Tag Archives: emotional intelligence

Getting Through Grief Consciously

Getting Through Grief Consciously

GUEST POST from Tullio Siragusa

Life brings opportunities, happiness, and skyrocketing success when we decide to live it fully and without fear. Along with that, we will face challenging times that will cause us to grieve.

Globally, we are all facing a form of grief right now. Be it the loss of a loved one to Covid-19, or the loss of our free way of life — grief is all around us. Before this pandemic that we are experiencing collectively, you may have suffered the loss of loved ones for other reasons, or you may have gone through a divorce, a breakup, the loss of a friendship, or the loss of a pet.

There are many forms of loss. You can experience loss of money, your job, reputation, your faith, health, and even loss of hope.

“Loss is a normal part of life and grief is part of the healing process if we learn to face it with grace.”

To get through grief with grace it’s ideal to face it with the help of others, but for the most part you have to get through it alone. We are privileged to have family, friends, spiritual direction, therapists, life coaches and other support groups around us, but healing grief is essentially between you and yourself.

“In time of grief you need to embrace yourself, love yourself and cure yourself.”

It is easier said than done, but there is truly no other way around grief than to face it fully on your own, courageously, vulnerability and with grace.

Importance of Grace

We all, at some point in our lives, have felt as if we reached our breaking point, but eventually we wake up to the desire to not be broken for rest of our lives. For instance, while going through hard times we are not always acting our best selves. Harsh words are often exchanged with others out of the need to “dump the pain” on someone else to feel some sense of relief. After doing that, we often feel guilty about it and apologize.

It is not bad to apologize, but losing your temper and saying things you normally would not say can not only tarnish your image, but can scar someone badly enough that you lose their trust for a long time, and sometimes forever.

“When you manage your emotions while grieving, you hold on to grace, and grace is the energy of mercy for yourself and others.”

Our personality gets groomed with every pain we overcome. If we walk through life’s journey with a mindset that everything happens for a reason, and everything happens to teach us something new, then every challenging time becomes an opportunity to add strong positive and graceful traits to our personality.

The people who learn to manage their emotions during the toughest times without falling apart, add an unprecedented trait of composure, grace and an emotionally intelligent personality.

How to Get Through Grief with Grace

First, you need to fully acknowledge that grief is normal. It is not a disease. It is not a sign of weakness, or lack of emotional intelligence.

Our human body and mind is built to respond to situations. When we lose something, or someone precious, grief comes knocking. Trying to avoid that grief is not the right way to get over it. The best way to deal with grief is to embrace it and get through it.

One of my spiritual teachers used to say: “The only way to get to the other side of hell, is one more step deeper into it, that is where the exit door is waiting for you.”

“In order to grieve with grace, we need the courage to face loss as normal as anything else we experience in life.”

I know people who have avoided facing the loss of their loved ones for years, but ultimately, they had to go through it and face it. Grief will come for you no matter what, so why postpone it?

The foremost thing to handle any tough situation is to develop gratitude for all those blessed situations in your life that make it beautiful. No doubt, feeling gratitude while grieving is almost impossible, but if you develop a habit of being grateful on a daily basis, it becomes possible to feel it even during tough times.

If you are going through grief, find a peaceful place away from all those people reminding you of the loss, and try to connect to any happy moment you can recall. Feel that moment in your heart. Hold on to that feeling as long as possible and write it down later.

Whenever you feel broken, be mindful of such moments. You will soon be able to tap to a comparatively happy person inside you, anytime you need to.

“The way to develop your grace muscle is to live daily with gratitude and make a mental library of the happy moments in your life that you can borrow against, during difficult times.”

We have been living in a time in history void of pain. We are constantly seeking happiness and running from pain and suffering. Now we are being forced to face pain, suffering, uncertainty, and loss.

There are blessings inherent within loss and suffering. The blessings are always revealed on the other side of grief, and it is always hard to believe that the blessing is happening amidst grief and pain. However, if you look back in your life at the moments that defined you, the moments when you experienced the most Light, the most blessings — it was soon after your darkest hours.

“When we move through the process of grief believing in our ability to grow from the experience, we become more aware of the blessings in disguise that will come out of it.”

A sense of serenity can be achieved through releasing the pressure of the expectations of a set pattern for your life. There comes a moment when it is better to embrace what you can’t change, and develop the courage to strive for what you can.

“Acknowledging your capacities and the difference between what you can and what you can’t control, will make it easier to go through grief.”

What I am talking about is the power of surrendering to what is, instead of holding on to what could have been. For most people, grace is among the most precious trait of their personality and behavior.

If you have lost something or someone precious that is an irreparable loss, it is important to take care of yourself during those testing times. Remember that all chaos comes with an expiration date, and to surrender to the change you need to make to keep moving forward.

Remember the blessings in your life, be grateful for what is, has been, and will be, and be patient with yourself.

NOTE: For all those who have lost loved ones during the Covid-19 pandemic and have not been able to properly say goodbye, I wish that their memory be a blessing in your life.

Image credit: Pexels

Originally published at tulliosiragusa.com on April 27, 2020

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True Leaders Inspire Freedom

True Leaders Inspire Freedom

GUEST POST from Tullio Siragusa

A baby elephant was tied to a pole at the zoo. For years she tried to break free tugging at the pole by the rope tied around her neck.

She tried and tried and could never break free.

Many years later, she grew to be a very big and powerful elephant. She was still tied to the same pole. She could break free of her bondage so easily now that she had become a big elephant, but her mind conditioning will not allow her. She doesn’t even try.

Much like the elephant in this story, we have been conditioned for a very long time in a work culture that is based on commands and controls. A work culture supported by an education system that was developed for the assembly line, industrial revolution. An educational system that subtly teaches subservience.

From a society’s viewpoint, we have also been part of a narrative for thousands of years that encourages self-sacrifice, for the greater good, which is contrary to our nature as human beings.

Do we have a lot stacked up against us, or do we just have the baby elephant syndrome, and think we can’t break free?

I was in Russia three years ago. Specifically, in Siberia Russia where I met with Tomsk State University students to talk about freedom-based cultures. We talked about shared authority, self-managed teams, equivalence, and leaders versus bosses.

These young men and women were curious, and open, and had many questions. I had just finished talking about the sense of duplicity that is predominant in many people’s lives today.

Having to be one way at the office, and another at home. We talked about how duplicity causes stress, and worse how it does not foster trust among people because it does not encourage authenticity.

Are you the same person at the office, as you are at home? Does your work environment dictate what you should wear at the office? Do you have to show up and leave at a certain time? Do you have to do things you don’t care to do, just to please your boss? Do you compete with your peers, or work as a team? Are you free to speak your mind and offer up suggestions for company improvements?

Today’s work environment based on command and controls, does not foster innovation, or creativity. Today’s work environment demands conformity.

“Today’s work environment wants you to stay a baby elephant for the rest of your life.”

Freedom Cultures

I went on to explain how leaders earn followers because they are willing to serve, and they are willing to be of service.

What’s the difference between serving and being of service?

You can get paid to serve but being of service is a state of being that cannot be purchased. You enjoy being of service because it is part of who you are at your core.

“True authentic leaders are of service, because they desire to serve — it is a calling.”

The difference between a boss and a leader is that of control vs. freedom. One requires you conform to how things are done, the other encourages you to find better ways to do things, to create, to innovate, and to do things on your terms.

Why would companies not embrace freedom?

Fear is the main reason. The other reason is that much like the elephant they just accept things for how they have been, instead of how things could be.

Some of the questions and comments these young men and women asked me were:

  • How do you make the change from a command and control to freedom-based company?
  • How can companies adopt this in countries that don’t encourage free societies?
  • This is one of those big, change the world ideas, how can it be implemented?

The questions left me feeling a sense of hope and excitement that these university students saw the value of what was being presented and started to wonder about how to implement it.

I answered every question truthfully and made myself available for follow up with any of the students. The comment made about “changing the world” stood out for me.

I looked at the young man in the eyes and said to him: “It is someone like you, who will start a company, become the leader of one, and remember this presentation, that will make the change.

Then one of your people will do the same, and the trickled down effect of that will change a society, a country, and the world.”

Some of us are on a mission to start this change, to spark it, to inspire it, with a Radical Purpose Movement to help organizations embrace freedom and equivalence.

My personal mission and responsibility, as the author of the upcoming book “Emotionally Aware Leadership” is to stop the spread of a worldwide epidemic that fosters co-dependency and keeps us in a mind-set prison of not being able to break free of controls.

“The most pervasive disease that plagues all of humanity is low self-worth.”

True leaders operate from a high level of self-worth that is inner directed, not based on external outcomes, or input. Those leaders encourage others to believe in themselves and to grow.

Want to change the world?

You must break free of the limiting mindset conditioning. You can’t be a giant elephant and act like you are still a baby tied to a pole. More importantly as a leader you want to inspire freedom in your organization, at home, and in the world.

Freedom is synonyms with happiness.

Tomsk State University presentation about freedom-centered cultures:

Image credit: Pexels

Originally published at tulliosiragusa.com on April 29, 2019

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Reset and Reconnect in a Chaotic World

Reset and Reconnect in a Chaotic World

GUEST POST from Janet Sernack

Meeting face to face, for a lovely lunch recently, with a coaching colleague, we were both shocked to discover how stressed and anxious we were feeling about being asked to deliver live workshops and face-to-face coaching to clients once again.

We shared how emotionally, mentally, and physically overwhelmed we felt, despite having decades of knowledge, experience, and skills in being able to deliver deep learning programs and face-to-face coaching sessions, about doing live gigs again! We also agreed, that despite the range of largely effective emotionally intelligent coping strategies we developed to help ourselves and our clients self-regulate, self-manage, to better adapt to the pandemic-imposed work-from-home restrictions that the past two and half years of working, alone, and in isolation, online, had taken its toll.

We acknowledged and accepted that we along with many of our clients were all suffering from elevated levels of stress, discomfort, and anxiety. We then agreed that it was time to focus on exploring how to better help ourselves and our clients reconnect and reset by enabling them to create states of well-being, emotional agility, and mental fitness, where they can feel good, can function well, and be effective and innovative in an increasingly chaotic world.

To seek new ways of enabling ourselves and our clients to deal effectively with a range of unresourceful feelings including helplessness, powerlessness, and fearfulness about an uncertain future. 

We noticed that these feelings often caused many of our clients to contract and freeze, and become immobilised as a result of what we describe as a “bubble” of self-induced silo-based behaviours. That often evolved into extreme self-centeredness, and unconscious selfishness, which ultimately increased their feelings of isolation and loneliness, and lack of belonging, resulting in defensive and avoidant behaviours, in what is becoming an increasingly chaotic world.

How are these ways of being and acting impacting organisations?

Partnering in a wide range of online global coaching sessions, we noticed that a number of common trends emerged as to how our client’s teams and organisations, are being impacted at the cultural level:

  • Immobilization – many people are unable to self-manage their work from home workloads and are quietly burning out, through being overly task-focused and busy, whilst others are preferring to work autonomously, and not waste hours commuting.
  • Lacking safety and trust – many organisations are freezing all of their change initiatives, learning programs, and projects, causing people to fear loss and overall job insecurity, where many people are contracting more deeply within their “bubbles” and become even more distrustful of leadership and even more passively defensive and avoidant.
  • Lacking clarity and foresight – many organisations have slipped into being so reactive, focussing only on delivering short-term results, and are not communicating a clear strategy for leading the way forwards.

Resulting in:

  • Increased resistance to change and going back to the office adds to people’s inertia, and to their sense of disconnection and lack of belonging.
  • Increased risk adversity and conventional (cost cutting), tactical and short-term focus, inhibits any investment in Research and Development or the skills development required in developing and executing a future innovation strategy.
  • People have become even more fearful of failure, and are not stretching themselves to adapt, grow, learn and innovate with disruption, and often choosing to merely change jobs, in a competitive job marketplace, driven by scarcity, as a perceived short term solution.

A unique moment in time

This has created an opportunity, in this unique moment in time, to focus on being kinder to ourselves and to others by helping and supporting each other, respectfully and compassionately, creatively and courageously, to reconnect and reset. Despite rising levels of economic, civic, and social uncertainty and unrest.

What made sense yesterday may not make so much sense today.

Many of the mental models we applied yesterday may not be relevant for tomorrow because corporate culture, civic and social structures have drastically changed and digitalization has become commonplace, noting that we are shifting from a VUCA to BANI world where:

  • Brittle has replaced Volatility.
  • Anxiety reflects Uncertainty.
  • Non-linearity is an addition to Complexity.
  • Incomprehensibility is ultimately the consequence of our non-linear world and goes one step further than Ambiguity.

Paradoxically, this has created new openings to genuinely explore and discover new thresholds to adapt, generate new mindsets, develop skill sets, and power up our toolkits to keep pace with the effects of the emerging BANI world and capture complex systems by asking a  key generative or catalytic question:

How might you support and enable others to think and act differently in such a world, where old patterns seem to crumble while new ideas and systems still need to be created, invented, innovated, and established?

As the world of work changes, so does the need for everyone to consider how to be more open-hearted, minded, and willed with one another.

A final word from Gallop CEO Jon Preston in the Gallop Global Emotions Report:

“All over the world, people are trying to understand the rise of violence, hatred, and increased radicalization. They will continue to argue over what the best policy responses should be and what role social media plays in fueling negative emotions.

However, policymakers must understand why so many more people are experiencing unprecedented negative emotions and focus on the drivers of a great life.

Our shared humanity and wellbeing depend on it”.

When we generously and kindly demonstrate care, respect, and appreciation for the value everyone brings, we can also demonstrate helpfulness and support, through our unconditional willingness to reconnect and reset.

Resulting in an ability to co-create a better sense of belonging and a more optimistic outlook, through enhancing our emotional intelligence.  To effectively self-regulation and self-manage the superpowers and strategies required to thrive, flourish and flow, and make transformational changes in the face of relentless uncertainty, disruption, and a chaotic world.

This is the first in a series of three blogs on the theme of reconnecting and resetting, to create, invent and innovate in an increasingly chaotic world. You can also register for our free 45-minute masterclass on Thursday, 25th August, to discover new ways of re-connecting through the complexity and chaos of dis-connection to create, invent and innovate in the future! Find out more.

Image credit: Pixabay

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The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Innovation Leadership

The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Innovation Leadership

GUEST POST from Art Inteligencia

In today’s fast-paced and complex world, innovation leadership has become crucial in guiding organizations towards sustainable growth and competitive advantage. However, traditional leadership qualities alone are insufficient. To lead innovation successfully, leaders must possess emotional intelligence (EI), a critical component that enables them to understand and manage emotions, fostering a culture of creativity and collaboration.

Emotional Intelligence Explained

Emotional intelligence is defined by four key components: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. These elements allow leaders to connect with their teams on an emotional level, building trust and encouraging open communication. In our exploration of emotional intelligence, I’ve found that it plays a crucial role in effectively navigating the human elements of change and driving innovation.

Case Study 1: Google’s ‘Project Aristotle’

Google’s ‘Project Aristotle’ is a significant case study showcasing the role of EI in innovation leadership. The project aimed to understand what makes a team effective at Google. After years of research, Google found that the best teams are classified not by their skills but by individuals’ ability to understand and manage their emotions and those of their peers. Teams with high emotional intelligence exhibited higher levels of psychological safety, empathy, and collaborative strength.

By promoting self-awareness and social awareness, Google created an environment where employees felt free to take risks, an essential element for innovation. This emotionally intelligent approach enabled Google to pioneer new technologies and maintain its status as a cutting-edge innovator.

Case Study 2: Satya Nadella’s Transformation of Microsoft

Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, offers a compelling example of emotional intelligence in practice. When Nadella took over Microsoft’s leadership in 2014, he prioritized a shift from a ‘know-it-all’ culture to a ‘learn-it-all’ mindset. His emotionally intelligent approach led to significant cultural transformation at Microsoft, rejuvenating its innovation pipeline.

Nadella emphasized the importance of empathy, encouraging his leaders and employees to openly share ideas, understand customer needs deeply, and support each other’s growth. This emotional intelligence-driven change not only transformed Microsoft’s work environment but also sparked the development of innovative products such as Microsoft Azure and Microsoft Teams.

Building Emotional Intelligence for Innovation Leadership

Developing emotional intelligence is essential for leaders aiming to foster innovation. Here are three strategies to cultivate EI in an organization:

  1. Promote Self-awareness: Encourage leaders to reflect on their emotions, strengths, and weaknesses. Self-awareness is the foundation for personal growth and emotional intelligence.
  2. Emphasize Empathy: Train leaders to listen actively and understand team members’ perspectives. Empathy fosters trust and collaboration, vital ingredients for innovation.
  3. Facilitate Open Communication: Create a safe space where employees feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and feelings. Open communication enhances creativity and problem-solving.

Influential Internal Links for Further Exploration

To expand your understanding of emotional intelligence and its role in leadership, explore these insights on the role of emotional intelligence in change leadership and how it intersects with the role of emotional intelligence in driving innovation.


The significance of emotional intelligence in innovation leadership cannot be overstated. By embracing EI, leaders can effectively drive change, unlock potential, and create an innovation-centric culture. The examples of Google and Microsoft illustrate how emotionally intelligent leadership can lead to remarkable innovation success. As organizations continue to navigate a rapidly evolving landscape, developing leaders with high emotional intelligence remains a strategic imperative for sustained innovation and growth.

Extra Extra: Futurology is not fortune telling. Futurists use a scientific approach to create their deliverables, but a methodology and tools like those in FutureHacking™ can empower anyone to engage in futurology themselves.

Image credit: Pexels

Subscribe to Human-Centered Change & Innovation WeeklySign up here to get Human-Centered Change & Innovation Weekly delivered to your inbox every week.https://bradenkelley.com/2019/11/change-leadership-and-embracing-uncertainty/

The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Change Leadership

The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Change Leadership

GUEST POST from Chateau G Pato

One oft-overlooked aspect of successful change leadership is emotional intelligence (EI). Emotional Intelligence is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our emotions while also relating to the feelings of others. Change leadership entails guiding, influencing, and facilitating processes of transition within an organization. Combining the two concepts, we can postulate that EI is fundamental in directing the human side of change management in a seamless, effective manner.

First, we explore the concept of Emotional Intelligence, epitomized by four key competencies, according to Daniel Goleman:

1. Self-awareness: Understanding your own emotions, strengths, weaknesses, drives, and values.

2. Self-management: Controlling disruptive emotions and impulses and adapting to changing circumstances.

3. Social Awareness: Sensing, understanding, and empathizing with others’ emotional needs and concerns.

4. Relationship Management: Managing other’s emotions in social interactions.

These areas are critical in managing change, primarily because change evokes emotions. Leaders need to understand their emotions concerning the impending change, help team members identify and navigate theirs, create an environment that encourages open discussion of feelings and anxieties, and manage the ongoing relationships and possible conflicts that change can bring.

Case Study 1: Microsoft’s Culture Shift

Microsoft has showcased its journey towards becoming an emotionally intelligent organization. After Satya Nadella took over as CEO, he initiated a cultural shift, transforming from a “know-it-all” to a “learn-it-all” organization. Nadella recognized the need for colleague empathy and growth mindset as catalysts for organizational change and innovation.

This shift required Nadella to comprehend his own strengths and vulnerabilities honestly. There was a need for self-management to remain flexible, take risks, and drive the transformation. He also emphasized being socially aware, fostering collaboration instead of confrontations, and constantly ensuring effective relationship management. Today, we see a different Microsoft that is consistently innovating and growing, proving that EI is crucial in leading successful organizational change.

Case Study 2: The Turnaround at Volkswagen

In contrast, Volkswagen provides us with a sobering lesson. Following the 2015 emissions scandal, then-CEO Martin Winterkorn resigned, paving the way for Matthias Müller’s term. However, Müller couldn’t properly connect with the workforce’s emotional state post-crisis. The change communication was largely focused on processes and numbers, not the feelings and morale of the staff affected.

If Müller had employed higher emotional intelligence, sensing the feelings of betrayal and disappointment in his team, he might have crafted a more empathetic communication strategy that addressed emotional tensions, encouraging trust and loyalty. The missed opportunity resulted in further turmoil in the company’s reputation and stability.


Leaders should recognize the importance of EI in their role. Not only in times of change but as a consistent practice. Emotionally intelligent leaders see higher engagement, collaboration, and adaptability within their teams, helping navigate the waters of change with far more ease.

In a dynamically changing business environment, understanding and leveraging Emotional Intelligence is not just a soft-skill add-on. It is a crucial competence that ensures change leaders can effectively manage their teams, foresee potential obstacles in the transformation process, and, ultimately, achieve long-lasting, successful change.

SPECIAL BONUS: The very best change planners use a visual, collaborative approach to create their deliverables. A methodology and tools like those in Change Planning Toolkit™ can empower anyone to become great change planners themselves.

Image credit: misterinnovation.com

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The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Driving Innovation

The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Driving Innovation

GUEST POST from Art Inteligencia

Today’s business world savors innovation, and intellectuals attribute the ability to innovate to numerous factors such as skills, resources, and knowledge. Yet, there seems to be a commonly neglected factor that plays a significant role in driving innovation – Emotional Intelligence (EI). Increasingly, EI is recognized as not just a complement to innovation, but an integral part complementing it to those who master it. This article aims to illustrate the strategic underpinnings of Emotional Intelligence that drives innovation and its correlation with success, as demonstrated with two case studies.

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to identify, use, understand, and manage emotions in an effective and positive way. It encapsulates skills such as emotional awareness, self-management, empathy, and relationship management. These skills have a significant role in driving the cognitive processes underlying innovative thinking and actions.

1. Self-Awareness: Self-aware individuals recognize their emotions and how they can impact their thoughts and behavior. Therefore, they do not react instantly but take the time to weigh options before making a decision – a crucial factor driving the innovative process.

2. Self-Management: An individual who can manage their emotions, optimist or pessimist, has control over their thoughts, ideally dealing with adversity or stress, skills essential for innovation.

3. Empathy: Empathy fosters understanding other perspectives, promoting diverse thinking, a prerequisite of innovation.

4. Relationship Management: Building strong, positive relationships encourage open communication and teamwork, which is essential for sharing and combining ideas that lead to innovation.

Case Study 1: Google’s Project Aristotle

In 2012, Google launched Project Aristotle to determine why some of their teams excelled at being innovative while others didn’t. Scrutinizing countless factors, from team composition to management style, Google’s statisticians found the key to high-performing teams was not about who was on the team but how the team worked together.

Here emerges the link to Emotional Intelligence. Google’s successful teams exhibited high levels of ‘psychological safety’ – the ability to take risks without feeling insecure or embarrassed, essentially, a team’s emotional intelligence. This recognition has led Google to focus on EI development, conditioning their employees to be more aware, controlled, and empathetic.

Case Study 2: The Turnaround at Siemens

In the late 90s, Siemens, reeling from a loss of innovation and market share, appointed Klaus Kleinfeld as CEO. He emphasized emotional intelligence within the company’s leadership, focusing on self-awareness, optimism, empathy and functional interpersonal relationships.

This shift resulted in a renewed culture of open communication, reduced fear of taking risks, and greater collaborative input into the innovation process. The result – Siemens turned around its downturn, with the company becoming one of the world’s top innovators.

These cases reiterate the profound impact emotional intelligence can have on an organization’s ability to innovate. It shapes an environment that promotes risk-taking, open communication, and collaboration – key catalysts for innovation.

Emphasizing emotional intelligence in organizations’ leadership development programs or recruiting practices is no longer a nice-to-have—it has become essential.


Companies who understand the power of emotional intelligence will be the trailblazers, successfully linking emotional intelligence to innovation. They will lead changes that impact industries and shape our world—proving that EQ is as significant as IQ, if not more, in driving innovation.

Bottom line: Futurology is not fortune telling. Futurists use a scientific approach to create their deliverables, but a methodology and tools like those in FutureHacking™ can empower anyone to engage in futurology themselves.

Image credit: Pexels

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Leveraging Emotional Intelligence in Driving Successful Organizational Change

Leveraging Emotional Intelligence in Driving Successful Organizational Change

GUEST POST from Chateau G Pato

Emotional intelligence (EI) has emerged as a critical factor for leading successful organizational change. By understanding and managing emotions, leaders can foster a culture of adaptability and resilience. This article will explore two case studies that highlight the impact of EI in organizational transformation.

Case Study 1: FedEx Express

At FedEx Express, integrating emotional intelligence into leadership development has led to significant improvements in core competencies. The company’s Global Learning Institute implemented a six-month process for new managers to develop EI skills, resulting in an 8-11% increase in leadership competencies. Notably, 72% of participants experienced substantial increases in decision-making abilities, and 60% reported improvements in quality of life. This case exemplifies how EI can enhance leadership effectiveness and influence organizational culture positively¹.

Case Study 2: Amadori

Amadori, a leading company in the agri-food sector, linked emotional intelligence to performance outcomes. Managers in the top 25% of EI scores outperformed those in the lower quartile, demonstrating a strong correlation between EI and managerial success. The study also found a significant positive relationship between managers’ EI scores and employee engagement levels. This case study underscores the importance of EI in achieving high performance and fostering employee commitment².


These case studies demonstrate that emotional intelligence is not just a soft skill but a powerful tool for driving change and achieving sustainable success. Leaders who prioritize EI can create an environment where change is embraced, and performance is enhanced.

For organizations looking to harness the power of emotional intelligence in driving change, these case studies serve as compelling evidence of its transformative potential.

(1) Case Study: Emotional Intelligence Improves Leadership at FedEx. https://www.6seconds.org/2014/01/14/case-study-emotional-intelligence-people-first-leadership-fedex-express/.
(2) Case Study: Linking Emotional Intelligence to Bottom Line Results at …. https://www.6seconds.org/2022/02/21/case-study-linking-emotional-intelligence-to-bottom-line-results-at-amadori/.
(3) The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Effective Change Leadership …. https://bradenkelley.com/2020/07/the-role-of-emotional-intelligence-in-effective-change-leadership/.
(4) Emotional Intelligence Case Studies | RocheMartin. https://www.rochemartin.com/resources/case-studies.
(5) Military Leaders’ Perceived Importance of Emotional Intelligence …. https://digitalcommons.umassglobal.edu/edd_dissertations/189/.

SPECIAL BONUS: Futurology is not fortune telling. Futurists use a scientific approach to create their deliverables, but a methodology and tools like those in FutureHacking™ can empower anyone to engage in futurology themselves.

Image credit: Pixabay

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Designing Products with Emotional Intelligence

Understanding User Needs and Desires

Designing Products with Emotional Intelligence: Understanding User Needs and Desires

GUEST POST from Chateau G Pato

In today’s competitive market, many companies strive to create products that not only meet customer needs but also evoke emotions and build meaningful connections. This approach is known as designing products with emotional intelligence. By understanding and addressing user needs and desires, companies can create products that resonate with customers on a deeper level, leading to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately, business success. This article explores the concept of designing products with emotional intelligence and provides two case study examples.

Case Study 1: Apple iPhone – A seamless blend of aesthetics and functionality

One of the most successful examples of designing products with emotional intelligence is the Apple iPhone. When the first iPhone was introduced in 2007, it revolutionized the mobile phone industry by offering a seamless blend of aesthetics and functionality. Apple understood that customer needs extended beyond mere features and specifications. They realized that customers desired a device that was not only technologically advanced but also visually appealing and user-friendly.

Apple’s designers focused on creating an emotional connection with their users by prioritizing the user experience. The iPhone’s sleek design, intuitive interface, and user-friendly features addressed the desires of consumers who craved a mobile device that was not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. As a result, the iPhone became an iconic product, renowned for its emotional appeal, and established Apple as a leader in the smartphone industry.

Case Study 2: Airbnb – Creating a sense of belonging and personalization

Another prime example of designing products with emotional intelligence is Airbnb. The company recognized that travelers often desired a more intimate and authentic travel experience than what traditional hotels could offer. To meet these needs and desires, Airbnb created a platform that allows homeowners to rent out their properties to travelers, enabling them to experience local culture instead of staying in impersonal hotel rooms.

Airbnb’s success can be attributed to the emotional connection it established with its users. By focusing on personalization, the company ensured that travelers felt a sense of belonging while staying at a stranger’s home. The platform allows users to explore various listings, read reviews, and communicate with hosts, fostering trust and creating an emotional bond before booking. Additionally, by providing personalized recommendations based on user preferences, Airbnb delivers a tailored experience that aligns with each user’s desires, making them feel valued and understood.


Designing products with emotional intelligence is crucial for companies aiming to create meaningful connections with their customers. Understanding user needs and desires enables businesses to go beyond functional features and address the emotional aspect of product experiences. By focusing on emotional intelligence, companies like Apple and Airbnb have achieved tremendous success. By crafting products that not only meet practical needs but also evoke positive emotions, companies can build a loyal customer base and differentiate themselves in today’s competitive market. Ultimately, the key to designing products with emotional intelligence lies in empathizing with users, delving into their desires, and creating experiences that resonate with their emotions.

Bottom line: Futurology is not fortune telling. Futurists use a scientific approach to create their deliverables, but a methodology and tools like those in FutureHacking™ can empower anyone to engage in futurology themselves.

Image credit: Pixabay

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The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Effective Change Leadership

The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Effective Change Leadership

GUEST POST from Art Inteligencia

Change is an inevitable aspect of any organization’s journey towards growth and success. Whether it is implementing new strategies, restructuring workflows, or adapting to market trends, change is constant. However, leading and managing change is not an easy task. It requires strong leadership skills, and one crucial aspect of effective change leadership is emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand, manage, and express emotions, both your own and those of others. In this article, we will explore the role of emotional intelligence in effective change leadership through two case study examples.

Case Study Example 1: Steve Jobs and Apple’s Turnaround

When Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997, the company was on the verge of bankruptcy. Jobs had to make significant changes to revive the company and set it on a path of success. One of the major challenges he faced was bringing together a demoralized and disorganized workforce. Jobs recognized the importance of emotional intelligence in this critical situation.

Instead of solely focusing on the technical aspects of change, Jobs first worked on building strong relationships with his employees. He listened to their concerns and ideas, making them feel valued and motivated. By understanding their emotions, he successfully created a sense of loyalty and commitment among the employees.

Jobs also demonstrated empathy and resilience, which are essential elements of emotional intelligence. He understood that change could be difficult for some individuals and empathized with their fears and insecurities. Through his charisma and visionary leadership, he instilled confidence and inspired the employees to embrace the change.

The result of Jobs’ emotionally intelligent change leadership was Apple’s incredible turnaround. The company launched groundbreaking products, such as the iPod, iPhone, and iPad, reshaping entire industries and becoming one of the most valuable companies in the world.

Case Study Example 2: Mary Barra and General Motors’ Cultural Transformation

When Mary Barra became the CEO of General Motors (GM) in 2014, the company was dealing with the aftermath of a major safety crisis. Several recalls were made due to faulty ignition switches, which led to accidents and deaths. Barra recognized that rebuilding GM’s reputation and reshaping its culture required exceptional change leadership.

Barra leveraged emotional intelligence to lead the transformation. She prioritized open and honest communication, encouraging employees to share their concerns and ideas. She acknowledged the emotions surrounding the crisis and expressed empathy towards the victims and their families, showing genuine remorse and commitment to change.

Barra also fostered a culture of psychological safety, where employees felt comfortable speaking up about potential risks and flaws in the organization. By actively listening to their feedback and taking action, she created an environment that embraced change and innovation.

Under Barra’s emotionally intelligent leadership, GM implemented significant changes, focusing on safety and accountability. The company not only regained its reputation but also became a benchmark for proactive corporate culture transformation.


These case study examples highlight how emotional intelligence plays a pivotal role in effective change leadership. Leaders who possess emotional intelligence can connect with their teams on a deeper level, inspire trust, and navigate through the challenges associated with change. By understanding and managing emotions, empathizing with others, and fostering a culture of psychological safety, emotionally intelligent leaders are better equipped to lead successful transformations.

Image credit: Pixabay

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Leveraging Emotional Intelligence in Change Leadership

Leveraging Emotional Intelligence in Change Leadership

GUEST POST from Art Inteligencia

Emotional intelligence (EI) is an increasingly important skill for leaders in today’s world. It is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one’s own emotions, as well as those of others, in order to reach a desired outcome. Change leaders must be able to recognize and understand the emotions of their team and the organization in order to successfully implement change.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify, assess, and control one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. It is a critical component of success, as it helps individuals to understand and manage their own emotions, as well as the emotions of those around them. It allows people to effectively communicate, collaborate, and lead, and to build strong, meaningful relationships.

The benefits of leveraging EI in change leadership are numerous. Being able to understand and empathize with the feelings of others can help to create buy-in, as well as build trust and respect among team members. Change leaders who use EI can also ensure that their teams are open-minded to new ideas and willing to work together to find solutions.

When using EI in change leadership, it is important to focus on understanding the emotions of others. Leaders should strive to be aware of their own emotions and how they affect their decisions and actions. They should also take the time to listen to the emotions of their team and organization and be open to feedback.

Leaders should also strive to create a safe space for their team to express their emotions. This can be done through open dialogue and active listening. Leaders should be willing to accept criticism and use it to adjust their strategy as needed.

Finally, change leaders should be aware of the effects of their own emotions on the team. There may be times when they must deal with difficult emotions such as fear or anger. In these cases, leaders should strive to remain calm and composed, taking the time to understand the emotions of their team before responding.

By leveraging emotional intelligence in change leadership, leaders can create an environment of trust and respect, as well as ensure that their teams are open to new ideas and willing to work together to find solutions. In today’s ever-changing world, emotional intelligence is a necessary skill for successful change management.

Image credit: Pixabay

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