Category Archives: education

The Importance of Continuous Learning

Developing Growth Mindsets for Employee Engagement and Innovation

The Importance of Continuous Learning

GUEST POST from Art Inteligencia

In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, continuous learning is more important than ever. It is essential for organizations to foster a culture of growth mindset among their employees in order to drive employee engagement and encourage innovation. In this article, we will explore the significance of continuous learning and how it can create a positive impact on the overall success of a company.

Continuous learning is the process of acquiring new knowledge and skills throughout one’s career. It is about constantly seeking out new opportunities for growth and development, whether through formal training programs, informal learning experiences, or on-the-job experiences. By encouraging employees to engage in continuous learning, organizations can foster a culture of curiosity, creativity, and adaptability.

One of the key benefits of continuous learning is its impact on employee engagement. When employees are given the opportunity to learn and grow, they are more likely to feel motivated and invested in their work. This, in turn, can lead to increased productivity, better job satisfaction, and higher levels of employee retention. A study conducted by Gallup found that companies with highly engaged employees are 21% more profitable than those with low levels of engagement. By investing in continuous learning opportunities for their employees, organizations can create a more engaged and committed workforce.

Furthermore, continuous learning can also drive innovation within an organization. By encouraging employees to constantly expand their knowledge and skills, companies can create a culture of experimentation and creativity. Employees who are willing to take risks and try new things are more likely to come up with innovative solutions to complex problems. This can give organizations a competitive edge in the marketplace and help them stay ahead of the curve.

To illustrate the importance of continuous learning in driving employee engagement and innovation, let’s look at two case studies:

Case Study 1: Google

Google is widely known for its innovative culture and commitment to continuous learning. The company encourages its employees to spend 20% of their time on personal projects that interest them, allowing them to explore new ideas and concepts outside of their daily responsibilities. This practice has led to the development of some of Google’s most successful products, including Gmail and Google News. By fostering a culture of continuous learning and experimentation, Google has been able to stay at the forefront of the technology industry.

Case Study 2: IBM

IBM has also seen the benefits of continuous learning in driving employee engagement and innovation. The company offers a wide range of training and development programs for its employees, including online courses, workshops, and mentorship opportunities. By investing in the professional growth of its workforce, IBM has been able to create a culture of continuous improvement and innovation. This has enabled the company to stay competitive in a rapidly changing market and deliver cutting-edge solutions to its clients.


Continuous learning is essential for organizations looking to drive employee engagement and foster a culture of innovation. By investing in the professional growth of their workforce and encouraging a growth mindset, companies can create a more engaged and creative workforce that is better equipped to meet the challenges of the future. Organizations that prioritize continuous learning are likely to see greater levels of employee satisfaction, higher levels of productivity, and increased levels of innovation. Ultimately, continuous learning is not just a nice-to-have, but a must-have for companies looking to thrive in a dynamic and ever-changing business environment.

Bottom line: Futurists are not fortune tellers. They use a formal approach to achieve their outcomes, but a methodology and tools like those in FutureHacking™ can empower anyone to be their own futurist.

Image credit: Pixabay

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The Impact of Virtual Reality on Education and Training

The Impact of Virtual Reality on Education and Training

GUEST POST from Art Inteligencia

Over the past decade, virtual reality (VR) has rapidly evolved from a mere gaming technology to a powerful tool with vast potential in various industries. One sector where VR has already made a significant impact is education and training. With its ability to create immersive and realistic experiences, virtual reality has transformed the way we learn and develop new skills. In this article, we will explore the profound impact of VR on education and training through two compelling case study examples.

Case Study 1: Medical Training

One area where virtual reality has revolutionized education and training is in the field of medicine. Traditional medical training heavily relies on textbooks and real-life patient interactions. However, these methods have limitations when it comes to providing hands-on experience and exposure to rare medical scenarios. Virtual reality has stepped in to bridge this gap.

Take, for instance, the case of Osso VR. This VR surgical training platform allows medical students, residents, and even experienced surgeons to practice complex surgical procedures in a realistic virtual environment. By recreating the surgical environment, complete with haptic feedback, trainees can simulate various procedures on virtual patients with life-like precision. Osso VR has been proven to increase the efficiency of learning surgical techniques, reduce risks associated with training on patients, and enhance overall performance. It provides an invaluable opportunity for medical professionals to gain confidence and proficiency in critical procedures before stepping into the operating room.

Case Study 2: Cultural Immersion

Virtual reality has also proved to be a valuable tool in providing immersive cultural experiences for students. Many educational institutions now leverage VR to take students on virtual field trips, transcending the boundaries of physical travel and enabling them to explore ancient civilizations, distant countries, and unique cultural sites without leaving the classroom.

For instance, Google Expeditions offers an extensive library of virtual field trips using VR technology. Using inexpensive VR headsets, students can teleport to historical landmarks, foreign cities, or even outer space. By immersing themselves in these virtual environments, students can experience the history, culture, and natural wonders of places they may have never otherwise visited.

These experiences go beyond simply viewing images or reading textbooks. They enable students to actively engage with their surroundings, interact with virtual objects, and listen to narrations from experts. Research has shown that such immersive VR experiences enhance students’ retention, increase their empathy and cultural understanding, and improve their overall engagement with the subject matter.


The examples of medical training and cultural immersion provided here are just scratching the surface of the possibilities that virtual reality offers in education and training. VR has the potential to enhance learning outcomes across various disciplines, from engineering and architecture to aviation and military training. By offering safe, cost-effective, and immersive experiences, virtual reality is revolutionizing the way we educate and develop new skills.

As the technology continues to advance and become more accessible, it is essential for educators, institutions, and policymakers to embrace and integrate virtual reality into their curricula. By doing so, we can unlock the full potential of virtual reality and empower future generations with superior educational experiences, leading to a more dynamic and knowledgeable society.

Bottom line: Futures research is not fortune telling. Futurists use a scientific approach to create their deliverables, but a methodology and tools like those in FutureHacking™ can empower anyone to engage in futures research themselves.

Image credit: Pexels

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Empowering Students and Teachers

Design Thinking for Effective Educational Strategies

Empowering Students and Teachers: Design Thinking for Effective Educational Strategies

GUEST POST from Chateau G Pato

In today’s rapidly changing world, education systems must adapt to meet the needs of students and prepare them for the challenges they will face in their future careers. Traditional teaching methods are no longer sufficient, and educators must embrace innovative approaches that foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. Design thinking, a human-centered approach to problem-solving, has emerged as a powerful tool for shaping effective educational strategies. This article explores how design thinking can empower students and teachers through two case study examples.

Case Study 1: Redesigning the Curriculum

At the Bayside High School in California, educators faced the challenge of creating a curriculum that would engage students and prepare them for the digital age. Using design thinking principles, the school formed a cross-functional team consisting of teachers, administrators, students, parents, and industry professionals. They conducted empathy interviews and observed students in their learning environment to gain a deep understanding of their needs and aspirations.

Through the design thinking process, the team identified a need for more hands-on, project-based learning experiences that would integrate technology and real-world problem-solving. Inspired by this insight, they redesigned the curriculum to incorporate interdisciplinary projects where students collaborated, researched, prototyped, and presented their solutions to community issues.

The results were phenomenal. Students became more engaged, taking ownership of their learning process and connecting with real-world problems. They demonstrated enhanced problem-solving skills, critical thinking abilities, and improved subject-matter understanding. By applying design thinking principles, Bayside High School transformed their curriculum into an effective and empowering one for both students and teachers.

Case Study 2: Enhancing Teacher Professional Development

In a district-wide initiative, the City School District in New York aimed to improve teacher professional development by applying design thinking principles. Educators recognized the importance of providing a supportive environment for teachers to learn and grow, which would ultimately benefit their students.

Using the design thinking process, the district created a teacher-centered approach. They conducted empathy interviews and observed teachers’ struggles and aspirations in their professional development journey. The insights gained helped the district identify gaps and areas of improvement in existing programs.

Armed with this information, the district piloted a new professional development program, which focused on collaboration among teachers, personalized learning experiences, and ongoing support. The program incorporated coaching sessions, peer-to-peer learning, and opportunities for teachers to develop and implement innovative teaching practices.

The results were transformative. Teachers felt empowered, more enthusiastic about their professional growth, and better equipped to meet their students’ needs. The collaborative approach fostered a sense of community among teachers, enabling the sharing of best practices and resources.


Design thinking offers a powerful framework for creating effective educational strategies that empower both students and teachers. By adopting a human-centered approach, education systems can gain a deep understanding of the needs and aspirations of their stakeholders. The case studies presented here demonstrate the positive impact of design thinking on transforming education.

Design thinking encourages a shift from passive learning to active problem-solving, nurturing critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration among students. Moreover, it fosters a supportive environment for teachers to develop and implement innovative teaching methods, leading to improved student outcomes.

As the world continues to evolve, it is imperative for educational institutions to embrace design thinking to empower future generations. By applying empathy, collaboration, prototyping, and iteration, educators can create educational strategies that equip students with the skills and mindset necessary to thrive in a rapidly changing global landscape.

SPECIAL BONUS: Braden Kelley’s Problem Finding Canvas can be a super useful starting point for doing design thinking or human-centered design.

“The Problem Finding Canvas should help you investigate a handful of areas to explore, choose the one most important to you, extract all of the potential challenges and opportunities and choose one to prioritize.”

Image credit:

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The Role of Employee Training and Development in Enhancing Customer Experience

The Role of Employee Training and Development in Enhancing Customer Experience

GUEST POST from Art Inteligencia

In today’s highly competitive business landscape, delivering exceptional customer experiences has become the key differentiator for organizations across industries. To achieve this, companies are starting to recognize the pivotal role that employee training and development play in enhancing customer satisfaction. A well-trained and motivated workforce can provide better service, build lasting relationships with customers, and create advocates for the brand. This article will discuss the significance of employee training and development in enhancing customer experience, supported by two case study examples.

Case Study 1: Zappos

Zappos, an online shoe and clothing retailer, excels in customer service and is often cited as a prime example of how training and development initiatives can revolutionize the customer experience. Zappos believes that happy employees lead to happy customers, and they invest heavily in employee development programs.

The company’s onboarding process is unique. New employees undergo an immersive four-week training program that covers Zappos’ core values, culture, and customer service philosophies. Call center employees receive intensive training on active listening, problem-solving, and empathy techniques, enabling them to address customers’ concerns effectively.

The training doesn’t stop after onboarding. Zappos follows an open-door policy, allowing employees to access support and training resources whenever needed. The company encourages collaboration and learning through continuous coaching, mentoring, and workshops. By prioritizing employee training and development, Zappos has created a workforce that is genuinely passionate about delivering exceptional customer experiences.

As a result, Zappos receives numerous positive customer reviews and boasts an impressive customer loyalty rate. The company’s success is a testament to the impact employee training and development can have on enhancing the customer experience.

Case Study 2: The Ritz-Carlton

The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company is renowned worldwide for its impeccable customer service and luxury experience. The organization firmly believes that delivering outstanding customer experiences starts with investing in employees.

The Ritz-Carlton takes a unique approach to employee empowerment through a program called “The Ritz-Carlton Mystique.” The program encourages employees to take ownership of their roles and empowers them to make decisions that enhance the guest experience within specific guidelines.

To ensure that employees understand the company’s service values, all new employees, regardless of their position, attend an intensive onboarding program known as “The Ritz-Carlton Experience.” This program instills the service philosophy and standards expected of employees to deliver exceptional customer experiences consistently.

The company also emphasizes ongoing training and development to enhance skills and knowledge. Employees have access to various learning opportunities, including on-the-job training, mentoring, leadership development programs, and continuous performance feedback.

Through these initiatives, The Ritz-Carlton has created a culture that cultivates excellence in customer service. Empowered employees who possess the skills and knowledge to handle any situation efficiently elevate the overall customer experience, leading to exemplary guest satisfaction and loyalty.


Employee training and development play a critical role in enhancing the customer experience in organizations across industries. The case studies of Zappos and The Ritz-Carlton provide compelling evidence of how investing in employees’ skills, knowledge, and empowerment leads to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Companies should recognize that training and development should be an ongoing endeavor, with emphasis placed on understanding customers’ needs, effective communication, problem-solving, and a customer-centric mindset. By prioritizing these aspects, businesses can create a workforce that is equipped to deliver exceptional customer experiences, resulting in a strong competitive advantage.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Braden Kelley’s Problem Finding Canvas can be a super useful starting point for doing design thinking or human-centered design.

“The Problem Finding Canvas should help you investigate a handful of areas to explore, choose the one most important to you, extract all of the potential challenges and opportunities and choose one to prioritize.”

Image credit: Unsplash

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The Future of Education

Leveraging Technology for Improved Outcomes

The Future of Education

GUEST POST from Chateau G Pato

Education plays a crucial role in shaping society and preparing future generations for success. With the rapid advancements in technology, it is essential to explore how it can be leveraged to enhance education and improve outcomes. This article will delve into the future of education, highlighting two case studies where technology has revolutionized learning methods and brought about positive results.

Case Study 1: Khan Academy’s Personalized Learning

Khan Academy, a non-profit educational organization, has been at the forefront of using technology to personalize education. Traditional classroom settings often struggle to cater to the unique learning needs of diverse students, leading to students falling behind or becoming disengaged. However, Khan Academy’s online platform provides students with personalized learning experiences, adapting to their individual progress and needs.

The platform offers a wide range of subjects, enabling students to learn at their own pace and revisit concepts until they grasp them fully. Detailed analytics and progress reports provide teachers with valuable insights into students’ strengths and areas of improvement, allowing for more targeted instructional strategies.

Several studies have shown the positive impact of Khan Academy on student learning outcomes. For instance, a study by the Center for Research on Education Outcomes found that students who used Khan Academy for at least 30 minutes a week outperformed their peers in mathematics by 0.29 standard deviations. This personalized learning approach has transformed education by giving students the agency to drive their own learning experience and achieve improved academic performance.

Case Study 2: Virtual Reality in Medical Education

Advancements in virtual reality (VR) technology have opened up new possibilities in medical education. One innovative example is the use of VR simulations to train future surgeons. Traditional medical training would often rely on observing surgeries and practicing on cadavers or dummies, limiting exposure and hands-on experience.

With VR, medical students can engage in realistic surgical simulations, gaining practical experience and refining their skills in a controlled environment. The ability to repeat procedures and receive instant feedback contributes to accelerated learning. Moreover, VR also enables collaboration among students and instructors in virtual operating rooms, creating a community of practice and fostering teamwork.

A study published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research compared the efficacy of VR simulation training with traditional methods for laparoscopic surgery. The results revealed that VR training significantly improved participants’ technical skills, compared to those using traditional methods. VR not only enhances the learning process but also helps reduce risks and costs associated with live surgical training.


Technology holds immense potential to transform education and improve academic outcomes. The case studies discussed above illustrate just a glimpse of the possibilities that lie ahead. Khan Academy’s personalized learning approach showcases how technology can adapt to the unique needs of each learner, leading to enhanced results. Additionally, the use of virtual reality in medical education revolutionizes hands-on training and provides an immersive environment for students to acquire crucial skills.

As we move towards the future, it is essential to harness technology’s full potential and integrate it seamlessly into education. By doing so, we can create a more inclusive, personalized, and engaging learning experience for students across the globe, ultimately equipping them with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in tomorrow’s world.

Bottom line: Futurology is not fortune telling. Futurists use a scientific approach to create their deliverables, but a methodology and tools like those in FutureHacking™ can empower anyone to engage in futurology themselves.

Image credit: Pixabay

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Exploring the Impact of Human-Computer Interaction

Exploring the Impact of Human-Computer Interaction

GUEST POST from Chateau G Pato

In today’s digital age, interactions between humans and computers have become an integral part of our daily lives. Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) refers to the design, development, and study of interactive systems that facilitate seamless communication between humans and computers. This field has revolutionized various industries and transformed the way we live, work, and interact. In this article, we will explore the impact of HCI on two case study examples.

Case Study 1 – Healthcare Industry

The healthcare industry has witnessed significant advancements through the application of HCI principles. One notable case study is the implementation of electronic health record (EHR) systems. These systems allow healthcare professionals to securely store and access patients’ medical information in a digital format. HCI plays a crucial role in designing user-friendly interfaces that enhance the accuracy, efficiency, and usability of EHR systems.

For instance, the adoption of user-centered design principles in EHR systems has led to improvements in information organization, task efficiency, and error reduction. By understanding the needs and workflows of healthcare professionals, HCI experts have successfully integrated features like intuitive user interfaces, context-awareness, and decision support systems. These advancements not only improve healthcare professionals’ productivity but also enhance patient safety and healthcare quality.

Moreover, HCI has facilitated the development of patient-centric systems in healthcare. For example, wearable devices and smartphone applications enable individuals to monitor their health conditions and communicate with healthcare providers. HCI techniques ensure that these systems provide a seamless experience, empowering patients to actively participate in their healthcare management. From reminders for medication adherence to real-time health tracking, HCI has revolutionized how patients engage with healthcare services, leading to better health outcomes.

Case Study 2 – Education Sector

HCI has made substantial contributions to the education sector, transforming pedagogical approaches and improving learning outcomes. One compelling case study is the integration of technology in classrooms, such as interactive whiteboards and collaborative learning platforms. HCI principles help create engaging and interactive interfaces that facilitate effective knowledge transfer and student engagement.

For instance, interactive whiteboards enable teachers to develop multimedia-rich lessons, encouraging active student participation. HCI considerations ensure that these boards have user-friendly interfaces, allowing educators to seamlessly navigate through content and incorporate various media elements like images, videos, and interactive quizzes. By creating a dynamic learning environment, HCI has enhanced student engagement and knowledge retention.

Furthermore, HCI has played a pivotal role in the development of online learning platforms and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Through HCI techniques, these digital learning platforms provide personalized learning experiences, adaptive assessments, and social interactions among learners. HCI principles guide the design of intuitive, accessible, and customizable interfaces that cater to diverse learner needs, ultimately promoting effective and accessible education beyond traditional classroom settings.


Human-Computer Interaction has had a profound impact on various industries, significantly transforming healthcare and education. The case study examples discussed highlight the power of HCI in creating user-friendly systems that enhance productivity, safety, and engagement. As technology continues to advance, the field of HCI will undoubtedly play a critical role in shaping the future of human-computer interactions, ensuring seamless experiences and enriching lives.

Bottom line: Futurology is not fortune telling. Futurists use a scientific approach to create their deliverables, but a methodology and tools like those in FutureHacking™ can empower anyone to engage in futurology themselves.

Image credit: Pixabay

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Predictions for the Future of Education

Predictions for the Future of Education

GUEST POST from Chateau G Pato

The Education sector is rapidly evolving and no one is quite sure what the future holds. It’s clear that technology advancements and changes in the way we approach day-to-day learning are here to stay, but there are a few noteworthy trends that may indicate what the future may hold.

1. Moving to Online Learning

The increase in digital technology over the past decade has made the move to online learning inevitable. In recent years, many educational institutions have begun offering online courses or even entire degree programs. This is proving to be an incredibly popular option among students who may not otherwise have access to more traditional learning.

In Finland, the University of Jyväskylä has taken a unique approach to the online learning revolution. Rather than offering traditional classes, the university offers an “open university” platform, where students can learn from experts without actually enrolling in a course. This approach has proven to be successful, and it’s likely that more educational institutions will begin adopting this model.

2. Personalized Learning

As technology advances, so too do our abilities to offer personalized learning. Through tracking systems, teachers can customize lesson plans and course material to better suit each student’s individual needs. Not only does this ensure that each student gets the most out of their education, but it also allows educators to detect and address potential problems before they become serious.

The Walton Family Foundation, for example, is providing schools with the resources necessary to implement personalized learning strategies. This has proven to be a successful approach in some areas, and it’s likely that more educational institutions will begin adopting similar strategies in the near future.

3. Increased Attention on Social and Emotional Development

In recent years, there has been an increased focus on the importance of social and emotional development in students. The prevalence of mental health issues among children and adolescents has forced educators to reassess their methods and approach the issue from a more holistic perspective.

In the United Kingdom, the government is currently working to ensure that social and emotional development is given the attention it deserves in the classroom. They are currently exploring ways to make sure that every school has access to the necessary resources and programs to ensure that students are emotionally and mentally supported.


These are just a few of the trends that may indicate what the future may hold when it comes to the education sector. As technology continues to develop and new methods are explored, we can only wait to see what the future of Education has in store.

Bottom line: Futurology is not fortune telling. Futurists use a scientific approach to create their deliverables, but a methodology and tools like those in FutureHacking™ can empower anyone to engage in futurology themselves.

Image credit: Pixabay

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Developing Design Thinking Skills Through Experiential Learning

Developing Design Thinking Skills Through Experiential Learning

GUEST POST from Chateau G Pato

Design thinking is an innovative problem-solving approach that emphasizes looking for creative solutions to complex problems. It encourages people to rethink the way they view an issue, break it down into smaller components, and then come up with solutions that could be developed through experimentation and collective learning. It is an important skill to have in all areas of life, from business to education and beyond.

Fortunately, experiential learning is one of the best ways to develop design thinking skills. This hands-on learning strategy gives participants the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills through direct experience in a range of contexts. Through this approach, individuals can broaden their horizons while engaging in an environment of learning and creative problem solving.

Case Study #1 – StarDesign

StarDesign is an industry leading tech company that utilizes experiential learning to develop design thinking skills in its employees. The company regularly puts its staff members in various challenging situations and calmly encourages them to look for creative solutions.

In one instance, a team of five was asked to develop one brand idea into five operational models for a new product launch. To foster creative thinking, the team was given the task to brainstorm a range of solutions that could be implemented. Through the experience, each member gained an understanding of how design thinking can be utilized to create value and innovate in an ever-changing industry.

Case Study #2 – The Adopt A School Program

The Adopt A School Program is a nonprofit organization in California that is focused on educating and developing young minds. The organization has developed an experiential learning approach to build design thinking skills in fifth graders. Through the program, young students are put into various design thinking challenges that encourage them to search for creative solutions. The organization has also implemented group activities such as team building events and creative brainstorming sessions.

The Adopt A School Program has helped to build an innovative culture in the classrooms by encouraging students to take risks and think outside the box. Through this approach, students have developed a better understanding of “thinking outside the box” and have gained a unique perspective on problem solving.


Experiential learning is an invaluable tool for developing design thinking skills. Through hands-on applications, people can gain an understanding of the unique problem-solving method and apply it to their own life. By engaging in challenging situations, they can expand their horizon and innovate through creative problem solving.

Image credit: Pexels

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The Future of Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Society

The Future of Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Society

GUEST POST from Art Inteligencia

As technology advances, so too does the potential of artificial intelligence (AI). AI has already had a tremendous impact on our lives, from controlling our home appliances to driving our cars, and the possibilities are only expanding. As AI continues to evolve, it will have a profound and far-reaching impact on our future society.

1. AI and the Job Market

One of the major impacts of AI will be on the job market. Automation is already taking over many manual labor jobs, and AI will continue to increase the number of jobs that can be automated. This could result in major economic disruption, as traditional jobs are replaced by AI-driven ones. At the same time, AI will create new job opportunities, such as AI engineers, data scientists and software developers.

2. AI and Healthcare

Another impact of AI will be on healthcare. AI has already revolutionized healthcare, and it will continue to do so in the future. AI-driven technologies such as machine learning and deep learning can be used to diagnose diseases more accurately and quickly, enabling better patient care. AI can also be used to analyze large datasets to identify new treatments and therapies, allowing for more personalized care.

3. AI and Education

AI will also have an impact on education. AI-driven technologies can be used to develop more personalized learning experiences, allowing students to learn at their own pace and in their own way. AI can also be used to create virtual classrooms, where students can interact with teachers and other students from around the world.

4. AI and Security & Privacy

Finally, AI will have a major impact on our security and privacy. AI-driven technologies such as facial recognition and voice recognition are already being used to increase security, and this trend is likely to continue. At the same time, however, AI can be used to track our online activities and personal information, raising important questions about our right to privacy.


Overall, AI will have a major impact on our society in the future. It will have a major impact on the job market, healthcare, education, and our security and privacy. It is important to be aware of the potential implications of AI, and to ensure that its development is done in a responsible and ethical manner.

Bottom line: Futurology and prescience are not fortune telling. Skilled futurologists and futurists use a scientific approach to create their deliverables, but a methodology and tools like those in FutureHacking™ can empower anyone to engage in futurology themselves.

Image credit: Pixabay

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Empowering Every Resident with Tools for Change and Innovation

Empowering Every Resident with Tools for ChangeWhat if you could empower every citizen with tools that will help your city, state or country innovate and change faster than the competition for a penny a person?

Well, now it’s possible…

A revolution is beginning, and the smart cities, states, countries, and even organizations, are arming themselves with the tools they need to win…

The Change Planning Toolkit™ has been designed to create a more visual, collaborative and agile method for getting everyone literally all on the same page for change. The Change Planning Toolkit™’s collection of tools, frameworks, and worksheets and the approach outlined in the book Charting Change operate together in a spirit built upon the standards created by the Project Management Institute (PMI) and the Association of Change Management Professionals (ACMP) and the interactive approaches that the Lean Canvas and Business Model Canvas have made comfortable for people.

ACMP Standard Visualization

The Change Planning Toolkit™ is anchored in the best practices of organizational change and project management. At its center is the Change Planning Canvas™, a powerful tool that will help you beat the 70% change failure rate by enabling you to quickly visualize, plan, and execute projects and change initiatives alike. The more than fifty (50) tools in the Change Planning Toolkit™ will help you deliver projects and change efforts on time, while simultaneously accelerating implementation and adoption.

Change Planning Wall

If the benefits are not clear, be sure and get your 10 Free Change Planning Tools and you’ll get a better sense of the power of the Change Planning Toolkit™ (it is visual after all) and check out the additional benefits in the image below:

Change Planning Toolkit Benefits

The Change Planning Toolkit™ is breaking away from the business model where people traditionally license intellectual property in the innovation and management information space by the named user, where fees for example are:

1. Gartner — $20,000-30,000 per year for a single user
2. Forrester — ~$20,000 per year for a single user
3. BeingFirst — $975 per year for a single user
4. ProSci — $350-400 per download (for a single user) or $4,000+ per user for training
5. — $279 per year for a single user
6. Skillsoft — $150 per year for business skills training for a single user

… or you can hire a top consultant to do some knowledge transfer to your organization for $400-$1,000 per hour (or more).

Change Planning Toolkit Valuable Tools

Now, what is Change Planning Toolkit™ offering that is different?

First, the Change Planning Toolkit™ provides an integrated system of tools far more powerful and far more capable of increasing organizational agility than any other.

Second, the Change Planning Toolkit™ is now available using two business model variations not usually offered in the intellectual property space, which include:

1. Access for Every Employee (aka the Site License option)

  • Access for EVERY employee in your organization, priced at a very affordable $2/yr per employee plus a $299.99 annual fee
  • Includes access to a QuickStart Guide to get you up and running quickly
  • Includes access to POSTER SIZE versions of key tools, including the Change Planning Canvas™ and Visual Project Charter™
  • SPECIAL OFFER – The next three (3) firms to purchase a full-day training session (which includes train-the-trainer) will receive a free* Change Planning Toolkit™ site license

Book a Training Session and get a free* site license

2. Access for Every Resident (aka the City/State/Country License option)

  • Access for EVERY resident of your city, state, or country. Priced at a very affordable $0.01/yr per resident ($1,000/yr minimum)
  • Yes, that is right. Cities, states and countries are all eligible for a license that makes these tools available to all residents for just a PENNY per year per resident!
  • SPECIAL OFFER #1 – Purchase a city, state, or country license worth more than $25,000 and get up to 50 people trained to use the toolkit and how to train others to use it (training fees waived for one session, expenses still to be reimbursed)
  • SPECIAL OFFER #2 – Purchase a city, state, or country license worth more than $100,000 and get up to 200 people trained to use the toolkit and how to train others to use it (training fees waived for four (4) sessions in up to two (2) locations with two adjacent days per location, expenses still to be reimbursed)
  • SPECIAL OFFER #3 – Purchase a city, state, or country license worth more than $1,000,000 and get up to 1,000 people trained to use the toolkit and how to train others to use it (training fees waived for twenty (20) sessions in up to ten (10) locations with two adjacent days per location, expenses still to be reimbursed)

CONTACT ME to get access for all of your residents

Some educational institutions may be able to apply for grants from the government to cover the cost of the license and training as part of their efforts to raise the skills of their local residents. Central Wyoming College is an example of an educational institution that won a Federal grant to do just that. It’s possible.

And these licenses are available for both the:

  1. Change Planning Toolkit™
  2. Human-Centered Innovation Toolkit™ (coming soon)

Become a Human-Centered Innovation Toolkit™ Patron

The Human-Centered Innovation Toolkit™ will be coming soon, and you can become a Patron by helping to fund its completion through a site license or a city/state/country license and as a reward get instant access to the POSTER SIZE version of The Experiment Canvas™ and the many other tools I’ve already completed. You’ll then of course get access to the rest of the toolkit as I complete it. You’ll get this instant access at a permanent 50% discount off the normal $2/yr per employee or $0.01/yr per resident, meaning your cost will be a paltry $1/yr per employee or $0.005/yr per resident for the lifetime of the license.


— Get instant access for both the Change Planning Toolkit™ and the Human-Centered Innovation Toolkit™ (coming soon) for all of your residents for a low bundle price of $0.014/yr per resident ($1,000/yr minimum) – that’s less than a penny-and-a-half per resident (a full 60% discount off the second license).

CONTACT ME to get a jump on the competition

Empower Your Residents and Employees to Cope with the Accelerating Pace of Change

So don’t wait, act today and get access for all of your employees or all of your residents to these powerful, intuitive and beautifully visual and collaborative tools that will help increase the speed of innovation and change in your organizations to cope with the accelerating pace of change in the world all around us. Countries all around the world are fighting to be the destination of choice of aspiring entrepreneurs and bold innovators and to rise in comparative rankings like the:

World’s 50 Most Innovative Countries (license cost based on population)

  1. Switzerland ($84,541)
  2. Sweden ($99,206)
  3. Netherlands ($170,328)
  4. United States ($3,264,740)
  5. United Kingdom ($655,111)
  6. Denmark ($57,118)
  7. Singapore ($57,845)
  8. Finland ($55,413)
  9. Germany ($806,361)
  10. Ireland ($47,492)
  11. ————————————–
    State of California ($392,500)

  12. South Korea ($507,050)
  13. Luxembourg ($5,841)
  14. Iceland ($3,343)
  15. Japan ($1,260,452)
  16. France ($649,387)
  17. Hong Kong ($74,019)
  18. Israel ($83,232)
  19. Canada ($366,261)
  20. Norway ($53,308)
  21. Austria ($85,924)
  22. ————————————–
    State of Texas ($278,625)

  23. New Zealand ($46,049)
  24. China ($13,882,327)
  25. Australia ($246,417)
  26. Czech Republic ($105,551)
  27. Estonia ($13,058)
  28. Malta ($4,205)
  29. Belgium ($114,438)
  30. Spain ($460,701)
  31. Italy ($597,980)
  32. Cyprus ($11,876)
  33. ————————————–
    New York City ($85,504)

  34. Portugal ($102,648)
  35. Slovenia ($20,713)
  36. Latvia ($19,446)
  37. Slovakia ($54,322)
  38. UAE ($93,976)
  39. Bulgaria ($70,453)
  40. Malaysia ($311,642)
  41. Poland ($385,636)
  42. Hungary ($97,879)
  43. Lithuania ($28,306)
  44. —————————————
    Chicago ($27,205)

  45. Croatia ($42,098)
  46. Romania ($192,375)
  47. Turkey ($804,175)
  48. Greece ($108,929)
  49. Russia ($1,433,750)
  50. Chile ($183,135)
  51. Vietnam ($954,146)
  52. Montenegro ($6,263)
  53. Qatar ($23,381)
  54. Ukraine ($444,051)

Are you happy with your country’s position on the World’s 50 Most Innovative Countries list?

Are you happy with your company’s level of organizational agility or level of innovation success?

Is your organization or country keeping up with the accelerating pace of change?

If not, then you need these tools. And if you are satisfied with your competitive position, then you need these tools to maintain your current position…

CONTACT ME to get access for all of your residents or employees

Accelerate your change and transformation success

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