Os Nove Papéis na Inovação

Os Nove Papéis na Inovação(Page in English)(Página en Español)
(sidan på svenska)(page en français)

Coming Soon – Arabic – Dutch – Become a Partner

In Chapter 5 of my hot selling book – Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire – I introduced a methodology called – The Nine Innovation Roles.

The following is an excerpt from my book that explains some of the thinking behind The Nine Innovation Roles:

“Too often we treat people as commodities that are interchangeable and maintain the same characteristics and aptitudes. Of course, we know that people are not interchangeable, yet we continually pretend that they are anyway — to make life simpler for our reptile brain to comprehend. Deep down we know that people have different passions, skills, and potential, but even when it comes to innovation, we expect everybody to have good ideas.

I’m of the opinion that all people are creative, in their own way. That is not to say that all people are creative in the sense that every single person is good at creating lots of really great ideas, nor do they have to be. I believe instead that everyone has a dominant innovation role at which they excel, and that when properly identified and channeled, the organization stands to maximize its innovation capacity. I believe that all people excel at one of nine innovation roles, and that when organizations put the right people in the right innovation roles, that your innovation speed and capacity will increase.”

Os Nove Papéis na Inovação:

  1. Revolucionário
  2. Recruta
  3. Conector
  4. Artista
  5. Contato de Cliente
  6. Solucionador
  7. Juiz
  8. Criador de Magia
  9. Evangelista

At the request of many of the thousands of people who have read the book, I have created The Nine Innovation Roles Group Diagnostic Workshop to help organizations explore their innovation team dynamics and what it takes to make your innovation efforts more successful.

Book a Nine Innovation Roles Group Diagnostic Workshop

Because of my belief in the power of The Nine Innovation Roles Group Diagnostic Workshop, and the value it has delivered for the companies I work with, that I have decided to set The Nine Innovation Roles FREE for those organizations that can’t afford to hire me come conduct an insightful innovation keynote and/or interactive workshop.

Below you’ll find all of the tools that you need to conduct a Nine Innovation Roles Group Diagnostic Workshop or team meeting inside your organization to help you identify why your innovation efforts are failing or how your innovation teams could be more successful in the future.

Some people think I’m crazy to help people not hire me, but because of my collaborative and people-centric approach to innovation I would like to give everyone five free gifts:

Free Gift #1 – The Nine Innovation Roles themselves

Nine Innovation Roles Revolutionary1. Revolucionário

O Revolucionário é a pessoa que está sempre ansiosa por mudar as coisas, por sacudi-las e por compartilhar sua opinião. Essas pessoas tendem a ter muitas idéias excelentes e não têm vergonha de compartilhá-las. Eles provavelmente contribuirão com 80 a 90% de suas idéias em cenários abertos.

Nine Innovation Roles Conscript2. Recruta

O Recruta tem muitas ótimas idéias, mas não as compartilha de bom grado, seja porque essas pessoas não sabem que alguém está procurando por idéias, não sabem como expressar suas idéias, preferem manter a cabeça baixa e executar, ou todos três.

Nine Innovation Roles Connector3. Conector

O Conector faz exatamente isso. Essas pessoas ouvem um Recruta dizer algo interessante e o colocam junto com um Revolucionário; O Conector ouve o Artista e sabe exatamente onde encontrar o Solucionador de Problemas que sua idéia precisa.

Nine Innovation Roles Artist4. Artista

O Artista nem sempre tem grandes idéias, mas é realmente bom em torná-las melhores.


Nine Innovation Roles Customer Champion5. Contato do Cliente

O Contato do Cliente atua na interface da organização com o cliente. Ele não apenas tem contato constante com o cliente, mas também entende suas necessidades, está familiarizado com suas ações e comportamentos. Ele é o mais perto que você pode chegar de entrevistar um cliente real sobre uma idéia nascente.

Nine Innovation Roles Troubleshooter6. Solucionador

Toda grande idéia tem pelo menos um ou dois obstáculos principais a serem superados antes que a idéia esteja pronta para ser julgada ou que a mágica possa ser feita. É aqui que entra o Solucionador. Os solucionadores adoram problemas difíceis e geralmente possuem o conhecimento e/ou experiência profundos para ajudar a resolvê-los.

Nine Innovation Roles Judge7. Juiz

O Juiz é realmente bom em determinar o que pode ser lucrativo e o que terá sucesso no mercado.


Nine Innovation Roles Magic Maker8. Criador de Magia

O Criador de Magia pega uma idéia e a torna real. Essas são as pessoas que podem imaginar como algo será feito e alinhar os recursos certos para que isso aconteça.


Nine Innovation Roles Evangelist9. Evangelista

Os Evangelistas sabem como educar as pessoas sobre o que é a idéia e ajudá-las a entendê-la. Os evangelistas são ótimas pessoas para ajudar a construir suporte para uma idéia internamente e também para ajudar a educar os clientes sobre seu valor.

Free Gift #2 – Downloadable Nine Innovation Roles presentation

(Please Note: I’m sharing this for internal use only, service providers will need to procure a license/certification to use it for commercial purposes)

This presentation is designed to introduce The Nine Innovation Roles framework to your team meeting or internal workshop audience. In addition to sharing definitions of each of The Nine Innovation Roles in a presentation suitable for projection, I’m happy to provide a series of questions that you can use to guide group interaction – ideally with the Nine Innovation Roles cards (Free Gift #4).

Book a Nine Innovation Roles Group Diagnostic Workshop

Free Gift #3 – Downloadable Nine Innovation Roles Worksheet for gathering data on team makeup

You can use this worksheet to have your team evaluate themselves and just gather the self-evaluations to see which roles are represented and which are missing (usual the most important piece of data), or alternatively to have everyone evaluate every other team member as well to provide a kind of 360-degree type feedback to each individual (i.e. You think you’re a Revolutionary but everyone else thinks you’re an Artist).

Os Nove Papéis na Inovação – Braden Kelley – Planilha


Free Gift #4 – Downloadable Nine Innovation Roles card deck design that I use with Fortune 500 clients

Nine Innovation Roles Card Deck

To make my Nine Innovation Roles framework accessible to as many people as possible inside organizations all around the world to explore and improve innovation team dynamics and success, I am happy to announce that I have now made the print-ready files for the cards available here for FREE download – and you can either work with the vendor I use – adMagic – or work with a local printer in your part of the world.

Book a Nine Innovation Roles Group Diagnostic Workshop

Free Gift #5 – Nine Innovation Roles video

(Please Note: I’m sharing this for internal use only, service providers will need to procure a license/certification to use it for commercial purposes)

This video is designed to help you introduce The Nine Innovation Roles framework to your team meeting or internal workshop audience. In addition to sharing definitions of each of The Nine Innovation Roles suitable for projection, it also provides a series of questions that you can use to guide group interaction – ideally with the Nine Innovation Roles cards (Free Gift #4) – and your own personal messages and examples to get people into the mindset that innovation is everyone’s job and that everyone can contribute to the overall innovation efforts of the organization.


I’m extremely proud to offer you the choice of either hiring me to work with you to enhance the success of your innovation teams, or to use these FREE tools to enable you to strengthen your collaborative innovation efforts and explore The Nine Innovation Roles in a group setting on your own.

Collaborate to innovate!

(Page in English)(Página en Español)(sidan på svenska)(page en français)

Coming Soon – Arabic – Dutch – Become a Partner

Book a Nine Innovation Roles Group Diagnostic Workshop