We don’t do that.”

“We’ve never done that.”

“We don’t carry that product.”

“That’s not our policy.”

And more reasons – or excuses – like these.

Recently, I was the keynote speaker at a conference, and the CEO, who spoke just before me, teed up my presentation perfectly when he talked about going the extra mile. His approach to this concept was realistic. He said, “No one will be able to go the extra mile every time.” He emphasized that unless the customer has some kind of emergency, the extra mile is often something small—something we typically don’t do.

Customers can be our best source of innovation and opportunity. If we survey our customers and ask for feedback, we may find ways to improve our products and services. Or sometimes, they will come right out and ask for something out of the ordinary. It’s easy to ignore feedback or say “No, “when someone suggests something we’ve never done before. But what if we looked beyond the words and thought, “What if,” instead of, “That is something we don’t do.”?

Years ago, I wrote an article about the Anti-No Zone. The premise was employees at a restaurant were trained to find ways to say “Yes.” If you want to dig deeper into this idea, check out my article about Cameron Mitchell, a very successful restaurateur who authored a book titled Yes Is the Answer! What’s the Question? And I wrote another article featuring Christine Trippi on How to Say YES – Every Time.

All of these articles are about avoiding the word no. At the same time, it’s unrealistic to say yes to every request; however, maybe we can say “No” without really saying “No.” Instead, you can offer alternative solutions that, while not what the customer is asking for, will still make them happy.

So, going the extra mile is more than a customer service strategy. And it’s more than avoiding the word no. It is a mindset that customers will appreciate. At the same time, it’s recognizing that anything that you might say no to at first is a possibility to innovate and grow.

So, the next time you are about to say “No” to a customer or an employee, catch yourself and before you answer, and think, “If I could say yes, what would that look like?” Practice the mindset of not just going the extra mile but being proactive about finding ways to do so.

Image Credits: Pexels, Shep Hyken

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Artificial Intelligence is a No-Brainer

Why innovation management needs co-intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is a No-Brainer

GUEST POST from John Bessant

Long fuse, big bang. A great descriptor which Andrew Hargadon uses to describe the way some major innovations arrive and have impact. For a long time they exist but we hardly notice them, they are confined to limited application, there are constraints on what the technology can do and so on. But suddenly, almost as if by magic they move center stage and seem to have impact everywhere we look.

Which is pretty much the story we now face with the wonderful world of AI. While there is plenty of debate about labels — artificial intelligence, machine learning, different models and approaches — the result is the same. Everywhere we look there is AI — and it’s already having an impact.

More than that; the pace of innovation within the world of AI is breath-taking, even by today’s rapid product cycle standards. We’ve become used to seeing major shifts in things like mobile phones, change happening on a cycle measured in months. But AI announcements of a breakthrough nature seem to happen with weekly frequency.

That’s also reflected in the extent of use — from the ‘early days’ (only last year!) of hearing about Chat GPT and other models we’ve now reached a situation where estimates suggest that millions of people are experimenting with them. Chat GPT has grown from a handful of people to over 200 million in less than a year; it added its first million subscribers within five days of launch! Similar figures show massive and rapid take -up of competing products like Anthropic’s Claude and Google’s Gemini, etc. It’s pretty clear that there’s a high-paced ‘arms race’ going on and it’s drawing in all the big players.

This rapid rate of adoption is being led by an even faster proliferation on the supply side, with many new players entering the market , especially in niche fields. As with the apps market there’s a huge number of players jumping on the bandwagon, and significant growth in the open source availability of models. And many models now allow for users to create their own custom versions — mini-GPTs’ and ‘Co-pilots’ which they can deploy for highly specific needs.

Not surprisingly estimates suggest that the growth potential in the market for AI technologies is vast, amounting to around 200 billion U.S. dollars in 2023 and expected to grow to over 1.8 trillion U.S. dollars by 2030.

Growth in Artificial Intelligence

There’s another important aspect to this growth. As Ethan Mollick suggests in his excellent book ‘Co-intelligence’, everything that we see AI doing today is the product of a far-from-perfect version of the technology; in very short time, given the rate of growth so far, we can expect much more power, integration and multi-modality.

The all-singing, dancing and doing pretty much anything else version of AI we can imagine isn’t far off. Speculation about when AGI — artificial general intelligence — will arrive is still just that — speculative — but the direction of travel is clear.

Not that the impact is seen as entirely positive. Whilst there have been impressive breakthroughs, using AI to help understand and innovate in fields as diverse as healthcare , distribution and education these are matched by growing concern about, for example, privacy and data security, deep-fake abuse and significant employment effects.

With its demonstrable potential for undertaking a wide range of tasks AI certainly poses a threat to the quality and quantity of a wide range of jobs — and at the limit could eliminate them entirely. And where earlier generations of technological automation impacted simple manual operations or basic tasks AI has the capacity to undertake many complex operations — often doing so faster and more effectively than humans.

AI models like Chat GPT can now routinely pass difficult exams for law or medical school, they can interpret complex data sets and spot patterns better than their human counterparts and they can quickly combine and analyze complex data to arrive at decisions which may often be better quality than those made by even experienced practitioners. Not surprisingly the policy discussion around this potential impact has proliferated at a similarly fast rate, echoing growing public concern about the darker side of AI.

But is it inevitable going to be a case of replacement, with human beings shunted to the side-lines? No-one is sure and it is still early days. We’ve had technological revolutions before — think back fifty years to when we first felt the early shock waves of what was to become the ‘microelectronics revolution’. Newspaper headlines and media programs with provocative titles like ‘Now the chips are down’ prompted frenzied discussion and policy planning for a future world staffed by robots and automated to the point where most activity would be undertaken by automated systems, overseen by one man and a dog. The role of the dog being to act as security guard, the role of the man being confined to feeding the dog.

Automation Man and Dog

This didn’t materialize; as many commentators pointed out at the time and as history has shown there were shifts and job changes but there was also compensating creation of new roles and tasks for which new skills were needed. Change yes — but not always in the negative direction and with growing potential for improving the content and quality of remaining and new jobs.

So if history is any guide then there are some grounds for optimism. Certainly we should be exploring and anticipating and particularly trying to match skills and capacity building to likely future needs.

Not least in the area of innovation management. What impact is AI having — and what might the future hold? It’s certainly implicated in a major shift right across the innovation space in terms of its application. If we take a simple ‘innovation compass’ to map these developments we can find plenty of examples:

Exploring Innovation Space

Innovation in terms of what we offer the world — our products and services — here AI already has a strong presence in everything from toys through intelligent and interactive services on our phones through to advanced weapon systems

And it’s the same story if we look at process innovation — changes in the ways we create and deliver whatever it is we offer. AI is embedded in automated and self-optimizing control systems for a huge range of tasks from mining, through manufacturing and out to service delivery.

Position innovation is another dimension where we innovate in opening up new or under-served markets, and changing the stories we tell to existing ones. AI has been a key enabler here, helping spot emerging trends, providing detailed market analysis and underpinning so many of the platform businesses which effectively handle the connection between multi-sided markets. Think Amazon, Uber, Alibaba or AirBnB and imagine them without the support of AI.

And innovation is possible through rethinking the whole approach to what we do, coming up with new business models. Rethinking the underlying value and how it might be delivered — think Spotify, Netflix and many others replacing the way we consume and enjoy our entertainment. Once again AI step forward as a key enabler.

AI is already a 360 degree solution looking for problems to attach to. Importantly this isn’t just in the commercial world; the power of AI is also being harnessed to enable social innovation in many different ways.

But perhaps the real question is not about AI-enabled innovations but one of how it affects innovators — and the organizations employing them? By now we know that innovation isn’t some magical force that strikes blindly in the light bulb moment. It’s a process which can be organized and managed so that we are able to repeat the trick. And after over 100 years of research and documenting hard-won experience we know the kind of things we need to put in place — how to manage innovation. It’s reached the point where we can codify it into an international standard — ISO 56001- and use this as a template to check out the ways in which we build and operate our innovation management systems.

So how will AI affect this — and, more to the point, how is it already doing so? Let’s take our helicopter and look down on where and how AI playing a role in the key areas of innovation management systems.

Typically the ‘front end’ of innovation involves various kinds of search activity, picking up strong and weak signals about needs and opportunities for change. And this kind of exploration and forecasting is something which AI has already shown itself to be very good at — whether in the search for new protein forms or the generation of ideas for consumer products.

Frank Piller’s research team published an excellent piece last year describing their exploration of this aspect of innovation. They looked at the potential which AI offered and tested their predictions out by tasking Chat GPT with a number of prompts based on the needs of a fictitious outdoor activities company. They had it monitoring and picking up on trends, scraping online communities for early warning signals about new consumer themes and, crucially, actually doing idea generation to come up with new product concepts. Their results mimic many other studies which suggest that AI is very good at this — in fact, as Mollick reports, it often does the job better than humans.

Of course finding opportunities is only the start of the innovation process; a key next stage is some kind of strategic selection. Out of all the possibilities of what we could do, what are we going to do and why? Limited resources mean we have to make choices — and the evidence is that AI is pretty helpful here too. It can explore and compare alternatives, make better bets and build more viable business models to take emerging value propositions forward. (At least in the test case where it competed against MBA students…!)

Innovation Process John Bessant

And then we are in the world of implementation, the long and winding road to converting our value proposition into something which will actually work and be wanted. Today’s agile innovation involves a cycle of testing, trial and error learning, gradually pivoting and homing in on what works and building from that. And once again AI is good at this — not least because it’s at the heart of how it does what it does. There’s a clue in the label — machine learning is all about deploying different learning and improvement strategies. AI can carry out fast experiments and focus in, it can simulate markets and bring to bear many of the adoption influences as probabilistic variables which it can work with.

Of course launching a successful version of a value proposition converted to a viable solution is still only half the innovation journey. To have impact we need to scale — but here again AI is likely to change the game. Much of the scaling journey involves understanding and configuring your solution to match the high variability across populations and accelerate diffusion. We know a lot about what influences this (not least thanks to the extensive work of Everett Rogers) and AI has particular capabilities in making sense of the preferences and predilections of populations through studying big datasets. It’s record in persuasion in fields like election campaigning suggests it has the capacity to enhance our ability to influence the innovation adoption decision process.

Scaling also involves complementary assets — the ‘who else?’ and ‘what else?’ which we need to have impact at scale. We need to assemble value networks, ecosystems of co-operating stakeholders — but to do this we need to be able to make connections. Specifically finding potential partners, forming relationships and getting the whole system to perform with emergent properties, where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

And here too AI has an growing track record in enabling recombinant innovation, cross-linking, connecting and making sense of patterns, even if we humans can’t always see them.

So far, so disturbing — at least if you are a practicing innovation manager looking over your shoulder at the AI competition rapidly catching up. But what about the bigger picture, the idea of developing and executing an innovation strategy? Here our concern is with the long-term, managing the process of accumulating competencies and capabilities to create long term competitiveness in volatile and unpredictable markets?

It involves being able to imagine and explore different options and make decisions based on the best use of resources and the likely fit with a future world. Which is, once again, the kind of thing which AI has shown itself to be good at. It’s moved a long way from playing chess and winning by brute calculating force. Now it can beat world champions at complex games of strategy like Go and win poker tournaments, bluffing with the best of them to sweep the pot.

Artificial Intelligence Poker Player

So what are we left with? In many ways it takes us right back to basics. We’ve survived as a species on the back of our imaginations — we’re not big or fast, or able to fly, but we are able to think. And our creativity has helped us devise and share tools and techniques, to innovate our way out of trouble. Importantly we’ve learned to do this collectively — shared creativity is a key part of the puzzle.

We’ve seen this throughout history; the recent response to the Covid-19 pandemic provides yet another illustration. In the face of crisis we can work together and innovate radically. It’s something we see in the humanitarian innovation world and in many other crisis contexts. Innovation benefits from more minds on the job.

So one way forward is not to wring our hands and say that the game is over and we should step back and let the AI take over. Rather it points towards us finding ways of working with it — as Mollick’s book title suggests, learning to treat it as a ‘co-intelligence’. Different, certainly but often in in complementary ways. Diversity has always mattered in innovation teams — so maybe by recruiting AI to our team we amplify that effect. There’s enough to do in meeting the challenge of managing innovation against a background of uncertainty; it makes sense to take advantage of all the help we can get.

AI may seem to point to a direction in which our role becomes superfluous — the ‘no-brain needed’ option. But we’re also seeing real possibilities for it to become an effective partner in the process.

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Image credits: Dall-E via Microsoft CoPilot, John Bessant

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