Tag Archives: primary research

Great Customer Experience Work Begins Here

Great Customer Experience Work Begins Here

by Braden Kelley

What Customer Experience Really Is

Customer experience (CX) is an essential part of any organization’s success. CX is much more than the level of customer service a company provides. CX is the totality of a customer’s interactions with an organization over the course of their shared relationship. Customers develop a perception of an organization across all their interactions. This perception is an accumulation of the physical, emotional, social, and psychological experiences they have when interacting with the product or service itself, to the way they’re greeted on the phone, to the quality of the interfaces to the organization, its employees, and its information.

Successful organizations consciously create a positive and memorable experience for the customer, from the moment they first engage with the organization. Organizations must design their overall experience with the customer in mind, and tailor it as much as possible to the individual customer’s needs and preferences. Creating meaningful interactions with customers and delivering a great customer experience drives loyalty, trust, and word-of-mouth not just now, but for years to come.

Only the Customer Can Improve the Customer Experience – Usually

This may almost sound like I’m blaming the customer for their bad experience, but the customer does play a central role in making their own experience better. But sometimes they are actively prevented from doing so.

When it comes to customer experience improvement initiatives, many organizations behave in a quite parental way. They think they know best, and instead of investing the time, energy and money to gather the voice of the customer, they use of the voice of the business instead.

The voice of the business is what I call it when an organization speaks on behalf of the customer, assuming and asserting that they know what the customer is thinking and knows what they want (or need). This can be a shortcut used to produce a customer journey map on a deadline, but can quickly turn into a detour if you don’t then validate it with real life customers to make sure that your visualization of the customer journey is accurate and representative.

Only the customers know what their experience is. So go talk to them!

Continue reading the rest of this article on HCLTech’s blog

Image credits: Pexels

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What is Ethnography?

What is Ethnography?

GUEST POST from Art Inteligencia

Ethnography is an important method of research in the social sciences, used to gain a detailed understanding of groups of people and their cultural practices. It involves the observation of a group’s behavior, language, beliefs, values, and interactions with their environment. Ethnographers often conduct interviews and surveys in order to gain a deeper understanding of their subjects.

The goal of ethnography is to provide an in-depth understanding of the culture of a group of people. This includes looking at the group’s history, language, and material culture, as well as its social and political structures. Ethnographers also examine the group’s rituals, beliefs, and values. By looking closely at the different elements of a culture, ethnographers can develop an understanding of how the group interacts with its environment and with other groups.

An ethnographer’s primary tool is observation. Ethnographers must observe their subjects in their natural environment and take note of their behavior, language, and interactions. They may also conduct interviews and surveys in order to gain a better understanding of the group’s beliefs and values.

Ethnographers need to be aware of their own biases and preconceptions, as these can influence the results of their research. They must also consider the ethical implications of their research and ensure that their subjects are treated with respect.

The primary purpose of ethnography is to gain an understanding of a particular culture and its people. This understanding can be used to inform policy decisions and to improve the lives of the people being studied. Ethnographers may also use their research to create educational materials or works of art.

Ethnography is an invaluable tool for understanding the diversity of cultures around the world. By observing and recording the behavior, beliefs, and values of a group of people, ethnographers can gain an understanding of their culture and how it interacts with its environment. This understanding can be used to inform policy decisions and improve the lives of the people being studied.

Image credit: Unsplash

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