GUEST POST from Mike Shipulski
I know you’re trying to do something that has never been done before, but when will you be done?
I don’t know. We’ll run the next experiment then decide what to do next. If it works, we’ll do more of that. And if it doesn’t, we’ll do less of that. That’s all we know right now.
I know you’re trying to create something that is new to our industry, but how many will we sell?
I don’t know. Initial interviews with customers made it clear that this is an important customer problem. So, we’re trying to figure out if the technology can provide a viable solution. That’s all we know right now.
No one is asking for that obscure technology. Why are you wasting time working on that?
Well, the voice of the technology and the S-curve analyses suggest the technology wants to move in this direction, so we’re investing this solution space. It might work and it might not. That’s all we know right now.
Why aren’t you using best practices?
If it hasn’t been done before, there can be no best practice. We prefer to use good practice or emergent practice.
There doesn’t seem like there’s been much progress. Why aren’t you running more experiments?
We don’t know which experiments to run, so we’re taking some time to think about what to do next.
Will it work?
I don’t know.
That new technology may obsolete our most profitable product line. Shouldn’t you stop work on that?
No. If we don’t obsolete our best work, someone else will. Wouldn’t it be better if we did the obsoleting?
How many more people do you need to accelerate the technology development work?
None. Small teams are better.
Sure, it’s a cool technology, but how much will it cost?
We haven’t earned the right to think about the cost. We’re still trying to make it work.
So, what’s your solution?
We don’t know yet. We’re still trying to formulate the customer problem.
You said you’d be done two months ago. Why aren’t you done yet?
I never said we’d be done two months ago. You asked me for a completion date and I could not tell you when we’d be done. You didn’t like that answer so I suggested that you choose your favorite date and put that into your spreadsheet. We were never going to hit that date, and we didn’t.
We’ve got a tight timeline. Why are you going home at 5:00?
We’ve been working on this technology for the last two years. This is a marathon. We’re mentally exhausted. See you tomorrow.
If you don’t work harder, we’ll get someone else to do the technology development work. What do you think about that?
You are confusing activity with progress. We are doing the right analyses and the right thinking and we’re working hard. But if you’d rather have someone else lead this work, so would I.
We need a patented solution. Will your solution be patentable?
I don’t know because we don’t yet have a solution. And when we do have a solution, we still won’t know because it takes a year or three for the Patent Office to make that decision.
So, you’re telling me this might not work?
Yes. That’s what I’m telling you.
So, you don’t know when you’ll be done with the technology work, you don’t know how much the technology will cost, you don’t know if it will be patentable, or who will buy it?
That’s about right.
Image credit: Unsplash
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