Free Stuff

BookReviews and InterviewsWhere to Buy

It’s always fun to give away free stuff, so I decided to have a page that keeps all of it in one place. Of course I hope you buy a copy of the book, but in the meantime please check out the free stuff:

Video Interviews

We have already done more than a dozen video interviews with thought leaders and innovators – see them here.

Free Sample Chapter

Download 'Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire' sample chapterAs promised, I would like to give you all a free sample chapter from my new book Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire to thank you for following and supporting my contributions to the innovation community. I hope you enjoy the sample chapter and consider purchasing the book as a way of supporting my future writing efforts.

Download the sample chapter

Book Excerpts

Chapter Health Checks

Coming soon!

The Nine Innovation Roles Slideshare Presentation and Worksheet

I truly believe in the power of the Nine Innovation Roles, and because of this belief I’ve created and uploaded a simple worksheet for people to use. I only ask one thing in return from those who download and use the worksheet is that you send me your aggregate data so that I can collate it together with the data from others for a future article on the distribution of tendencies. Also, there is a set of Nine Innovation Roles playing cards and exercises in the works. Stay tuned!

Braden Kelley’s 50 Question Innovation Audit

Free Innovation AuditInstructions

  1. Read each statement and determine how much you agree with each one, using this scale:
    • 0 – None
    • 1 – A Little
    • 2 – Partially
    • 3 – Often
    • 4 – Fully
  2. Select the answer for each question that is most appropriate.
  3. The form will score the audit and return a result to you via email along with the SCORING KEY and INNOVATION MATURITY MODEL image you see below
  4. Store the result as a baseline and come back annually and re-take the audit to measure your progress!

[ninja_forms_modal_form id=56 text_link=’Click here to begin the FREE 50 Question Innovation Audit’]
(We’ll email your score with the maturity model and scoring key)

Innovation Audit Scoring Key (showing level of innovation maturity)

Point totals are translated to the innovation maturity model as follows:

  • 000-100 = Level 1 – Reactive
  • 101-130 = Level 2 – Structured
  • 131-150 = Level 3 – In Control
  • 151-180 = Level 4 – Internalized
  • 181-200 = Level 5 – Continuously Improving

Innovation Maturity Model
Image adapted from the book Innovation Tournaments by Christian Terwiesch and Karl Ulrich

Second Option

Innovation AuditIf you would prefer you can download the Innovation Audit I promised in Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire as a Microsoft Excel workbook. I hope you find this innovation audit of use, and I thank you for buying the book!

Download the innovation audit as a Microsoft Excel workbook


[ninja_forms_modal_form id=56 text_link=’Click to begin the Innovation Audit here online’]
(We’ll email your score with the maturity model and scoring key)