In collaboration with IIR and the Back End of Innovation conference, I hosted a webinar last year titled ‘Mobilizing Your Innovation Army’ examining how organizations can engage the hearts, minds, and eyes of employees into the innovation efforts of the organization. Here is a video recording from the webinar:
Too much of the time the innovation conversation focuses on whether someone is innovative or not. We waste far too much time focusing on how people can become more innovative instead of stopping to think about the possibility that everyone is innovative in their own way.
The lone innovator myth needs to die.
Great ‘lone innovators’ like Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison had teams of people surrounding them and helping them succeed.
Innovation is a team sport, and in this webinar we will take a look at how to engage your entire workforce in the innovation process by leveraging The Nine Innovation Roles to harness the different unique innovation capabilities that we all possess. We are all innovative in our own ways, and The Nine Innovation Roles help you evaluate your current workforce and provide insight into how to mobilize an innovation army.
In this recording of my webinar for the Back End of Innovation conference, I focus on:
- The importance of building a common language of innovation
- How to destroy the lone innovator myth
- Ways to use The Nine Innovation Roles
- Why big innovations often start small
- How everyone can make a difference for innovation
I do a lot of work as a social business and innovation speaker at events all around the world. If you’d like me to speak at your company or event, please contact me.
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