Tag Archives: Fear

Profiting From Fear and Mistrust

Profiting From Fear and Mistrust

GUEST POST from Greg Satell

When I lived and worked in Ukraine, it was commonplace to see men in camouflage fatigues and Uzi’s in the waiting rooms of offices around town. They weren’t there as security, or to rob the place, but to help transfer money between businesses. It was cumbersome and inefficient, but in an atmosphere of mistrust, it was a necessity.

In most countries, we’re still a long way from armed couriers as a daily routine, but according to Edelman’s recent Trust Barometer, we’re headed in that direction. Entitled “Innovation in Peril,” it details an overall collapse of confidence, finding that roughly two thirds believe that journalists, government leaders, and business executives, are “purposely trying to mislead.”

That’s a problem for all of us. Mistrust is corrosive to the norms that help our society run efficiently and the costs are very real. Our lack of trust in government prevents us from making needed investments. Suspicions about law enforcement undermine public safety. Mistrust in the workplace undermines performance. We desperately need to rebuild trust.

The Value Of Trust

Trust isn’t our natural state. Economists have developed a number of models to show how fragile it can be. For example, in a prisoner’s dilemma, two suspects are brought in for questioning. If they both stay true to each other, they get the best collective outcome, but if each follows his or her own self-interest, both will confess and get the worst overall outcome.

Related concepts are the tragedy of the commons, in which everybody has access to a common field to graze their livestock, depleting the resource so that everybody’s herd suffers, and the free rider problem which often occurs with respect to public goods. These situations are known as Nash equilibriums because nobody can change their preference without making themselves worse off.

When you take a moment to think, it’s kind of amazing that we operate with as much trust as we do. Local businesses faithfully serve communities for years, even decades. Corporations spend billions to build brands and governments work to earn legitimacy. That is what allows us to easily transact business throughout the day. When trust collapses, we get Uzis in waiting rooms.

Yet it doesn’t have to be that dramatic. Research by Accenture found that “trust events” cost businesses billions of dollars every year. For example, a consumer-focused company that had a sustainability-oriented publicity event backfire lost an estimated $400 million in future revenues. Another company that was named in a money laundering scandal lost $1 billion.

Profiting From Our Mistrust

Our brains are geared for mistrust in a number of ways. The first is a bias for loss aversion. We will do more to avoid a loss than we will for an equivalent gain. That makes trust hard to build and easy to lose, which is why the “trust events,” like those cited in the Accenture study, are so costly.

Another contributing factor is availability bias, our tendency to overweight easily accessible examples, such as a specific trust event, and ignore vague concepts, like years of good service. Once we accept a belief, our confirmation bias will lead us to seek out information that supports our prior beliefs and reject contrary evidence.

These effects are multiplied by tribal tendencies. We form group identities easily, and groups tend to develop into echo chambers, which amplify common beliefs and minimize contrary information. We also tend to share more actively with people who agree with us and, with little fear of rebuke, we are less likely to check that information for accuracy.

That, essentially, is the economics of disinformation. Fear breeds mistrust, which makes us feel insecure and leads us to seek out people we identify with to reinforce our beliefs. Research suggests media companies, especially social media companies, profit from the passions that the most polarizing information unleash in the form of greater engagement with their platforms.

Facts, Identity and Fear

We tend to think of truth as a simple matter of knowledge and understanding. We see the world as a set number of facts and believe that any disagreements arise from a lack of clarity about what the true facts are. In this view, mistrust can be corrected by better access to good information. Once people are informed, how could there be any disagreement?

Unfortunately, the world doesn’t work that way. In fact, a study at Ohio State found that, when confronted with scientific evidence that conflicted with their views, people would question the objectivity of the science. Another thing to consider is that, as Sam Arbesman explained in The Half-Life of Facts, our ideas about what’s true changes over time.

We can’t rigorously test every proposition, which is why we adopt the views of those around us, a phenomenon that psychologists call social proof. What makes the effect even more insidious, is that the relationship is reciprocal. We internalize the ideas of the tribes we join and then propagate those same ideas to others, intensifying the echo chamber.

Our beliefs are far more than mere acceptance of sets of facts, but become inherently part of our identity. Wars are not fought over ideologies because people disagree about empirical evidence, but because they see their sense of selves under attack. If truth is a force for good, then those who refuse to accept our version of it are, in the most basic sense of the word, evil.

From Victimization To Empowerment Through Purpose

Our ability to trust others is, to a great extent, a function of how we see ourselves and our situation. If we see ourselves as secure and in tune with our environment, it’s relatively easy for us to build bonds of trust. If we feel those around us share our values, it’s easier to feel a shared sense of identity and purpose.

However, if we see our surroundings as hostile, we will take steps to protect ourselves and that, to a great extent, is where we are at today. First the Internet, and then social media have tended to promote and juxtapose the most extreme elements, creating an atmosphere of heightened conflict among tribes, which further undermines our sense of security and trust.

This is what Marshall McLuhan meant when he wrote that the global village would result in a “release of human power and aggressive violence” greater than ever in human history. When we are confronted with ideas and values that are different from our own, it can feel more more like an assault and an affront than a refreshing interaction with the variety of life.

Here Ukraine offers a lesson. Over the past decade it has built a new identity and found a new purpose. Today most Ukrainians, especially the younger generations, feel a stronger affinity for European values than for their post-Soviet past. In fact, they have so internalized their European ambitions that they are willing to risk a war to maintain them.

We have a similar challenge before us. If a common identity is forged from shared values and shared purpose, on what foundation will we build our future? To what common project can we devote our energies? What are our ambitions and how best might we fulfill them? These are the questions that we need to answer if we are ever to rebuild the bonds of trust.

— Article courtesy of the Digital Tonto blog
— Image credits: Pixabay

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Top 100 Innovation and Transformation Articles of 2024

Top 100 Innovation and Transformation Articles of 2024

2021 marked the re-birth of my original Blogging Innovation blog as a new blog called Human-Centered Change and Innovation.

Many of you may know that Blogging Innovation grew into the world’s most popular global innovation community before being re-branded as Innovation Excellence and being ultimately sold to DisruptorLeague.com.

Thanks to an outpouring of support I’ve ignited the fuse of this new multiple author blog around the topics of human-centered change, innovation, transformation and design.

I feel blessed that the global innovation and change professional communities have responded with a growing roster of contributing authors and more than 17,000 newsletter subscribers.

To celebrate we’ve pulled together the Top 100 Innovation and Transformation Articles of 2024 from our archive of over 2,500 articles on these topics.

We do some other rankings too.

We just published the Top 40 Innovation Bloggers of 2024 and as the volume of this blog has grown we have brought back our monthly article ranking to complement this annual one.

But enough delay, here are the 100 most popular innovation and transformation posts of 2024.

Did your favorite make the cut?

1. Organizational Debt Syndrome Poses a Threat – by Stefan Lindegaard

2. FREE Innovation Maturity Assessment – by Braden Kelley

3. The Education Business Model Canvas – by Arlen Meyers, M.D.

4. The Role of Stakeholder Analysis in Change Management – by Art Inteligencia

5. Act Like an Owner – Revisited! – by Shep Hyken

6. Iterate Your Thinking – by Dennis Stauffer

7. SpaceX is a Masterclass in Innovation Simplification – by Pete Foley

8. What is Human-Centered Change? – by Braden Kelley

9. A 90% Project Failure Rate Means You’re Doing it Wrong – by Mike Shipulski

10. Should a Bad Grade in Organic Chemistry be a Doctor Killer? – by Arlen Meyers, M.D.

11. How Netflix Built a Culture of Innovation – by Art Inteligencia

12. Fear is a Leading Indicator of Personal Growth – by Mike Shipulski

13. Sustaining Imagination is Hard – by Braden Kelley

14. No Regret Decisions: The First Steps of Leading through Hyper-Change – by Phil Buckley

15. The Art of Adaptability: How to Respond to Changing Market Conditions – by Art Inteligencia

16. Sprint Toward the Innovation Action – by Mike Shipulski

17. Marriott’s Approach to Customer Service – by Shep Hyken

18. Top 5 Future Studies Programs – by Art Inteligencia

19. Reversible versus Irreversible Decisions – by Farnham Street

20. 50 Cognitive Biases Reference – Free Download – Courtesy of TitleMax

21. Free Human-Centered Change Tools – by Braden Kelley

22. Designing an Innovation Lab: A Step-by-Step Guide – by Art Inteligencia

23. Why More Women Are Needed in Innovation – by Greg Satell

24. How to Defeat Corporate Antibodies – by Stefan Lindegaard

25. The Nine Innovation Roles – by Braden Kelley

26. Top 40 Innovation Bloggers of 2023 – Curated by Braden Kelley

27. Human-Centered Change – by Braden Kelley

28. Visual Project Charter™ – 35″ x 56″ (Poster Size) and JPG for Online Whiteboarding – by Braden Kelley

29. FutureHacking – Be Your Own Futurist – by Braden Kelley

30. ACMP Standard for Change Management® Visualization – 35″ x 56″ (Poster Size) – Association of Change Management Professionals – by Braden Kelley

Build a common language of innovation on your team

31. Overcoming Resistance to Change – by Chateau G Pato

32. Are We Abandoning Science? – by Greg Satell

33. How Networks Power Transformation – by Greg Satell

34. What Differentiates High Performing Teams – by David Burkus

35. The 6 Building Blocks of Great Teams – by David Burkus

36. Unintended Consequences. The Hidden Risk of Fast-Paced Innovation – by Pete Foley

37. The Role of Employee Training and Development in Enhancing Customer Experience – by Art Inteligencia

38. The Pyramid of Results, Motivation and Ability – by Braden Kelley

39. Your Strategy Must Reach Beyond Markets to Ecosystems – by Greg Satell

40. What is the difference between signals and trends? – by Art Inteligencia

41. Next Generation Leadership Traits and Characteristics – by Stefan Lindegaard

42. Latest Interview with the What’s Next? Podcast – Featuring Braden Kelley

43. A Tipping Point for Organizational Culture – by Janet Sernack

44. Accountability and Empowerment in Team Dynamics – by Stefan Lindegaard

45. Design Thinking for Non-Designers – by Chateau G Pato

46. The Innovation Enthusiasm Gap – by Howard Tiersky

47. The One Movie All Electric Car Designers Should Watch – by Braden Kelley

48. The Ultimate Guide to the Phase-Gate Process – by Dainora Jociute

49. Innovation Management ISO 56000 Series Explained – by Diana Porumboiu

50. How to Create an Effective Innovation Hub – by Chateau G Pato

Accelerate your change and transformation success

51. Imagination versus Knowledge – Is imagination really more important? – by Janet Sernack

52. Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire – by Braden Kelley

53. A Shortcut to Making Strategic Trade-Offs – by Geoffrey A. Moore

54. How to Make Navigating Ambiguity a Super Power – by Robyn Bolton

55. Three HOW MIGHT WE Alternatives That Actually Spark Creative Ideas – by Robyn Bolton

56. Problems vs. Solutions vs. Complaints – by Mike Shipulski

57. Innovation or Not – Liquid Trees – by Art Inteligencia

58. Everyone Clear Now on What ChatGPT is Doing? – by Geoffrey A. Moore

59. Leadership Best Quacktices from Oregon’s Dan Lanning – by Braden Kelley

60. Will Innovation Management Leverage AI in the Future? – by Jesse Nieminen

61. The Power of Position Innovation – by John Bessant

62. Creating Organizational Agility – by Howard Tiersky

63. A Case Study on High Performance Teams – by Stefan Lindegaard

64. Secrets to Overcoming Resistance to Change – by David Burkus

65. How to Write a Failure Resume – by Arlen Meyers, M.D.

66. 9 of 10 Companies Requiring Employees to Return to the Office in 2024 – by Shep Hyken

67. The Five Keys to Successful Change – by Braden Kelley

68. What is Social Analysis? – by Art Inteligencia

69. Dare to Think Differently – by Janet Sernack

70. Parallels Between the 1920’s and Today Are Frightening – by Greg Satell

71. What is Trend Spotting? – by Art Inteligencia

72. Driving Change is Not Enough – You Also Have To Survive Victory – by Greg Satell

73. 5 Simple Steps to Team Alignment – by David Burkus

74. Building a Better Change Communication Plan – by Braden Kelley

75. The Role of Leadership in Fostering a Culture of Innovation – by Art Inteligencia

76. 4 Simple Steps to Becoming Your Own Futurist – An Introduction to the FutureHacking™ methodology – by Braden Kelley

77. Four Hidden Secrets of Innovation – by Greg Satell

78. Why Organizations Struggle with Innovation – by Howard Tiersky

79. An Introduction to Strategic Foresight – by Stefan Lindegaard

80. Learning About Innovation – From a Skateboard? – by John Bessant

Get the Change Planning Toolkit

81. 800+ FREE Quote Posters – by Braden Kelley

82. Do you have a fixed or growth mindset? – by Stefan Lindegaard

83. Generation AI Replacing Generation Z – by Braden Kelley

84. The End of the Digital Revolution – by Greg Satell

85. Is AI Saving Corporate Innovation or Killing It? – by Robyn Bolton

86. The Experiment Canvas™ – 35″ x 56″ (Poster Size) – by Braden Kelley

87. America Drops Out of the Ten Most Innovative Countries – by Braden Kelley

88. 5 Essential Customer Experience Tools to Master – by Braden Kelley

89. AI as an Innovation Tool – How to Work with a Deeply Flawed Genius! – by Pete Foley

90. Four Ways To Empower Change In Your Organization – by Greg Satell

91. Agile Innovation Management – by Diana Porumboiu

92. Do Nothing More Often – by Robyn Bolton

93. Five Things Most Managers Don’t Know About Innovation – by Greg Satell

94. The Fail Fast Fallacy – by Rachel Audige

95. Top Six Trends for Innovation Management in 2025 – by Jesse Nieminen

96. How to Re-engineer the Incubation Zone – by Geoffrey A. Moore

97. Flaws in the Crawl Walk Run Methodology – by Braden Kelley

98. Master the Customer Hierarchy of Needs – by Shep Hyken

99. Rise of the Atomic Consultant – Or the Making of a Superhero – by Braden Kelley

100. A Shared Language for Radical Change – by Greg Satell

Curious which article just missed the cut? Well, here it is just for fun:

101. Is Disruption About to Claim a New Victim? – by Robyn Bolton

These are the Top 100 innovation and transformation articles of 2024 based on the number of page views. If your favorite Human-Centered Change & Innovation article didn’t make the cut, then send a tweet to @innovate and maybe we’ll consider doing a People’s Choice List for 2024.

If you’re not familiar with Human-Centered Change & Innovation, we publish 1-6 new articles every week focused on human-centered change, innovation, transformation and design insights from our roster of contributing authors and ad hoc submissions from community members. Get the articles right in your Facebook feed or on Twitter or LinkedIn too!

Editor’s Note: Human-Centered Change & Innovation is open to contributions from any and all the innovation & transformation professionals out there (practitioners, professors, researchers, consultants, authors, etc.) who have a valuable insight to share with everyone for the greater good. If you’d like to contribute, contact us.

Subscribe to Human-Centered Change & Innovation WeeklySign up here to get Human-Centered Change & Innovation Weekly delivered to your inbox every week.

Top 10 Human-Centered Change & Innovation Articles of December 2022

Top 10 Human-Centered Change & Innovation Articles of December 2022Drum roll please…

At the beginning of each month, we will profile the ten articles from the previous month that generated the most traffic to Human-Centered Change & Innovation. Did your favorite make the cut?

But enough delay, here are December’s ten most popular innovation posts:

  1. Forbidden Truth About Innovation — by Robyn Bolton
  2. A Letter to Innovation Santa — by John Bessant
  3. Preserving Ecosystems as an Innovation Superpower — by Pete Foley
  4. What is a Chief Innovation Officer? — by Art Inteligencia
  5. If You Can Be One Thing – Be Effective — by Mike Shipulski
  6. How to Drive Fear Out of Innovation — by Teresa Spangler
  7. 3 Steps to Find the Horse’s A** In Your Company (and Create Space for Innovation) — by Robyn Bolton
  8. Six Ways to Stop Gen-Z from Quiet Quitting — by Shep Hyken
  9. Overcoming the Top 3 Barriers to Customer-Centricity — by Alain Thys
  10. Designing Innovation – Accelerating Creativity via Innovation Strategy — by Douglas Ferguson

BONUS – Here are five more strong articles published in November that continue to resonate with people:

If you’re not familiar with Human-Centered Change & Innovation, we publish 4-7 new articles every week built around innovation and transformation insights from our roster of contributing authors and ad hoc submissions from community members. Get the articles right in your Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin feeds too!

Have something to contribute?

Human-Centered Change & Innovation is open to contributions from any and all innovation and transformation professionals out there (practitioners, professors, researchers, consultants, authors, etc.) who have valuable human-centered change and innovation insights to share with everyone for the greater good. If you’d like to contribute, please contact me.

P.S. Here are our Top 40 Innovation Bloggers lists from the last three years:

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Understanding the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) and Its Impact on Consumer Decision-Making

Understanding the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) and Its Impact on Consumer Decision-Making

GUEST POST from Chateau G Pato

In this era of constant digital connectivity, consumers are experiencing an overwhelming fear of missing out (FOMO) on the latest trends, experiences, and opportunities. This fear has a profound effect on consumer decision-making and shapes how they engage with brands, products, and services. To truly understand FOMO’s impact, we must delve into its psychological roots and explore two compelling case studies.

Psychological Roots of FOMO:

Fear of missing out stems from the basic human desire for social connection, the need for validation, and the fear of being left behind. Countless studies have shown that individuals have a fundamental longing to be part of a community, to share experiences, and to feel accepted. FOMO amplifies these desires in the digital age, fueling anxiety-driven decision-making.

Case Study 1: The Influence of FOMO on Buying Behavior

In recent years, the beauty industry witnessed a significant rise in FOMO-driven purchasing behaviors. Brands cleverly utilize social media platforms and influencers to create a sense of scarcity and urgency, inducing FOMO within consumers. A prime example of this phenomenon is the limited-edition makeup collaborations, which generate immense buzz and excitement. By tapping into consumers’ FOMO, brands create a fear of not having the exclusive item, leading to impulsive purchases and even waiting in long queues.

An in-depth analysis conducted by a major cosmetics company revealed that 70% of consumers who bought limited-edition products did so due to FOMO. Furthermore, the study found that consumers were inclined to share their purchases on social media platforms, seeking validation and admiration from their peers. Thus, FOMO not only influences purchase decisions but also contributes to the amplification of social status online.

Case Study 2: The Effect of FOMO on Travel Choices

The travel industry faces a unique challenge in catering to FOMO-driven decision-making. Consumers are bombarded with picturesque imagery of exotic destinations, luxurious resorts, and thrilling experiences. This abundance of options creates a sense of FOMO, as individuals fear missing out on the next best travel experience. Travel companies have capitalized on this psychological state by emphasizing “limited availability” and “exclusivity” in their marketing strategies.

A case study conducted by a prominent travel agency demonstrated the impact of FOMO on consumer behavior. They offered two identical vacation packages: Package A was available without any time restrictions, while Package B was advertised as limited to the first 50 bookings. Despite Package B being slightly more expensive, it received 70% more bookings within 48 hours. The fear of missing out on an exclusive opportunity significantly influenced consumers’ travel choices, even at an increased cost.

Mitigating FOMO:

As human-centered professionals, it is crucial to understand the phenomenon of FOMO and its impact on consumer decision-making. To cater to consumers effectively, brands should consider the following strategies:

1. Transparent Communication: Be open and honest with consumers, providing clear information about product availability or event schedules.

2. Curated Exclusivity: Offer limited-edition products or experiences thoughtfully, but without exploiting consumers’ FOMO. Ensure that exclusivity is based on genuine benefits rather than artificial scarcity.

3. Customer Empowerment: Encourage consumers to make decisions based on their true preferences, rather than succumbing to FOMO. Provide ample information, resources, and reviews to help them make well-informed choices.


Understanding the fear of missing out (FOMO) is essential for human-centered professionals to navigate the ever-changing consumer landscape effectively. By recognizing the psychological roots of FOMO and analyzing case studies, we can see its tangible impact on consumer decision-making. Brands that acknowledge and address FOMO while promoting transparency, curated exclusivity, and customer empowerment are more likely to build trust, loyalty, and meaningful connections with their audience, ultimately shaping a more conscious consumer culture.

SPECIAL BONUS: The very best change planners use a visual, collaborative approach to create their deliverables. A methodology and tools like those in Change Planning Toolkit™ can empower anyone to become great change planners themselves.

Image credit: Pixabay

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Innovation Quotes of the Day – May 6, 2012

“If it is a good idea… go ahead and do it. It is much easier to apologize than it is to get permission.”

– Admiral Grace Murray Hopper

“If people in your organization don’t talk about innovation in a consistent way and see communications reinforcing the common language, how can you possibly hope to embed innovation in the culture of the organization?”

– Braden Kelley

“I can’t understand why people are frightened by new ideas. I’m frightened of old ones.”

– John Cage

What are some of your favorite innovation quotes?

Add one or more to the comments, listing the quote and who said it, and I’ll share the best of the submissions as future innovation quotes of the day!

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