GUEST POST from Mike Shipulski
If you see a problem, tell someone. But, also, tell them how you’d like to improve things.
Once you see a problem, you have an obligation to seek a solution.
Complaining is telling someone they have a problem but stopping short of offering solutions.
To stop someone from complaining, ask them how they might make the situation better.
Problems are good when people use them as a forcing function to create new offerings.
Problems are bad when people articulate them and then go home early.
Thing is, problems aren’t good or bad. It’s our response that determines their flavor.
If it’s your problem, it can never be our solution.
Sometimes the best solution to a problem is to solve a different one.
Problem-solving is 90% problem definition and 10% getting ready to define the problem.
When people don’t look critically at the situation, there are no problems. And that’s a big problem.
Big problems require big solutions. And that’s why it’s skillful to convert big ones into smaller ones.
Solving the right problem is much more important than solving the biggest problem.
If the team thinks it’s impossible to solve the problem, redefine the problem and solve that one.
You can relabel problems as “opportunities” as long as you remember they’re still problems
When it comes to problem-solving, there is no partial credit. A problem is either solved or it isn’t.
Image credit: Pixabay
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