Tag Archives: conflict

The Surprising Benefits of Conflict in the Workplace

The Surprising Benefits of Conflict in the Workplace

GUEST POST from David Burkus

Conflict in the workplace is often seen as negative, but it can be productive if managed well. In fact, lack of conflict on a team is the real negative. When teams lack conflict, it means that either everyone on the team thinks alike or those who think differently are too afraid to speak their mind. Healthy conflict increases communication, trust, teamwork, and innovation.

In this article, we will explore four surprising benefits of conflict in the workplace. And we’ll discuss how leaders can create a safe space for sharing diverse perspectives and model respectful debate to leverage the benefits of conflict.

1. Understanding Different Perspectives

The first surprising benefit of conflict in the workplace is that conflict helps team members understand different perspectives. This leads to empathy and diverse problem-solving skills. When team members have different opinions and ideas, it can be challenging to find common ground. However, when conflict is managed well, it can lead to a deeper understanding of each person’s point of view. This understanding can lead to empathy and greater understanding of the unique work preferences and personality of other team members. Empathy is an essential skill in the workplace because it allows team members to connect with each other and work together more effectively.

Moreover, conflict can lead to diverse problem-solving skills. When team members have different perspectives, they can bring unique ideas to the table. By considering multiple viewpoints, teams can come up with creative solutions to complex problems. This diversity of thought can lead to innovation and better outcomes for the organization.

2. Making Better Decisions

The second surprising benefit of conflict in the workplace is that conflict leads to better decisions by allowing more information to be shared openly. When team members feel comfortable sharing their opinions, it can lead to a more comprehensive understanding of the issue at hand. By considering multiple viewpoints, teams can make more informed decisions that take into account all relevant factors.

Leaders play a crucial role in creating a safe space for sharing diverse perspectives. They should model respectful debate and encourage team members to express their opinions openly. By doing so, leaders can leverage the benefits of conflict and ensure that all voices are heard.

3. Increasing Trust

The third surprising benefit of conflict in the workplace is that conflict increases trust. That may sound counterintuitive, but when task-focused conflict is handled respectfully, that shows respect for all ideas. When team members feel that their opinions are valued and respected, it can lead to a sense of trust among team members. This trust can lead to stronger relationships and better collaboration.

Building trust on a team is also important for leveraging the benefits of conflict. When team members trust each other, they are more likely to share their opinions openly and work together to find solutions. Leaders can build trust by creating a culture of respect and encouraging open communication.

4. Building Commitment

The fourth surprising benefit of conflict in the workplace is that conflict builds commitment. That sounds counterintuitive as well, but when every idea is considered, and the best idea wins, leading to a sense of being heard and understood. When team members feel that their opinions are valued and respected, they are more likely to be committed to the team’s goals. By considering every idea and choosing the best one, teams can build a sense of ownership and commitment among team members.

Leaders can build commitment by creating a culture of inclusivity and encouraging team members to share their ideas openly. By doing so, leaders can leverage the benefits of conflict and ensure that all team members are committed to the team’s goals.

Conflict in the workplace can be productive if managed well. Healthy conflict increases communication, trust, teamwork, and innovation. Leaders should create a safe space for sharing diverse perspectives and model respectful debate to leverage the benefits of conflict. Building trust on a team is also important for leveraging the benefits of conflict. By considering every idea and choosing the best one, teams can build a sense of ownership and commitment among team members. By leveraging the benefits of conflict, leaders can build teams where everyone can truly do their best work ever.

Image credit: Pixabay

Originally published at https://davidburkus.com on June 6, 2023.

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Resolving Team Conflicts in the Remote Work Era

Resolving Team Conflicts in the Remote Work Era

GUEST POST from Chateau G Pato

The rapid transition to remote work brought on by the global pandemic has presented numerous challenges for organizations worldwide. One of the most significant hurdles has been managing team conflicts in this new remote work era. As a human-centered design professional, I firmly believe that addressing team conflicts promptly and effectively is essential for maintaining harmony, productivity, and employee satisfaction. In this thought leadership article, we will explore two compelling case studies showcasing successful conflict resolution strategies tailored to remote work environments.

Case Study 1: Leveraging Technology for Collaborative Conflict Resolution


A tech firm with a distributed workforce experienced an increase in team conflicts due to remote work. The lack of face-to-face interactions, reduced communication avenues, and misunderstandings caused tensions among team members.


1. Conducted Surveys: The human resources team conducted anonymous surveys to gauge the frequency and severity of remote work conflicts. This allowed them to identify recurring patterns and specific areas needing intervention.

2. Implement Technology Solutions: Leveraging digital tools, the organization implemented a team collaboration platform that included real-time messaging, video conferencing, and project management capabilities. This tool centralizes communication, allowing teams to organize tasks, collaborate, and address conflicts more efficiently.

3. Training and Workshops: The HR team provided remote conflict resolution training and workshops to equip team members with communication and conflict management skills suitable for remote work environments. They emphasized the importance of active listening, empathy, and mediating virtual meetings effectively.


By emphasizing effective communication methods and providing robust technology solutions, the organization witnessed a significant reduction in team conflicts within six months. The team collaboration platform helped bridge communication gaps, encouraging open dialogue, and fostering a more positive work environment.

Case Study 2: Emphasizing Emotional Intelligence for Conflict Mitigation


A marketing agency predominantly working remotely experienced a surge in team conflicts primarily due to miscommunication and intra-team rivalries. These conflicts often resulted in missed deadlines, reduced creativity, and decreased team morale.


1. Conflict Resolution Training: The agency invested in providing conflict resolution training sessions specifically tailored to remote work dynamics. The sessions focused on developing emotional intelligence, emphasizing empathy, active listening, and effective communication in virtual settings.

2. Individual Coaching and Support: Recognizing that some team members needed personalized guidance, the agency initiated one-on-one coaching sessions to address specific conflicts and provide a safe space for employees to express concerns. Coaches helped team members understand their emotions better and encouraged them to find common ground through genuine conversation.


Following the conflict resolution training and personalized coaching sessions, the marketing agency observed a remarkable improvement in team dynamics. Team members reported reduced conflicts, enhanced collaboration, and heightened creativity. The emphasis on emotional intelligence enabled them to address conflicts proactively and find mutually beneficial solutions that allowed the team to move forward cohesively.


Resolving team conflicts has always been crucial for organizational success, and the remote work era presents its unique set of challenges. By leveraging technology, fostering effective communication, and prioritizing emotional intelligence, organizations can successfully mitigate conflicts in remote work environments. As human-centered design professionals, understanding the intricacies of remote work dynamics enables us to develop tailored conflict resolution strategies that empower teams, enhance productivity, and cultivate a positive work culture even in decentralized settings.

SPECIAL BONUS: The very best change planners use a visual, collaborative approach to create their deliverables. A methodology and tools like those in Change Planning Toolkit™ can empower anyone to become great change planners themselves.

Image credit: Pixabay

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