Tag Archives: Artificial Intelligence

Harnessing the Secrets of Successful Customer Engagement

Harnessing the Secrets of Successful Customer Engagement

GUEST POST from Shep Hyken

What is customer engagement? A Google search will provide plenty of definitions to consider. Here are a few to give you a clear understanding:

  • Qualtrics defines it as “the emotional connection between a customer and a brand.”
  • A recent Forbes article defines it as “building relationships with customers at every touch point.”
  • Wikipedia offers numerous definitions from multiple sources, including this one from Forrester from 2008: “creating deep connections with customers that drive purchase decisions, interaction, and participation over time.”

All of these (and more) are correct. They work. As a modern marketer, the new question is about how to deliver on the foundational definition of customer engagement using current tools and technology.

I had a chance to do an Amazing Business Radio interview with Spencer Burke, SVP of Growth at Braze, a customer engagement platform that offers messaging solutions to multiple communication channels. We discussed the innovative ways marketers and customer experience (CX) leaders are taking customer engagement to new levels.

Burke simplified the marketing and customer engagement definition to four words: connecting brands to consumers. That’s really the job of a marketer. The result is that customers want to buy, come back and buy more.

It may sound simple, but there are obstacles to the optimal customer engagement experience. According to Burke, “Marketers have a lot on their plate. It’s not easy to be creative when there’s an emphasis on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and time-draining routine tasks.”

To support this statement, Burke shared findings from the 2024 Global Customer Engagement Review, in which Braze interviewed 1,900 marketing decision makers to learn about challenges and opportunities in the marketing and CX industries.

Marketing used to be about finding creative ways to engage with customers, but today’s marketers are burdened in four areas:

    1. Too much emphasis on KPIs: Forty-two percent of marketers surveyed felt KPIs inhibit a focus on creativity. Numbers/KPIs are important. After all, you can’t manage what you don’t or can’t measure (Peter Drucker). But if they get in the way of creativity, then consider pushing the numbers aside for a moment—or maybe just focus on one or two KPIs.
    2. Too many routine tasks: Forty-two percent feel too much time is spent on “business as usual execution and tasks,” leaving less time for creative work. If there’s something that can be automated, then automate it. Don’t waste any employee’s time—especially when they are trying to be creative—with tasks and processes that drain energy and take up too much time.
    3. Lack of technology: Forty-one percent feel that a lack of technology hinders the execution of creative ideas. This is where Artificial Intelligence (AI) can support the process. How can AI make a creative marketer’s life easier? There are many, many ways!
    4. Return on Investment (ROI) is hard to track: Forty percent said it’s hard to demonstrate the ROI impact of creativity. Leadership wants ROI. Often, they demand to know the ROI before a project starts. You can’t fight this. Start with the end in mind. Understanding the benefits of the work that is to be performed is important to getting leadership to buy in and support the marketing and customer engagement efforts.

AI should be used as a tool to free up time and let creatives be creative, according to Burke. For example, he says, “When you know what you want to say but haven’t been able to articulate it just right, it’s a huge confidence booster to know you can drop the message into an AI interface to get feedback and suggestions for improvement.” The time savings are substantial, but more importantly, the marketer’s focus gets to be on creating, not finishing.

Burke also mentioned how important personalization is in today’s customer engagement strategy. There’s a tremendous amount of data on customers, and brands must be thoughtful in how they manage that data. AI can help interpret the data and deliver insights about customers that can be useful. For instance, Netflix learns its customers’ viewing habits and suggests TV shows and movies. Amazon remembers what its customers have bought in the past and can accurately predict when the customer should order more. The best brands use the data AI provides to create a better experience. But, it’s a balancing act. Too much personalization creates “the creepiness factor,” where being too detailed or specific has the opposite effect of what marketers want to achieve.

Astha Malik, Chief Business Officer of Braze, says, “Today’s marketers face growing expectations from increasingly connected consumers, who want value in exchange for their attention. In response, we see a growing number of marketers tapping into first-party data and utilizing AI to ignite creativity and craft personalized experiences that both resonate with consumers and foster brand loyalty.”

In addition, brands need to be consistent with their personalization. You can’t recognize a customer one time and not know them the next time. That defeats the entire personalization campaign.

All of this takes us back to Burke’s original definition of customer engagement, which is connecting brands to consumers. That connection must be consistent and accurate. There are more and better tools than ever to help create an optimal customer engagement experience, one interaction at a time. The closer you can get to meeting customers where they are, when they need you and provide value in those interactions, the more likely they will see you as a trusted brand and say, “I’ll be back!”

Image Credits: Pexels, Shep Hyken

This article originally appeared on Forbes.com

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Rise of the Atomic Consultant

Or the Making of a Superhero

Rise of the Atomic Consultant

by Braden Kelley

In today’s rapidly evolving world, the consulting landscape is undergoing a profound transformation. I was recently asked a series of questions to capture my thoughts on how the consulting industry and its employees will need to evolve to thrive in the coming years – including my thoughts on the creation of “superhero” consultants. The emergence of the “superhero” consultant is not merely a result of advanced tools and technologies, but rather the cultivation of essential skills and capabilities. As we navigate through this era of unprecedented change, it is imperative for consulting firms to foster a culture of flexibility, growth, and continuous learning. The future of consulting lies in the hands of those who can seamlessly integrate human expertise with artificial intelligence (AI), build meaningful connections in a hybrid work environment, and facilitate diverse perspectives to drive innovation. This article delves into the key attributes that will define the next generation of consultants and explores the obstacles that must be overcome to unlock their full potential.

Here are the questions:

1) What are the tools and technologies that a consultant should use to become a “superhero” consultant? Why are these specific tools/technologies important? How should these tools be used most effectively?

This is the wrong question. It is not tools and technologies that will enable “superhero” consultants, but instead the development of the right skills and capabilities. The future of consulting will require consulting firms to hire and develop employees that are:

  1. Flexible and growth minded – the world is changing at an accelerating rate and consultants more than ever before will need to be lifelong learners, comfortable with knowledge gaps and eager to become an expert in something on behalf of the client with each new project
  2. AI Taskmasters – the future of work is man and machine working together and consultants skilled at breaking down work to the right size (atomizing work) and assigning it to both human and AI workers
  3. Socially Savvy – remote and hybrid work is here to stay and even clients have soured on having consultants travel in every week, so “superhero” consultants must excel at building connections and relationships via internal, external and client social tools to both distribute/execute work and to source new work
  4. Skilled facilitators – as data and AI-generated work products become plentiful, sense-making rises in importance along with a diversity of perspectives – often in workshops facilitated by consultants
  5. Open Sourced – gone are the days of rinse and repeat projects powered by proprietary frameworks and IP, instead “superhero” consultants will excel at identifying the right tools and frameworks to bring to bear – from FutureHacking™ to Design Thinking to the Change Planning Toolkit™

The capabilities of tools and technologies will grow over time and new ones will emerge. The best consultants will constantly be scanning the horizon for new tools, technologies, and capabilities and leverage the above skills and capabilities to unlearn and then re-learn the best ways to create value for their clients.

2) What are the biggest obstacles that prevent consultants from being able to access or learn the steps needed to become a “superhero” consultant? What should be done to remove these obstacles to help make this transformation easier for more consultants?

The biggest obstacles that prevent consultants from becoming “superheroes” are internal – to both the consultants themselves and the firms they work for. Companies will need to examine their own policies, procedures, and training programs to right-size them for this emerging new reality. Firms will need to allow consultants to pick the right frameworks, tools and technologies for addressing client challenges – instead of limiting them to those owned by the firm. Consultants will need to shift their mindset from being experts in a particular tool or technology and towards being masters of the above skills and capabilities and experts in achieving key client outcomes. Firms will need to invest in the training and the technology necessary to provide AI’s built for purpose to accelerate the ability of consultants to more efficiently and effectively solve client challenges. Firms will also need to update their tools and methods for capturing and sharing knowledge to leverage AI capabilities at the same time.

3) What specific areas of consulting (eg. IT, finance, marketing, etc.) have the greatest potential to produce this new brand of “superhero” consultants? Why?

This new brand of “superhero” consultants will excel in a number of different disciplines because they will be able to not only find more efficient and effective ways to execute work traditionally performed by consultants (technology implementations, analytical work, etc.), but as they are helping clients transform the ways they perform different types of work, they will also be able to help clients identify new activities that will be made possible by the transformation and the new technologies and ways of working they bring with it. The reason is their focus on building skills and capabilities into which tools and technologies plug in – somewhat interchangeably.


The journey to becoming a “superhero” consultant is not without its challenges, but the rewards are immense. By embracing a mindset of lifelong learning and adaptability, consultants can harness the power of emerging technologies to deliver unparalleled value to their clients. The future of consulting is not about rigid frameworks or proprietary tools, but about the ability to unlearn and relearn, to innovate and collaborate, and to drive meaningful change. As we look ahead, it is clear that the most successful consultants will be those who can navigate the complexities of a dynamic world with agility and foresight. Let us continue to push the boundaries of what is possible and strive to create a brighter future for the consulting industry. Keep innovating!

p.s. Be sure and follow both my personal account and the Human-Centered Change and Innovation community on LinkedIn.

Image credit: Bing Copilot (Microsoft Designer)

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Artificial Intelligence is a No-Brainer

Why innovation management needs co-intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is a No-Brainer

GUEST POST from John Bessant

Long fuse, big bang. A great descriptor which Andrew Hargadon uses to describe the way some major innovations arrive and have impact. For a long time they exist but we hardly notice them, they are confined to limited application, there are constraints on what the technology can do and so on. But suddenly, almost as if by magic they move center stage and seem to have impact everywhere we look.

Which is pretty much the story we now face with the wonderful world of AI. While there is plenty of debate about labels — artificial intelligence, machine learning, different models and approaches — the result is the same. Everywhere we look there is AI — and it’s already having an impact.

More than that; the pace of innovation within the world of AI is breath-taking, even by today’s rapid product cycle standards. We’ve become used to seeing major shifts in things like mobile phones, change happening on a cycle measured in months. But AI announcements of a breakthrough nature seem to happen with weekly frequency.

That’s also reflected in the extent of use — from the ‘early days’ (only last year!) of hearing about Chat GPT and other models we’ve now reached a situation where estimates suggest that millions of people are experimenting with them. Chat GPT has grown from a handful of people to over 200 million in less than a year; it added its first million subscribers within five days of launch! Similar figures show massive and rapid take -up of competing products like Anthropic’s Claude and Google’s Gemini, etc. It’s pretty clear that there’s a high-paced ‘arms race’ going on and it’s drawing in all the big players.

This rapid rate of adoption is being led by an even faster proliferation on the supply side, with many new players entering the market , especially in niche fields. As with the apps market there’s a huge number of players jumping on the bandwagon, and significant growth in the open source availability of models. And many models now allow for users to create their own custom versions — mini-GPTs’ and ‘Co-pilots’ which they can deploy for highly specific needs.

Not surprisingly estimates suggest that the growth potential in the market for AI technologies is vast, amounting to around 200 billion U.S. dollars in 2023 and expected to grow to over 1.8 trillion U.S. dollars by 2030.

Growth in Artificial Intelligence

There’s another important aspect to this growth. As Ethan Mollick suggests in his excellent book ‘Co-intelligence’, everything that we see AI doing today is the product of a far-from-perfect version of the technology; in very short time, given the rate of growth so far, we can expect much more power, integration and multi-modality.

The all-singing, dancing and doing pretty much anything else version of AI we can imagine isn’t far off. Speculation about when AGI — artificial general intelligence — will arrive is still just that — speculative — but the direction of travel is clear.

Not that the impact is seen as entirely positive. Whilst there have been impressive breakthroughs, using AI to help understand and innovate in fields as diverse as healthcare , distribution and education these are matched by growing concern about, for example, privacy and data security, deep-fake abuse and significant employment effects.

With its demonstrable potential for undertaking a wide range of tasks AI certainly poses a threat to the quality and quantity of a wide range of jobs — and at the limit could eliminate them entirely. And where earlier generations of technological automation impacted simple manual operations or basic tasks AI has the capacity to undertake many complex operations — often doing so faster and more effectively than humans.

AI models like Chat GPT can now routinely pass difficult exams for law or medical school, they can interpret complex data sets and spot patterns better than their human counterparts and they can quickly combine and analyze complex data to arrive at decisions which may often be better quality than those made by even experienced practitioners. Not surprisingly the policy discussion around this potential impact has proliferated at a similarly fast rate, echoing growing public concern about the darker side of AI.

But is it inevitable going to be a case of replacement, with human beings shunted to the side-lines? No-one is sure and it is still early days. We’ve had technological revolutions before — think back fifty years to when we first felt the early shock waves of what was to become the ‘microelectronics revolution’. Newspaper headlines and media programs with provocative titles like ‘Now the chips are down’ prompted frenzied discussion and policy planning for a future world staffed by robots and automated to the point where most activity would be undertaken by automated systems, overseen by one man and a dog. The role of the dog being to act as security guard, the role of the man being confined to feeding the dog.

Automation Man and Dog

This didn’t materialize; as many commentators pointed out at the time and as history has shown there were shifts and job changes but there was also compensating creation of new roles and tasks for which new skills were needed. Change yes — but not always in the negative direction and with growing potential for improving the content and quality of remaining and new jobs.

So if history is any guide then there are some grounds for optimism. Certainly we should be exploring and anticipating and particularly trying to match skills and capacity building to likely future needs.

Not least in the area of innovation management. What impact is AI having — and what might the future hold? It’s certainly implicated in a major shift right across the innovation space in terms of its application. If we take a simple ‘innovation compass’ to map these developments we can find plenty of examples:

Exploring Innovation Space

Innovation in terms of what we offer the world — our products and services — here AI already has a strong presence in everything from toys through intelligent and interactive services on our phones through to advanced weapon systems

And it’s the same story if we look at process innovation — changes in the ways we create and deliver whatever it is we offer. AI is embedded in automated and self-optimizing control systems for a huge range of tasks from mining, through manufacturing and out to service delivery.

Position innovation is another dimension where we innovate in opening up new or under-served markets, and changing the stories we tell to existing ones. AI has been a key enabler here, helping spot emerging trends, providing detailed market analysis and underpinning so many of the platform businesses which effectively handle the connection between multi-sided markets. Think Amazon, Uber, Alibaba or AirBnB and imagine them without the support of AI.

And innovation is possible through rethinking the whole approach to what we do, coming up with new business models. Rethinking the underlying value and how it might be delivered — think Spotify, Netflix and many others replacing the way we consume and enjoy our entertainment. Once again AI step forward as a key enabler.

AI is already a 360 degree solution looking for problems to attach to. Importantly this isn’t just in the commercial world; the power of AI is also being harnessed to enable social innovation in many different ways.

But perhaps the real question is not about AI-enabled innovations but one of how it affects innovators — and the organizations employing them? By now we know that innovation isn’t some magical force that strikes blindly in the light bulb moment. It’s a process which can be organized and managed so that we are able to repeat the trick. And after over 100 years of research and documenting hard-won experience we know the kind of things we need to put in place — how to manage innovation. It’s reached the point where we can codify it into an international standard — ISO 56001- and use this as a template to check out the ways in which we build and operate our innovation management systems.

So how will AI affect this — and, more to the point, how is it already doing so? Let’s take our helicopter and look down on where and how AI playing a role in the key areas of innovation management systems.

Typically the ‘front end’ of innovation involves various kinds of search activity, picking up strong and weak signals about needs and opportunities for change. And this kind of exploration and forecasting is something which AI has already shown itself to be very good at — whether in the search for new protein forms or the generation of ideas for consumer products.

Frank Piller’s research team published an excellent piece last year describing their exploration of this aspect of innovation. They looked at the potential which AI offered and tested their predictions out by tasking Chat GPT with a number of prompts based on the needs of a fictitious outdoor activities company. They had it monitoring and picking up on trends, scraping online communities for early warning signals about new consumer themes and, crucially, actually doing idea generation to come up with new product concepts. Their results mimic many other studies which suggest that AI is very good at this — in fact, as Mollick reports, it often does the job better than humans.

Of course finding opportunities is only the start of the innovation process; a key next stage is some kind of strategic selection. Out of all the possibilities of what we could do, what are we going to do and why? Limited resources mean we have to make choices — and the evidence is that AI is pretty helpful here too. It can explore and compare alternatives, make better bets and build more viable business models to take emerging value propositions forward. (At least in the test case where it competed against MBA students…!)

Innovation Process John Bessant

And then we are in the world of implementation, the long and winding road to converting our value proposition into something which will actually work and be wanted. Today’s agile innovation involves a cycle of testing, trial and error learning, gradually pivoting and homing in on what works and building from that. And once again AI is good at this — not least because it’s at the heart of how it does what it does. There’s a clue in the label — machine learning is all about deploying different learning and improvement strategies. AI can carry out fast experiments and focus in, it can simulate markets and bring to bear many of the adoption influences as probabilistic variables which it can work with.

Of course launching a successful version of a value proposition converted to a viable solution is still only half the innovation journey. To have impact we need to scale — but here again AI is likely to change the game. Much of the scaling journey involves understanding and configuring your solution to match the high variability across populations and accelerate diffusion. We know a lot about what influences this (not least thanks to the extensive work of Everett Rogers) and AI has particular capabilities in making sense of the preferences and predilections of populations through studying big datasets. It’s record in persuasion in fields like election campaigning suggests it has the capacity to enhance our ability to influence the innovation adoption decision process.

Scaling also involves complementary assets — the ‘who else?’ and ‘what else?’ which we need to have impact at scale. We need to assemble value networks, ecosystems of co-operating stakeholders — but to do this we need to be able to make connections. Specifically finding potential partners, forming relationships and getting the whole system to perform with emergent properties, where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

And here too AI has an growing track record in enabling recombinant innovation, cross-linking, connecting and making sense of patterns, even if we humans can’t always see them.

So far, so disturbing — at least if you are a practicing innovation manager looking over your shoulder at the AI competition rapidly catching up. But what about the bigger picture, the idea of developing and executing an innovation strategy? Here our concern is with the long-term, managing the process of accumulating competencies and capabilities to create long term competitiveness in volatile and unpredictable markets?

It involves being able to imagine and explore different options and make decisions based on the best use of resources and the likely fit with a future world. Which is, once again, the kind of thing which AI has shown itself to be good at. It’s moved a long way from playing chess and winning by brute calculating force. Now it can beat world champions at complex games of strategy like Go and win poker tournaments, bluffing with the best of them to sweep the pot.

Artificial Intelligence Poker Player

So what are we left with? In many ways it takes us right back to basics. We’ve survived as a species on the back of our imaginations — we’re not big or fast, or able to fly, but we are able to think. And our creativity has helped us devise and share tools and techniques, to innovate our way out of trouble. Importantly we’ve learned to do this collectively — shared creativity is a key part of the puzzle.

We’ve seen this throughout history; the recent response to the Covid-19 pandemic provides yet another illustration. In the face of crisis we can work together and innovate radically. It’s something we see in the humanitarian innovation world and in many other crisis contexts. Innovation benefits from more minds on the job.

So one way forward is not to wring our hands and say that the game is over and we should step back and let the AI take over. Rather it points towards us finding ways of working with it — as Mollick’s book title suggests, learning to treat it as a ‘co-intelligence’. Different, certainly but often in in complementary ways. Diversity has always mattered in innovation teams — so maybe by recruiting AI to our team we amplify that effect. There’s enough to do in meeting the challenge of managing innovation against a background of uncertainty; it makes sense to take advantage of all the help we can get.

AI may seem to point to a direction in which our role becomes superfluous — the ‘no-brain needed’ option. But we’re also seeing real possibilities for it to become an effective partner in the process.

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Image credits: Dall-E via Microsoft CoPilot, John Bessant

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AI Can Help Attract, Retain and Grow Customer Relationships

AI Can Help Attract, Retain and Grow Customer Relationships

GUEST POST from Shep Hyken

How do you know what your customers want if they don’t tell you? It’s more than sending surveys and interpreting data. Joe Tyrrell is the CEO of Medallia, a company that helps its customers tailor experiences through “intelligent personalization” and automation. I had a chance to interview him on Amazing Business Radio and he shared how smart companies are using AI to build and retain customer relationships. Below are some of his comments followed by my commentary:

  • The generative AI momentum is so widespread that 85% of executives say the technology will be interacting directly with customers in the next two years. AI has been around for longer than most people realize. When a customer is on a website that makes suggestions, when they interact with a chatbot or get the best answers to frequently asked questions, they are interacting with AI-infused technology, whether they know it or not.
  • While most executives want to use AI, they don’t know how they want to use it, the value it will bring and the problems it will solve. In other words, they know they want to use it, but don’t know how (yet). Tyrrell says, “Most organizations don’t know how they are going to use AI responsibly and ethically, and how they will use it in a way that doesn’t introduce unintended consequences, and even worse, unintended bias.” There needs to be quality control and oversight to ensure that AI is meeting the goals and intentions of the company or brand.
  • Generative AI is different than traditional AI. According to Tyrrell, the nature of generative AI is to, “Give me something in real time while I’m interacting with it.” In other words, it’s not just finding answers. It’s communicating with me, almost like human-to-human. When you ask it to clarify a point, it knows exactly how to respond. This is quite different from a traditional search bar on a website—or even a Google search.
  • AI’s capability to personalize the customer experience will be the focus of the next two years. Based on the comment about how AI technology currently interacts with customers, I asked Tyrrell to be more specific about how AI will be used. His answer was focused on personalization. The data we extract from multiple sources will allow for personalization like never before. According to Tyrrell, 82% of consumers say a personalized experience will influence which brand they end up purchasing from in at least half of all shopping situations. The question isn’t whether a company should personalize the customer experience. It is what happens if they don’t.
  • Personalization isn’t about being seen as a consumer, but as a person. That’s the goal of personalization. Medallia’s North Star, which guides all its decisions and investments, is its mission to personalize every customer experience. What makes this a challenge is the word every. If customers experience this one time but the next time the brand acts as if they don’t recognize them, all the work from the previous visit along with the credibility built with the customer is eroded.
  • The next frontier of AI is interpreting social feedback. Tyrrell is excited about Medallia’s future focus. “Surveys may validate information,” says Tyrrell, “but it is often what’s not said that can be just as important, if not even more so.” Tyrrell talked about Medallia’s capability to look everywhere, outside of surveys and social media comments, reviews and ratings, where customers traditionally express themselves. There is behavioral feedback, which Tyrrell refers to as social feedback, not to be confused with social media feedback. Technology can track customer behavior on a website. What pages do they spend the most time on? How do they use the mouse to navigate the page? Tyrell says, “Wherever people are expressing themselves, we capture the information, aggregate it, translate it, interpret it, correlate it and then deliver insights back to our customers.” This isn’t about communicating with customers about customer support issues. It’s mining data to understand customers and make products and experiences better.

Tyrrell’s insights emphasize the opportunities for AI to support the relationship a company or brand has with its customers. The future of customer engagement will be about an experience that creates customer connection. Even though technology is driving the experience, customers appreciate being known and recognized when they return. Tyrrell and I joked about the theme song from the TV sitcom Cheers, which debuted in 1982 and lasted 11 seasons. But it really isn’t a joke at all. It’s what customers want, and it’s so simple. As the song title suggests, customers want to go to a place Where Everybody Knows Your Name.

Image Credits: Unsplash

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Top 10 Human-Centered Change & Innovation Articles of June 2024

Top 10 Human-Centered Change & Innovation Articles of June 2024Drum roll please…

At the beginning of each month, we will profile the ten articles from the previous month that generated the most traffic to Human-Centered Change & Innovation. Did your favorite make the cut?

But enough delay, here are June’s ten most popular innovation posts:

  1. The Surprising Downside of Collaboration in Problem-Solving — by Robyn Bolton
  2. Designing Organizational Change and Transformation — by Stefan Lindegaard
  3. Four Principles of Successful Digital Transformation — by Greg Satell
  4. Managers Make the Difference – Four Common Mistakes Managers Make — by David Burkus
  5. Learning to Innovate — by Janet Sernack
  6. Think Outside Which Box? — by Howard Tiersky
  7. Innovation the Amazon Way — by Greg Satell
  8. Irrelevant Innovation — by John Bessant
  9. Nike Should Stop Blaming Working from Home for Their Innovation Struggles — by Robyn Bolton
  10. Time is a Flat Circle – Jamie Dimon’s Comments on AI Just Proved It — by Robyn Bolton

BONUS – Here are five more strong articles published in May that continue to resonate with people:

If you’re not familiar with Human-Centered Change & Innovation, we publish 4-7 new articles every week built around innovation and transformation insights from our roster of contributing authors and ad hoc submissions from community members. Get the articles right in your Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin feeds too!

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Human-Centered Change & Innovation is open to contributions from any and all innovation and transformation professionals out there (practitioners, professors, researchers, consultants, authors, etc.) who have valuable human-centered change and innovation insights to share with everyone for the greater good. If you’d like to contribute, please contact me.

P.S. Here are our Top 40 Innovation Bloggers lists from the last four years:

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Humans Wanted for the Decade’s Biggest Innovation Challenges

Humans Wanted for the Decade's Biggest Innovation Challenges

GUEST POST from Greg Satell

Every era is defined by the problems it tackles. At the beginning of the 20th century, harnessing the power of internal combustion and electricity shaped society. In the 1960s there was the space race. Since the turn of this century, we’ve learned how to decode the human genome and make machines intelligent.

None of these were achieved by one person or even one organization. In the case of electricity, Faraday and Maxwell established key principles in the early and mid 1800s. Edison, Westinghouse and Tesla came up with the first applications later in that century. Scores of people made contributions for decades after that.

The challenges we face today will be fundamentally different because they won’t be solved by humans alone, but through complex human-machine interactions. That will require a new division of labor in which the highest level skills won’t be things like the ability to retain information or manipulate numbers, but to connect and collaborate with other humans.

Making New Computing Architectures Useful

Technology over the past century has been driven by a long succession of digital devices. First vacuum tubes, then transistors and finally microchips transformed electrical power into something approaching an intelligent control system for machines. That has been the key to the electronic and digital eras.

Yet today that smooth procession is coming to an end. Microchips are hitting their theoretical limits and will need to be replaced by new computing paradigms such as quantum computing and neuromorphic chips. The new technologies will not be digital, but will work fundamentally different than what we’re used to.

They will also have fundamentally different capabilities and will be applied in very different ways. Quantum computing, for example, will be able to simulate physical systems, which may revolutionize sciences like chemistry, materials research and biology. Neuromorphic chips may be thousands of times more energy efficient than conventional chips, opening up new possibilities for edge computing and intelligent materials.

There is still a lot of work to be done to make these technologies useful. To be commercially viable, not only do important applications need to be identified, but much like with classical computers, an entire generation of professionals will need to learn how to use them. That, in truth, may be the most significant hurdle.

Ethics For AI And Genomics

Artificial intelligence, once the stuff of science fiction, has become an everyday technology. We speak into our devices as a matter of course and expect to get back coherent answers. In the near future, we will see autonomous cars and other vehicles regularly deliver products and eventually become an integral part of our transportation system.

This opens up a significant number of ethical dilemmas. If given a choice to protect a passenger or a pedestrian, which should be encoded into the software of a autonomous car? Who gets to decide which factors are encoded into systems that make decisions about our education, whether we get hired or if we go to jail? How will these systems be trained? We all worry about who’s educating our kids, but who’s teaching our algorithms?

Powerful genomics techniques like CRISPR open up further ethical dilemmas. What are the guidelines for editing human genes? What are the risks of a mutation inserted in one species jumping to another? Should we revive extinct species, Jurassic Park style? What are the potential consequences?

What’s striking about the moral and ethical issues of both artificial intelligence and genomics is that they have no precedent, save for science fiction. We are in totally uncharted territory. Nevertheless, it is imperative that we develop a consensus about what principles should be applied, in what contexts and for what purpose.

Closing A Perpetual Skills Gap

Education used to be something that you underwent in preparation for your “real life.” Afterwards, you put away the schoolbooks and got down to work, raised a family and never really looked back. Even today, Pew Research reports that nearly one in four adults in the US did not read a single book last year.

Today technology is making many things we learned obsolete. In fact, a study at Oxford estimated that nearly half of the jobs that exist today will be automated in the next 20 years. That doesn’t mean that there won’t be jobs for humans to do, in fact we are in the midst of an acute labor shortage, especially in manufacturing, where automation is most pervasive.

Yet just as advanced technologies are eliminating the need for skills, they are also increasingly able to help us learn new ones. A number of companies are using virtual reality to train workers and finding that it can boost learning efficiency by as much as 40%. IBM, with the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, has recently unveiled a system that help you learn a new language like Mandarin. This video shows how it works.

Perhaps the most important challenge is a shift in mindset. We need to treat education as a lifelong need that extends long past childhood. If we only retrain workers once their industry has become obsolete and they’ve lost their jobs, then we are needlessly squandering human potential, not to mention courting an abundance of misery.

Shifting Value To Humans

The industrial revolution replaced the physical labor of humans with that of machines. The result was often mind-numbing labor in factories. Yet further automation opened up new opportunities for knowledge workers who could design ways to boost the productivity of both humans and machines.

Today, we’re seeing a similar shift from cognitive to social skills. Go into a highly automated Apple Store, to take just one example, and you don’t see a futuristic robot dystopia, but a small army of smiling attendants on hand to help you. The future of technology always seems to be more human.

In much the same way, when I talk to companies implementing advanced technologies like artificial intelligence or cloud computing, the one thing I constantly hear is that the human element is often the most important. Unless you can shift your employees to higher level tasks, you miss out on many of the most important benefits

What’s important to consider is that when a task is automated, it is also democratized and value shifts to another place. So, for example, e-commerce devalues the processing of transactions, but increases the value of things like customer service, expertise and resolving problems with orders, which is why we see all those smiling faces when we walk into an Apple Store.

That’s what we often forget about innovation. It’s essentially a very human endeavor and, to measure as true progress, humans always need to be at the center.

— Article courtesy of the Digital Tonto blog and previously appeared on Inc.com
— Image credits: Pixabay

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How To Create the IKEA Effect

A Customer Experience That Will Be Appreciated

How To Create The IKEA Effect

GUEST POST from Shep Hyken

When reaching out for customer service and support, most customers still prefer to communicate with a company or brand via the traditional phone call. That said, more and more customers are attracted to and embracing a do-it-yourself customer service experience, known as self-service.

I had a chance to sit down with Venk Korla, the president and CEO of HGS Digital, which recently released its HGS Buyers Insight Report. We talked about investments CX (customer experience) leaders are making into AI and digital self-support and the importance of creating a similar experience for employees, which will get to in a moment. But first, I want to share some comments Korla made about comparing customer service to an IKEA experience.

The IKEA Effect

The IKEA effect was identified and named by Michael I. Norton of Harvard Business School, Daniel Mochon of Yale and Dan Ariely of Duke, who published the results of three studies in 2011. A short description of the IKEA effect is that some customers not only enjoy putting furniture together themselves but also find more value in the experience than if a company delivered pre-assembled furniture.

“It’s the same in the customer service/support world,” Korla said. “Customers who easily resolve their issues or have their questions answered on a brand’s self-service portal, either through traditional FAQ pages on a website or something more advanced, such as AI-powered solutions, will not only be happy with the experience but will also be grateful to the company for providing such an easy, fulfilling experience.”

To support this notion, our customer service research (sponsored by RingCentral) found that even with the phone being the No. 1 way customers like to interact with brands, 26% of customers stopped doing business with a company or brand because self-service options were not provided. (Note: Younger generations prefer self-service solutions more than older generations.) As the self-service experience improves, more will adopt it as their go-to method of getting questions answered and problems resolved.

The Big Bet On AI

In the next 18 months, CX decision-makers are betting big on artificial intelligence. The research behind the HGS Buyers Insight Report found that 37% of the leaders surveyed will deploy customer-facing chatbots, 30% will use generative AI or text-speech solutions to support employees taking care of customers, and 28% will invest in and deploy robotic process automation. All of these investments are meant to improve both the customer and employee experience.

While Spending On CX Is A Top Priority, Spending On Employee Experience (EX) Is Lagging

Korla recognizes the need to support not only customers with AI, but also employees. Companies betting on AI must also consider employees as they invest in technology to support customers. Just as a customer uses an AI-powered chatbot to communicate using natural language, the employee interacting directly with the customer should be able to use similar tools.

Imagine the customer support agent receives a call from a customer with a difficult question. As the customer describes the issue, the agent inputs notes into the computer. Within seconds, the agent has the answer to the question appear on their screen. In addition, the AI tool shares insights about the customer, such as their buying patterns, how long they have been a customer, what they’ve called about in the past and more. At this point, a good agent can interpret the information and communicate it in the style that best suits the customer.

Korla explains that the IKEA effect is just as powerful for employees as it is for customers. When employees are armed with the right tools to do their jobs effectively, allowing them to easily support customers and solve their most difficult problems, they are more fulfilled. In the HGS report, 54% of CX leaders surveyed cited talent attraction and retention as a top investment priority. So, for the company that invests in EX tools—specifically AI and automation—the result translates into lower turnover and more engaged employees.

Korla’s insights highlight the essence of the IKEA effect in creating empowering customer experiences and employee experiences. He reminds us that an amazing CX is supported by an amazing EX. As your company prepares to invest in AI and other self-service tools for your customers, consider an investment in similar tools for your employees.

Download the HGS Buyers Insight Report to find out what CX decision-makers will invest in and focus on for 2024 and beyond.

Image Credits: Pixabay
This article originally appeared on Forbes.com

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Balancing Artificial Intelligence with the Human Touch

GUEST POST from Shep Hyken

As AI and ChatGPT-type technologies grow in capability and ease of use and become more cost-effective, more and more companies are making their way to the digital experience. Still, the best companies know better than to switch to 100% digital.

I had a chance to interview Nicole Kyle, managing director and co-founder of CMP Research (Customer Management Practice), for Amazing Business Radio. Kyle’s team provides research and advisory services for the contact center industry and conducts some of the most critical research on the topic of self-service and digital customer service. I first met Kyle at CCW, the largest contact center conference in the industry. I’ve summarized seven of her key observations below, followed by my commentary:

  1. The Amazon Effect has trained customers to expect a level of service that’s not always in line with what companies and brands can provide. This is exactly what’s happening with customer expectations. They no longer compare you just to your direct competitors but to the best experience they’ve had from any company. Amazon and other rockstar brands focused on CX (customer experience) have set the bar higher for all companies in all industries.
  2. People’s acceptance and eventual normalization of digital experiences accelerated during the pandemic, and they have become a way of life for many customers. The pandemic forced customers to accept self-service. For example, many customers never went online to buy groceries, vehicles or other items that were traditionally shopped for in person. Once customers got used to it, as the pandemic became history, many never returned to the “old way” of doing business. At a minimum, many customers expect a choice between the two.
  3. Customers have new priorities and are placing a premium on their time. Seventy-two percent of customers say they want to spend less time interacting with customer service. They want to be self-sufficient in managing typical customer service issues. In other words, they want self-service options that will get them answers to their questions efficiently and in a timely manner. Our CX research differs and is less than half of that 72% number. When I asked Kyle about the discrepancy, she responded, “Customers who have a poor self-service experience are less likely to return to self-service. While there is an increase in preference, you’re not seeing the adoption because some companies aren’t offering the type of self-service experience the customer wants.”
  4. The digital dexterity of society is improving! That phrase is a great way to describe self-service adoption, specifically how customers view chatbots or other ChatGPT-type technologies. Kyle explained, “Digital experiences became normalized during the pandemic, and digital tools, such as generative AI, are now starting to help people in their daily lives, making them more digitally capable.” That translates into customers’ higher acceptance and desire for digital support and CX.
  5. Many customers can tell the difference between talking to an AI chatbot and a live chat with a human agent due to their ability to access technology and the quality of the chatbot. However, customers are still willing to use the tools if the results are good. When it comes to AI interacting with customers via text or voice, don’t get hung up on how lifelike (or not) the experience is as long as it gets your customers what they want quickly and efficiently.
  6. The No. 1 driver of satisfaction (according to 78% of customers surveyed) in a self-service experience is personalization. Personalization is more important than ever in customer service and CX. So, how do you personalize digital support? The “machine” must not only be capable of delivering the correct answers and solutions, but it must also recognize the existing customer, remember issues the customer had in the past, make suggestions that are specific to the customer and provide other customized, personalized approaches to the experience.
  7. With increased investments in self-service and generative AI, 60% of executives say they will reduce the number of frontline customer-facing jobs. But, the good news is that jobs will be created for employees to monitor performance, track data and more. I’m holding firm in my predictions over the past two years that while there may be some job disruption, the frontline customer support agent job will not be eliminated. To Kyle’s point, there will be job opportunities related to the contact center, even if they are not on the front line.

Self-service and automation are a balancing act. The companies that have gone “all in” and eliminated human-to-human customer support have had pushback from customers. Companies that have not adopted newer technologies are frustrating many customers who want and expect self-service solutions. While it may differ from one company to the next, the balance is critical, but smart leaders will find the balance and continue to adapt to the ever-changing expectations of their customers.

Image Credits: Unsplash
This article originally appeared on Forbes.com

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Time is a Flat Circle

Jamie Dimon’s Comments on AI Just Proved It

Time is a Flat Circle

GUEST POST from Robyn Bolton

“Time is a flat circle.  Everything we have done or will do we will do over and over and over and over again – forever.” –- Rusty Cohle, played by Matthew McConaughey, in True Detective

For the whole of human existence, we have created new things with no idea if, when, or how they will affect humanity, society, or business.  New things can be a distraction, sucking up time and money and offering nothing in return.  Or they can be a bridge to a better future.

As a leader, it’s your job to figure out which things are a bridge (i.e., innovation) and which things suck (i.e., shiny objects).

Innovation is a flat circle

The concept of eternal recurrence, that time repeats itself in an infinite loop, was first taught by Pythagoras (of Pythagorean theorem fame) in the 6th century BC. It remerged (thereby proving its own truth) in Friedreich Nietzsche’s writings in the 19th century, then again in 2014’s first season of True Detective, and then again on Monday in Jamie Dimon’s Annual Letter to Shareholders.

Mr. Dimon, the CEO and Chairman of JPMorgan Chase & Co, first mentioned AI in his 2017 Letter to Shareholders.  So, it wasn’t the mention of AI that was newsworthy. It was how it was mentioned.  Before mentioning geopolitical risks, regulatory issues, or the recent acquisition of First Republic, Mr. Dimon spends nine paragraphs talking about AI, its impact on banking, and how JPMorgan Chase is responding.

Here’s a screenshot of the first two paragraphs:

JP Morgan Annual Letter 2017

He’s right. We don’t know “the full effect or the precise rate at which AI will change our business—or how it will affect society at large.” We were similarly clueless in 1436 (when the printing press was invented), 1712 (when the first commercially successful steam engine was invented), 1882 (when electricity was first commercially distributed), and 1993 (when the World Wide Web was released to the public).

Innovation, it seems, is also a flat circle.

Our response doesn’t have to be.

Historically, people responded to innovation in one of two ways: panic because it’s a sign of the apocalypse or rejoice because it will be our salvation. And those reactions aren’t confined to just “transformational” innovations.  In 2015, a visiting professor at Kings College London declared that the humble eraser (1770) was “an instrument of the devil” because it creates “a culture of shame about error.  It’s a way of lying to the world, which says, ‘I didn’t make a mistake.  I got it right the first time.’”

Neither reaction is true. Fortunately, as time passes, more people recognize that the truth is somewhere between the apocalypse and salvation and that we can influence what that “between” place is through intentional experimentation and learning.

JPMorgan started experimenting with AI over a decade ago, well before most of its competitors.  As a result, they “now have over 400 use cases in production in areas such as marketing, fraud, and risk” that are producing quantifiable financial value for the company. 

It’s not just JPMorgan.  Organizations as varied as John Deere, BMW, Amazon, the US Department of Energy, Vanguard, and Johns Hopkins Hospital have been experimenting with AI for years, trying to understand if and how it could improve their operations and enable them to serve customers better.  Some experiments worked.  Some didn’t.  But every company brave enough to try learned something and, as a result, got smarter and more confident about “the full effect or the precise rate at which AI will change our business.”

You have free will.  Use it to learn.

Cynics believe that time is a flat circle.  Leaders believe it is an ever-ascending spiral, one in which we can learn, evolve, and influence what’s next.  They also have the courage to act on (and invest in) that belief.

What do you believe?  More importantly, what are you doing about it?

Image credit: Pixabay

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Top 10 Human-Centered Change & Innovation Articles of May 2024

Top 10 Human-Centered Change & Innovation Articles of May 2024Drum roll please…

At the beginning of each month, we will profile the ten articles from the previous month that generated the most traffic to Human-Centered Change & Innovation. Did your favorite make the cut?

But enough delay, here are May’s ten most popular innovation posts:

  1. Five Lessons from the Apple Car’s Demise — by Robyn Bolton
  2. Six Causes of Employee Burnout — by David Burkus
  3. Learning About Innovation – From a Skateboard? — by John Bessant
  4. Fighting for Innovation in the Trenches — by Geoffrey A. Moore
  5. A Case Study on High Performance Teams — by Stefan Lindegaard
  6. Growth Comes From What You Don’t Have — by Mike Shipulski
  7. Innovation Friction Risks and Pitfalls — by Howard Tiersky
  8. Difference Between Customer Experience Perception and Reality — by Shep Hyken
  9. How Tribalism Can Kill Innovation — by Greg Satell
  10. Preparing the Next Generation for a Post-Digital Age — by Greg Satell

BONUS – Here are five more strong articles published in April that continue to resonate with people:

If you’re not familiar with Human-Centered Change & Innovation, we publish 4-7 new articles every week built around innovation and transformation insights from our roster of contributing authors and ad hoc submissions from community members. Get the articles right in your Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin feeds too!

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P.S. Here are our Top 40 Innovation Bloggers lists from the last four years:

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