Tag Archives: videos

Teaching Old Fish New Tricks

Teaching Fish New Tricks

We used to assume that the world was flat.

We used to assume that the sun orbited around the earth.

We used to assume that it was impossible to go faster than the speed of sound.

These assumptions were all challenged and proved to be wrong, fundamentally extending the boundaries of potential innovation and exploration in the decades that followed.

Challenging orthodoxies or questioning your assumptions is one of the key techniques to use with your innovation teams to uncover new insights to form the seeds of future innovation.

This isn’t always easy to do, and in workshops it can be a challenge to put people in the right frame of mind for questioning assumptions and challenging orthodoxies.

I find that having a stable of short videos can help in setting the stage for the very important innovation work.

Now, let’s have a look at one of my new favorite assumption-challenging videos…

Who says you can’t teach old fish new tricks?

Yes, I said fish, not dog – which challenges an orthodoxy in and of itself.

I was intrigued to hear recently that scientists in Israel have managed to teach goldfish how to drive a car.

Don’t believe me?

Check out the video:

Gradually, we are finding out that humans aren’t as special as we like to believe.

We’ve learned that trees can communicate via root systems, research is progressing into plant sentience and yes apparently, goldfish can be taught to drive.

Now that you’ve seen this video, you can now see that the assumption that fish can’t navigate vehicles through physical space – is incorrect.

What other assumptions do we make about goldfish and other living creatures that might be incorrect.

How might we set up experiments to test these assumptions?

What are some of your favorite short videos to put people in the right mindset to challenge orthodoxies and question assumptions?

Add them to the comments!

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Is innovation everyone’s job?

EPISODE SEVEN – Ask the Consultant

Live from the Innovation Studio comes EPISODE SEVEN of a new ‘Ask the Consultant’ series of short form videos. EPISODE SEVEN seeks to answer a strategic question that many innovation leaders struggle with:

“Is innovation everyone’s job?”

Should it be? Can it be?

Check out the video here:

Innovation is the oxygen of business. Without continuous reinvention and renewal of the sources of value for the company and its customers, the inevitability of the Product Life Cycle will eventually defeat even the strongest company if it stands still.

The Innovation Imperative - Product Life Cycle

In the video we look at the difference a commitment to reinvention, reimagination and innovation can make to the survival of an organization by looking at the different fortunes of two companies in the same business faced back in 2010/2011.

We’ll also look at where innovation comes from, the intersection it sits at, and the power of the Infinite Innovation Infrastructure™ and the Nine Innovation Roles™ that I introduced in my first book Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire.

The video will show you what an innovator looks like, the importance of people to innovation and the roles that well-functioning innovation teams need filled to be successful.

Nine Innovation Roles

We’ll detail in the video what each of the Nine Innovation Roles are — and you can get lots of free gifts at http://9roles.com — but here are the names:

  1. Revolutionary
  2. Artist
  3. Troubleshooter
  4. Conscript
  5. Connector
  6. Customer Champion
  7. Judge
  8. Evangelist
  9. Magic Maker

}} Click here to watch the video {{

Help Shape the Next ‘Ask the Consultant’ Episode

  1. Grab a great deal on Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire on Amazon while they last!
  2. Get a copy of my latest book Charting Change on Amazon
  3. Contact me with your question for the next video episode of “Ask the Consultant” live from my innovation studio

Below are the previous episodes of ‘Ask the Consultant’:

  1. EPISODE ONE – What is innovation?
  2. EPISODE TWO – How do I create continuous innovation in my organization?
  3. EPISODE THREE – What is digital transformation?
  4. EPISODE FOUR – What is the best way to create successful change?
  5. EPISODE FIVE – What is design thinking?
  6. EPISODE SIX – Zoom Tutorial – Amazing New PowerPoint Background Feature
  7. All other episodes of Ask the Consultant

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Zoom Tutorial – Amazing New PowerPoint Background Feature

EPISODE SIX – Ask the Consultant

Today in EPISODE SIX of Ask the Consultant, host Braden Kelley shows you how to take advantage of an amazing new Zoom feature that lets you easily create compelling videos with PowerPoint slides over your shoulder in the background.

This is a way better method of presenting slides than having your camera on and sharing your screen.

This video is itself an example of what you can do with this new Zoom feature (currently in BETA) and inside I’ll show you step by step how to do it.

This zoom tutorial will help all of the following people be more efficient and effective:

It shows how to simply do what previously took third-party apps like mmhmm or post-production video editing knowledge and lots of time to achieve. It’s so easy that I can finally get around to recording Change Planning Toolkit™ eLearning and certification programs.

So, stay tuned!

Surprise people the next time you present on Zoom or record more compelling instructional videos and e-Learning to power your business or engage your students.

Now would be a great time to hire me to do a virtual keynote for your organization to empower your employees with greater knowledge and capabilities around innovation, change, transformation or design thinking.

Book Innovation Speaker Braden Kelley for Your Event

Quick Reminder of Steps to Create Over the Shoulder Slides in Zoom


  1. Create a new PowerPoint (13.33” x 7.5” works well)
  2. Choose a Background for your Zoom slides
  3. Fill default wide-screen format of all slides
  4. Copy slide from source presentation and paste it as an image onto one of your new background slides
  5. Resize pasted slide image to be 9.5” wide
  6. Position slide image upper right with ¼” border
  7. Repeat


  1. Open Zoom
  2. Start a Meeting
  3. Click the Start Video icon (ALT + V)
  4. Click the Screen Sharing icon (ALT + S)
  5. Click the Advanced tab
  6. Click on ‘PowerPoint as Virtual Background’
  7. Select Your PowerPoint to import as a background

Help Shape the Next ‘Ask the Consultant’ Episode

  1. Contact me with your question for the next video episode of “Ask the Consultant” live from my innovation studio
  2. Grab a great deal on Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire on Amazon while they last!
  3. Get a copy of my latest book Charting Change on Amazon

Below are the previous episodes of ‘Ask the Consultant’:

  1. EPISODE ONE – What is innovation?
  2. EPISODE TWO – How do I create continuous innovation in my organization?
  3. EPISODE THREE – What is digital transformation?
  4. EPISODE FOUR – What is the best way to create successful change?
  5. EPISODE FIVE – What is design thinking?
  6. All other episodes of Ask the Consultant

Accelerate your change and transformation success

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What is design thinking? – EPISODE FIVE – Ask the Consultant

Live from the Innovation Studio comes EPISODE FIVE of a new ‘Ask the Consultant’ series of short form videos. EPISODE FIVE aims to answer a question that many people struggle to answer or accurately discuss:

“What is design thinking?”

Design Thinking is often misunderstood and sometimes even maligned because too many people think it is a process. It doesn’t help when visuals like this one from the Stanford d.School label it as such:

Stanford d.School Design Thinking Process

Instead design thinking should be thought of as a mindset, or a collection of mindsets, including the novice mindset.

There is a big difference between knowing the design thinking components and being a design thinker. Design Thinking is not a technical skill, it is a collection of soft skills, so buyer beware.

One of the key things to remember about design thinking (or human-centered design) is that it is a highly iterative process intended to leverage extensive prototyping and testing.

Another important thing to remember is that unlike other problem solving methods, good design thinking professionals will spend as much, if not more, time and energy on the problems(s) than on the solution(s).

Preparing to Solve the Right Problem

To help with this I’ve created a Problem Finding Canvas to help you identify all of the potential problems in a particular search area.

It’s available for only $9.99 here in the shop.

}} Click here to watch the video {{

Help Shape the Next ‘Ask the Consultant’ Episode

  1. Grab a great deal on Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire on Amazon while they last!
  2. Get a copy of my latest book Charting Change on Amazon
  3. Contact me with your question for the next video episode of “Ask the Consultant” live from my innovation studio

Below are the previous episodes of ‘Ask the Consultant’:

  1. EPISODE ONE – What is innovation?
  2. EPISODE TWO – How do I create continuous innovation in my organization?
  3. EPISODE THREE – What is digital transformation?
  4. EPISODE FOUR – What is the best way to create successful change?
  5. All other episodes of Ask the Consultant

Accelerate your change and transformation success

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Poking the Box for Innovation

Poking the Box for InnovationOne of the best ways to challenge people’s thinking and get a group moving in a direction towards innovation is to get the group to define the box.

Of course a million and one innovation and creativity consultants will endlessly drone on about thinking outside the box, but how can think outside the box if you’re not first clear on what the box looks like that you’re trying to think outside of?

When I speak about poking the box, I’m not doing so in the Seth Godin ‘take a risk’ sense, but from the perspective of wanting people to visualize themselves standing in the box, giving a voice to what each of the six main sides are for the context in which you’re trying to innovate.

Start by making a list of the top six assumptions/constraints that we all make in this context:

  1. Assumption/Constraint
  2. Assumption/Constraint
  3. Assumption/Constraint
  4. Assumption/Constraint
  5. What does success look like in this context? — or alternatively, another Assumption/Constraint
  6. What does failure look like in this context? — or alternatively, another Assumption/Constraint

I’d like to thank innovation colleague Ton Verbeek for sharing the following video which looks at the ‘box’ of ground transportation and what happens if you shift from a 2D approach to ground transportation to a 3D approach:

So, what are the assumptions in ground transportation?

What are the constraints?

What does success look like in ground transportation?

What does failure look like in ground transportation?

How has the designer who created this video poked the box?

How has the designer explored the walls of the box and proposed pushing some of them outwards?

Which other assumptions or constraints could be challenged in ground transportation and what characteristics would potential solutions have in order to push a particular wall outwards?

As an example, I would say that the assumption the designer has challenged here in the context of ground transportation is the following:

— Must make efficient use of land to transport the maximum amount of people and goods

What other walls of the ground transportation box could and what would that look like?

Accelerate your change and transformation success

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Check Out My Latest Interview with DisrupTV

I had the opportunity recently to sit down with DisrupTV co-hosts R “Ray” Wang and Vala Afshar to be part of Episode 63.

DisrupTV is a weekly Web series that airs live at 11:00 a.m. PT/ 2:00 p.m. ET every Friday. Brought to you by the Constellation Executive Network.

You can watch my segment from the program here:

Or if you would prefer to check out Episode 63 below in its entirety, you’ll see my interview segment in the middle of two other interviews with Jeff Gothelf, Author of “Sense & Respond” and Heather Clancy, Editorial Director at GreenBiz Group.

Innovation Audit from Braden Kelley

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Help Support Gender Equity on May 10th

Help Support Gender Equity on May 10th

I am excited to announce on behalf of Innovation Excellence friend Tiffany Shlain that 50/50 Day is less than a month away and we can’t wait for this global conversation about gender equality! For those of you who haven’t signed up yet to host an event at your company, school, organization, or home, there’s still time. Watch a 2 minute trailer and sign up here.

About 50/50

50/50 gives the 10,000 year history of women + power — from setbacks and uprisings, to the bigger context of where we are today. Using her signature, cinematic-thought-essay style, Emmy-nominated filmmaker & founder of The Webby Awards Tiffany Shlain brings us on an electric ride to explore, where are we really on the greater arc of history of women and power? And what’s it going to take to get to a 50/50 world — not just to 50/50 in politics and board rooms, but to truly shift the gender balance to be better for everyone?

50/50 premiered on Oct 27, 2016 simultaneously live at #TEDWomen and 275 TEDx’s globally, online on @Refinery29 and on TV on Comcast’s Watchable. It is the most viewed long form film Refinery29 has released with over 4 million views to date. It will now be the centerpiece film for a global conversation set for May 10th about what it’s going to take to get to a more gender balanced world called 50/50 Day.

Please Join Me in Supporting 50/50 Day on May 10, 2017

We’re also very excited to share the above image, which is the poster that will be included in the free discussion kits provided to participants. The kits, currently at the printer (!), include this poster as well as a deck of 44 discussion cards that go deeper into each of those circles for all age groups and all different types of environments. Organizers only have a finite number of kits, so be sure to sign up to host your event soon.

Click Here to Learn More and Sign Up for 50/50 Day

And if you just can’t wait to until May 10th to see the full movie, then here it is below, just for you:

Let’s support our mothers, sisters, and daughters in their fight for gender equality and as a result help create the conditions for maximum innovation!

Accelerate your change and transformation success

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Are you an expert?

I came across this video recently thanks to my friends at BLT who recruit consultants for firms in London and beyond.

It pokes fun at the experience many internal and external consultants face with clients, whether we are working on an innovation project, technology project, or some other kind of project.

So, I encourage you to check out the video for a chuckle and to leave a comment below:

How does this reflect your experience of being called upon as an “expert” by a project team?

Or your experience working in the consulting industry and meeting with potential clients in a pre-sales situation as the subject matter expert there with the partner and/or sales guy?

Build a Common Language of Innovation

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Peeking Behind the Veil of Design

The KitchenAid Craft Coffee Story

Peeking Behind the Veil of DesignA company in Dubai is asking me to teach a design thinking and innovation course in May of next year, and this was good synchronicity because I came across the video below recently.

The design process is often very mysterious to people, and the way that designers pursue the design of a new object is often hard for people to grasp. But the design thinking methodology has helped to bring a little bit of the magic of design to other business disciplines, especially innovation. Videos like this help provide a peek behind the veil and give people a little taste of what the process of design and the use of design thinking look like in practice.

KitchenAid’s goal in creating the Siphon Coffee Brewer, Pour Over Coffee Brewer, Precision Press Coffee Maker and Burr Grinder was to bring the coffeehouse experience into the home by automating brewing methods celebrated within coffeehouse culture. They studied the art and science of many craft brewing methods in order to create coffee brewers that deliver the precision and mastery of the best baristas.

Did they achieve this goal?

I don’t know, I don’t even drink coffee. But they’ve done a nice job of capturing their design process in the video, and have offered non-designers a good peek behind the veil of design.

If they have achieved their goal, then it will now be simple to enjoy an authentic cup of craft coffee at home. They say life tastes better with coffee, my taste buds say no. Chocolate is better!

More info at http://kitchenaidcraftcoffee.com (site no longer exists).

p.s. Design Thinking even plays a role in my new book on organizational change – Charting Change (Feb 2016) – pre-order your copy now. 🙂

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Do You Agree or Disagree with Samsung’s Vision of the Future?

Samsung recently posted a video highlighting their vision of the future and the evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT).

The movie highlights their tagline ‘In Sync with Life’

While certain of the benefits highlighted in Samsung’s IOT video might be interesting, I found myself left with more questions than answers, including:

How necessary is this?

Would this really improve my life?

Is it simplifying anything or in reality, more likely to add complexity and configuration frustration?

Would this create a future that’s more human or less human?

Could I live without this?

What are the health effects of increasing the amount of unnatural frequencies being transmitted through the air?

Does this look like a better or worse future to you?

Accelerate your change and transformation success

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