Tag Archives: Nike

Your Brand Isn’t the Problem

Your Brand Isn't the Problem

GUEST POST from Mike Shipulski

Cigarette companies rebranded themselves because their products caused cancer and they wanted to separate themselves from how their customers experienced their products. Their name and logo (which stand for their brand) were mapped to bad things (cancer) so they changed their name and logo. The bad things still happened, but the company was one step removed. There was always the option to stop causing cancer and to leave the name and logo as-is, but that would have required a real change, difficult change, a fundamental change. Instead of stopping the harm, cigarette companies ran away from their heritage and rebranded.

Facebook rebranded itself because its offering caused cancer of a different sort. And they, too, wanted to separate themselves from how their customers experienced their offering. The world mapped the Facebook brand to bullying, harming children, and misinformation that destroyed institutions. Sure, Facebook had the option to keep the name and logo and stop doing harm, but they chose to keep the harm and change the name and logo. Like the cigarette companies, they chose to keep the unskillful behavior and change their brand to try to sidestep their damaging ways. Yes, they could have changed their behavior and kept their logo, but they chose to change their logo and double down on their unhealthy heritage.

The cigarette companies and Facebook didn’t rebrand themselves to move toward something better, they rebranded to run away from the very thing they created, the very experience they delivered to their customers. In that way, they tried to distance themselves from their offering because their offering was harmful. And in that way, rebranding is most often about moving away from the experience that customers experience. And in that way, rebranding is hardly ever about moving toward something better.

One exception I can think of is a special type of rebranding that is a distillation of the brand, where the brand name gets shorter. Several made-up examples: Nike Shoes to Nike; McDonald’s Hamburgers to McDonald’s; and Netflix Streaming Services to Netflix. In all three cases, the offering hasn’t changed and customers still recognize the brand. Everyone still knows it’s all about cool footwear, a repeatable fast-food experience, and top-notch entertainment content. If anything, the connection with the heritage is concentrated and strengthened and the appeal is broader. If your rebranding makes the name longer or the message more nuanced, you get some credit for confusing your customers, but you don’t qualify for this special exception.

If you want to move toward something better, it’s likely better to keep the name and logo and change the offering to something better. Your brand has history and your customers have mapped the goodness you provide to your name and logo. Why not use that to your advantage? Why not build on what you’ve built and morph it slowly into something better? Why not keep the brand and improve the offering? Why not remap your good brand to an improved offering so that your brand improves slowly over time? Isn’t it more effective to use your brand recognition as the mechanism to attract attention to your improved offering?

In almost all cases, rebranding is a sign that something’s wrong. It’s expensive, it consumes a huge amount of company resources, and there’s little to no direct benefit to customers. When you feel the urge to rebrand, I strongly urge you to keep the brand and improve your offering. That way your customers will benefit and your brand will improve.

Image credit: Pixabay

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Case Studies: Successful Innovations Driven by Collaboration

Case Studies: Successful Innovations Driven by Collaboration

GUEST POST from Art Inteligencia

In today’s fast-paced and rapidly evolving world, successful organizations understand that innovation is crucial for staying ahead of the competition. However, innovation is not a one-person job. It requires collaboration and the ability to bring together diverse perspectives, skills, and experiences. This is where case studies of successful innovations driven by collaboration come into play.

Case Study 1: Apple and Nike Partnership

One such example is the partnership between Apple and Nike that led to the creation of the Nike+ running sensor. Apple, known for its sleek design and innovative technology, collaborated with Nike, a leader in athletic apparel and footwear, to create a product that revolutionized the way people track their workouts. By combining Apple’s expertise in technology with Nike’s knowledge of the fitness industry, the two companies were able to create a product that seamlessly integrated into users’ lives and provided valuable data to help them improve their performance.

Case Study 2: IBM and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Another example of successful innovation driven by collaboration is the partnership between IBM and the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. By combining IBM’s artificial intelligence technology with the healthcare expertise of Memorial Sloan Kettering, the two organizations were able to develop a cognitive computing system that assists doctors in diagnosing and treating cancer more effectively. This collaboration has led to faster and more accurate diagnoses, ultimately improving patient outcomes.


These case studies showcase the power of collaboration in driving successful innovation. By working together, companies can leverage their respective strengths to create groundbreaking products and services that have a positive impact on society. As we continue to navigate a world that is increasingly interconnected, it is essential for organizations to embrace collaboration as a key driver of innovation. The success stories of Apple and Nike, as well as IBM and Memorial Sloan Kettering, serve as powerful examples of what can be achieved when companies come together to solve complex problems and drive positive change.

Bottom line: Futurology is not fortune telling. Futurists use a scientific approach to create their deliverables, but a methodology and tools like those in FutureHacking™ can empower anyone to engage in futurology themselves.

Image credit: Unsplash

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Innovating Customer Engagement

Design Thinking in the Retail Industry

Innovating Customer Engagement

GUEST POST from Art Inteligencia

In today’s competitive retail landscape, delivering exceptional customer engagement has become a critical component of success. Design thinking, an iterative problem-solving approach that focuses on understanding customers’ needs, has emerged as a powerful tool for driving innovation in the retail industry. By employing design thinking principles, retailers can re-imagine the customer experience, forge deeper connections, and achieve sustainable growth. This article explores the application of design thinking in the retail industry, highlighting its transformative potential through two compelling case studies.

Case Study 1: Apple Store

Apple’s iconic retail stores have been widely acclaimed for their innovative design and seamless customer experience. By applying design thinking principles, Apple revolutionized the concept of retail shopping, blending technology, customer-centricity, and immersive engagement. The company understood that customers’ shopping preferences had evolved, wherein they sought not just products but also a personalized experience. With this insight, Apple designed their stores to be more than mere transactional spaces; they became forums for creativity, learning, and community building.

Apple’s use of design thinking is evident in the layout of its stores. By placing products on tables at ideal browsing height, customers are encouraged to pick up and interact with them freely. The design language incorporates simplicity and minimalism, allowing customers to focus solely on the products and their user experience. Additionally, Apple Store employees, known as “Geniuses,” utilize empathetic communication and expert knowledge to guide customers through their purchasing journey, further enhancing engagement.

By adopting design thinking principles, Apple effectively transformed its stores into inviting, educational, and experiential spaces. Consequently, customers don’t simply buy Apple products; they engage with the brand, explore its ecosystem, and benefit from the unique experience the store offers.

Case Study 2: Nike

Nike, the global sporting goods giant, has successfully integrated design thinking to redefine the way customers interact with their brand. Recognizing that athletes consider their shoes not just as products, but as tools for enhancing performance and expressing their identity, Nike embarked on an innovation journey driven by customer empathy.

One standout example of Nike’s design thinking approach is their NikeID customization platform. By emphasizing customer co-creation, Nike empowered customers to design their own footwear, resulting in personalized, one-of-a-kind products. This initiative enabled Nike to tap into customers’ desire for self-expression, fostering deeper connections and enhancing brand loyalty.

Furthermore, Nike engaged in extensive ethnographic research to uncover athletes’ specific needs and pain points. Armed with these insights, Nike launched the Nike+ Run Club, a mobile app that offers personalized training plans, tracks performance, and provides a supportive digital community. By blending technology, design, and data-driven insights, Nike effectively created an ecosystem catering to athletes’ multifaceted needs, revolutionizing the way they engage with the brand.


The retail industry’s rapid evolution necessitates innovative approaches to customer engagement. Design thinking, with its human-centric principles, serves as a powerful catalyst in this regard, enabling retailers to re-imagine the customer experience. Through the case studies of Apple and Nike, we witness how design thinking has transformed retail giants into facilitators of exceptional experiences, driving customer engagement to new heights. By adopting design thinking methodologies, retailers in the ever-evolving retail landscape can revolutionize their approach, fostering deep customer connections, and positioning themselves as industry leaders.

Bottom line: Futurology is not fortune telling. Futurists use a scientific approach to create their deliverables, but a methodology and tools like those in FutureHacking™ can empower anyone to engage in futurology themselves.

Image credit: misterinnovation.com

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Inspiring Innovation through Narrative

The Art of Storytelling

Inspiring Innovation through Narrative: The Art of Storytelling

GUEST POST from Art Inteligencia

In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, businesses are constantly striving to stay ahead of the curve and foster innovation. While countless tools and strategies exist to inspire creativity, one often overlooked yet immensely powerful approach lies in the art of storytelling. Harnessing the strength of narratives, companies can inspire their teams, explore new perspectives, and drive innovation. This article explores how storytelling can flourish as a catalyst for innovation, supported by two compelling case studies that highlight its effectiveness.

Case Study 1: Pixar Animation Studios

Pixar Animation Studios, renowned for its groundbreaking computer-animated films, has become a household name for captivating storytelling. Pixar understands that innovation often thrives when traditional boundaries are challenged, and they have used storytelling as a means to consistently inspire creativity.

In the case of Pixar’s film “Toy Story,” the initial concept faced significant skepticism. The concept of toys coming to life seemed unusual, but the storytelling approach taken by Pixar captured the hearts and imaginations of both adults and children. By creating relatable characters, building emotional connections, and weaving an engaging narrative, Pixar transformed a seemingly bizarre concept into a groundbreaking and hugely successful film.

This case study emphasizes that storytelling can help organizations push the boundaries of imagination, enabling them to overcome initial reservations. By creating a compelling and relatable narrative, companies can promote a culture that encourages their teams to challenge conventional thinking and embrace innovation.

Case Study 2: Nike

Nike, one of the world’s leading athletic brands, has long recognized the power of storytelling in fostering innovation. Their “Just Do It” campaign, introduced in 1988, revolutionized sports advertising and inspired countless individuals to push their limits. The unifying message of perseverance and determination resonated with people from all walks of life, propelling Nike to the forefront of athletic apparel.

A notable example of Nike’s use of storytelling comes from their collaboration with Colin Kaepernick, the former NFL player known for his peaceful protests against racial injustice. In 2018, Nike launched a controversial campaign featuring Kaepernick, titled “Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.” This narrative-driven advertisement sparked conversation and stirred emotions worldwide. By effectively utilizing storytelling, Nike took a bold stance and inspired innovation by championing social values and sparking important conversations.

This case study demonstrates the power of storytelling to prompt innovation not only within a company but also on a societal level. By weaving narratives that highlight important issues, companies can drive conversations, challenge norms, and inspire change.

Key Takeaways:
1. Stories have the power to transform unconventional ideas into innovative breakthroughs. By crafting engaging narratives, organizations can overcome initial skepticism and foster a culture that embraces creative thinking.

2. Well-crafted stories can act as a catalyst for change and inspire innovation on both individual and societal levels. Companies that use storytelling to embrace and promote important values can challenge the status quo and shape the future.


The art of storytelling is a potent tool that can inspire innovation within organizations. By crafting narratives that captivate, brands can create a culture that encourages their teams to think differently, challenge existing norms, and push the boundaries of creativity. Pixar Animation Studios and Nike demonstrate how storytelling can transform bold ideas into groundbreaking achievements and highlight important social issues. Embracing the power of storytelling has the potential to unlock innovative thinking and drive meaningful change in the corporate landscape.

Bottom line: Futurology is not fortune telling. Futurists use a scientific approach to create their deliverables, but a methodology and tools like those in FutureHacking™ can empower anyone to engage in futurology themselves.

Image credit: misterinnovation.com

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Fostering a Culture of Design Thinking

Strategies for Business Leaders

Fostering a Culture of Design Thinking

GUEST POST from Art Inteligencia

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, it is essential for leaders to foster a culture of design thinking within their organizations. Design thinking is a problem-solving approach that places the user at the center of the process, with a focus on empathy, collaboration, and experimentation. By embracing design thinking, businesses can create innovative solutions that truly meet the needs of their customers, drive growth, and stay ahead of the competition.

To successfully foster a culture of design thinking within an organization, business leaders must first understand the key principles and strategies that underpin this approach. This includes encouraging a mindset of curiosity and experimentation, promoting cross-functional collaboration, and creating a safe space for employees to explore new ideas and take risks. Leaders must also lead by example, embodying the principles of design thinking in their own decision-making and problem-solving processes.

Case Study 1: Airbnb

One company that has successfully embraced design thinking is Airbnb. By focusing on the needs and experiences of their users, Airbnb has been able to revolutionize the way people travel and find accommodation. Through a user-centered design process, Airbnb has been able to create a platform that is intuitive, accessible, and personalized, leading to a loyal customer base and continued success in the competitive travel industry.

Case Study 2: Nike

Another company that has made design thinking a central part of its culture is Nike. Nike has a long history of innovation and design, with a strong focus on understanding the needs and desires of their customers. By incorporating design thinking into their product development process, Nike has been able to create cutting-edge athletic wear and footwear that not only meets the functional needs of athletes but also resonates with their sense of style and identity. This approach has helped Nike stay at the forefront of the sports industry and maintain its position as a leading global brand.


Fostering a culture of design thinking is essential for businesses looking to drive innovation, engage customers, and stay competitive in today’s rapidly changing market. By embracing the principles of design thinking and creating a supportive environment for experimentation and collaboration, business leaders can unlock new opportunities for growth and success. By following the example of companies like Airbnb and Nike, organizations can create products and services that truly resonate with their customers and deliver lasting value.

Bottom line: Futurists are not fortune tellers. They use a formal approach to achieve their outcomes, but a methodology and tools like those in FutureHacking™ can empower anyone to be their own futurist.

Image credit: Pixabay

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The Future of Retail: Experiential Shopping and Personalized Experiences

The Future of Retail: Experiential Shopping and Personalized Experiences

GUEST POST from Chateau G Pato

The retail industry is constantly evolving, and recent years have seen a significant shift towards experiential shopping and personalized experiences. In an era where e-commerce is dominating, retailers have realized the importance of creating unique and memorable experiences that cannot be replicated online. By incorporating technology, customization, and interactive elements, retailers are re-imagining the traditional shopping experience and connecting with customers on a deeper level.

One of the key drivers behind the rise of experiential shopping is the desire for authenticity and connection. Customers no longer want to simply buy a product; they want to feel a genuine connection with the brand and the story behind it. This shift is evident in the success of retail spaces that prioritize storytelling and create immersive experiences for customers.

Case Study 1 – Samsung 837 Store

A prime example of this is the Samsung 837 store in New York City. Rather than being a traditional retail store, Samsung 837 is a three-story experience center that showcases the brand’s latest products and innovations. Customers are invited to interact with and test out the products in various experiential zones, such as the Virtual Reality Tunnel and the 4D VR Theater. Additionally, the store hosts regular events, workshops, and performances, creating a sense of community and excitement around the brand. By focusing on creating an immersive and interactive experience, Samsung has successfully transformed the traditional retail space into a destination that customers actively seek out.

Case Study 2 – Nike Flagship Store

Another successful case study in experiential shopping is the Nike flagship store in New York City’s Soho neighborhood. The store features a range of interactive elements that engage customers and encourage them to personalize their shopping experience. For example, the Nike By You Studio allows customers to design and customize their own sneakers, creating a one-of-a-kind product that is unique to them. The store also includes a Nike+ Trial Zone, where customers can test out products on an indoor basketball court, a soccer field, or a treadmill. These interactive experiences not only create a memorable shopping experience for customers but also allow them to engage with the brand in a deeper and more meaningful way.

Personalization is another key aspect of the future of retail. With advances in technology, retailers can now collect and analyze vast amounts of customer data, allowing them to tailor the shopping experience to individual preferences and needs. This personalized approach not only enhances the customer experience but also increases customer loyalty and drives sales.

Amazon is a prime example of a retailer that has successfully leveraged personalization in its shopping experience. Its recommendation engine analyzes a customer’s browsing and purchase history to provide personalized product recommendations. Additionally, Amazon’s Dash Buttons enable customers to quickly reorder commonly used items with the push of a button. By understanding and anticipating customer needs, Amazon has created a seamless and personalized shopping experience that keeps customers coming back.


The future of retail lies in experiential shopping and personalized experiences. By creating immersive and interactive spaces, retailers can forge genuine connections with customers and create a sense of excitement and community. Additionally, by leveraging customer data and technology, retailers can personalize the shopping experience and cater to individual preferences. As the retail landscape continues to evolve, it is clear that the traditional shopping experience is being transformed into a holistic and personalized journey.

Bottom line: Futurology is not fortune telling. Futurists use a scientific approach to create their deliverables, but a methodology and tools like those in FutureHacking™ can empower anyone to engage in futurology themselves.

Image credit: Pexels

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The Impact of Omnichannel Experiences on Customer Satisfaction

The Impact of Omnichannel Experiences on Customer Satisfaction

GUEST POST from Chateau G Pato

In our increasingly digitally connected world, consumers are no longer limited to a single channel for interacting with brands. The rise of multiple touchpoints – online, offline, mobile applications, social media, and more – has given birth to the omnichannel customer experience. This new paradigm has drastically changed customer expectations, prompting brands to adopt a cohesive and holistic approach to engage, assist, and delight customers. In this thought leadership article, we explore the impact of omnichannel experiences on customer satisfaction, using case studies to highlight its transformative power.

Case Study 1: Sephora

Sephora, a renowned beauty retailer, recognized the importance of embracing omnichannel experiences to enhance customer satisfaction. They strategically integrated physical stores, an e-commerce website, mobile applications, and a robust loyalty program, seamlessly connecting every touchpoint of the customer journey.

Sephora’s “Beauty Insider” program exemplifies the success of their omnichannel approach. Customers can sign up for free and accumulate points across all channels. Regardless of whether they shop in-store, online, or through the mobile app, customers always receive personalized recommendations, exclusive offers, and tailored rewards. This cohesion and convenience are major contributors to customer satisfaction.

According to a Harvard Business Review study, Sephora’s Beauty Insider members spend an average of three and a half times more compared to non-members. By embracing an omnichannel mindset and valuing customer satisfaction, Sephora fosters loyalty, drives sales, and inspires customer advocacy.

Case Study 2: Nike

Another prime example of the impact of omnichannel experiences on customer satisfaction is Nike, the global sportswear giant. Nike leverages technology to create a seamless and personalized experience that surpasses customers’ expectations.

In 2018, Nike launched its NikePlus membership program, which allows customers to connect their in-store, online, and mobile app interactions under a single account. This integration enables customers to browse products, reserving them for in-store try-ons, receiving personalized training programs, and accessing exclusive events. Nike’s omnichannel strategy is explicitly designed to enhance their customers’ satisfaction by making interactions effortless and tailored.

As a result, NikePlus members spend almost triple the amount per year compared to non-members. This success demonstrates that by providing an omnichannel experience centered around customer satisfaction, brands can significantly impact their customers’ buying habits and generate long-term loyalty.


The impact of omnichannel experiences on customer satisfaction cannot be understated. Brands that embrace a cohesive and holistic approach, integrating all touchpoints across the customer journey, stand to gain numerous benefits. Sephora and Nike’s case studies demonstrate how an omnichannel mindset can lead to increased customer spending, improved loyalty, and enhanced satisfaction. By putting the customer at the heart of their strategies and leveraging technology to create seamless experiences, brands can thrive in today’s customer-centric landscape.

SPECIAL BONUS: Braden Kelley’s Problem Finding Canvas can be a super useful starting point for doing design thinking or human-centered design.

“The Problem Finding Canvas should help you investigate a handful of areas to explore, choose the one most important to you, extract all of the potential challenges and opportunities and choose one to prioritize.”

Image credit: Pixabay

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