Tag Archives: farming

Technology Not Always the Key to Innovation

Technology Not Always the Key to Innovation

Humans love technology and often we make the mistake of thinking that technology is the only path to innovation.

But there are many examples that prove this is often folly…

The wine industry offers a couple of great examples.

Alternative Wine Innovation Opportunity #1 – Barn Owls

Some vintners in Napa Valley, California are eschewing potentially harmful high-tech rodenticides in favor of fluffy little barn owls to control the local rodent population and to reduce damage to the vineyards. Low-tech or no-tech sometimes provides more sustainable solutions than seemingly convenient high-tech solutions.

Alternative Wine Innovation Opportunity #2 – Music

Mozart in the Vineyard…

A winemaker in Tuscany, Italy has taken to the airwaves to improve the quality of his wines, installing speakers around his vineyard that caress his vines with Mozart during the growing process and the barrels of juice during the winemaking process.

One of the primary benefits of the continuous music is said to be a decrease in the use of insecticides because pests like crickets are forced to leave the area because they can communicate with each other. The music is also said to operate in similar frequencies to running water, causing the grapes to grow better the closer they are to the speakers.

One of the most brilliant parts of the clip is the part where the vintner lets it slip that he has partnered with Bose on the project.

Creating a win-win partnership with a company that might benefit from helping to fund an alternative approach is a great way for an entrepreneurial innovator to reduce the risk and the cost of their experiment.

It is also a great way to work with the partner to create equipment fit for purpose that will ultimately perform better than off the shelf components and for the partner will represent solutions they can use to open up a new market.


Technology is not always the path to innovation, but it is easy to forget this.

It is easy to take shortcuts and not spend enough time finding problems worth solving and to not carefully define the right problem to solve.

Technology is seductive and marketers are skilled at making a technology-based solution seem like the easiest solution or even – the only one. But often, if we keep our minds open and our field of vision spread wide, we may notice low-technology solutions that solve the problem either better or in more sustainable ways or in ways with additional benefits.

So keep your eyes and ears, and all of your other senses, peeled for all potential solutions, not just the high technology ones.

Embracing Regenerative Agriculture

Benefits and Strategies for Businesses

Embracing Regenerative Agriculture: Benefits and Strategies for Businesses

GUEST POST from Art Inteligencia

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the environmental challenges facing our planet, particularly in the realm of agriculture. Traditional agricultural practices have often focused on maximizing yields and profits, often at the expense of the health of the land and surrounding ecosystems. However, a shift towards regenerative agriculture is gaining momentum, with businesses recognizing the potential benefits not only for the environment, but also for their bottom line.

Regenerative agriculture is a holistic approach to farming that focuses on restoring and revitalizing the health of the soil, water, and biodiversity. By prioritizing soil health and biodiversity, regenerative agriculture aims to not only sustain, but improve the productivity and resilience of the land over time. This approach has been shown to have a number of benefits for businesses, including improved soil fertility, increased crop yields, and reduced reliance on synthetic inputs.

Case Study 1: General Mills

One company that has successfully embraced regenerative agriculture is General Mills. In 2015, General Mills announced a commitment to advance regenerative agriculture on one million acres of farmland by 2030. By implementing regenerative practices such as cover cropping, crop rotation, and reduced tillage, General Mills has been able to improve soil health and increase the resilience of their supply chain. This has not only helped to mitigate the impacts of climate change, but has also led to increased yields and cost savings for the company.

Case Study 2: Dr. Bronner’s

Another example of a business reaping the benefits of regenerative agriculture is Dr. Bronner’s, a family-owned soap and personal care product company. Dr. Bronner’s has been a vocal advocate for regenerative agriculture, and has made a commitment to source all of their major ingredients from regenerative sources by 2020. By working directly with farmers to implement regenerative practices such as agroforestry and rotational grazing, Dr. Bronner’s has been able to improve soil health, increase biodiversity, and sequester carbon. This commitment to regenerative agriculture has not only helped to differentiate Dr. Bronner’s products in the marketplace, but has also strengthened their relationships with suppliers and consumers.


In order to successfully implement regenerative agriculture practices, businesses must be willing to invest in education, training, and long-term partnerships with farmers. By taking a holistic approach to farming and prioritizing soil health and biodiversity, businesses can not only help to mitigate the impacts of climate change, but can also create a more resilient and sustainable supply chain. Embracing regenerative agriculture is not only a moral imperative, but a strategic opportunity for businesses to drive innovation, reduce risk, and create value for all stakeholders.

Bottom line: Futurology is not fortune telling. Futurists use a scientific approach to create their deliverables, but a methodology and tools like those in FutureHacking™ can empower anyone to engage in futurology themselves.

Image credit: Unsplash

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