After working for the last decade helping organizations from the OUTSIDE IN:
- Build innovative marketing strategies
- Manage multiple, simultaneous, cross-functional business projects
- Optimize complex processes
- Create an enterprise-wide innovation-focus
I thought it was time to flip things around and go native, and work with an outstanding organization to make some of these things happen from the INSIDE OUT.
I thought it was also time to dig deeper into an industry, get my hands dirty, and really come to know a particular vertical. And what could be more interesting in this time of rapidly escalating costs and innovation than the healthcare industry?
[Especially with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) going into force here in the USA]
It is with all of this in mind that I am happy to announce that I have taken an internal consulting position with Premera, one of the largest health plans in the Pacific Northwest.
Premera serves 1.5 million people—from individuals and families to Fortune 100 employer groups. Premera’s mission is to provide peace of mind to their customers about their healthcare.
As a result of joining up with Premera, I must also announce for this post and all future posts that the views here (and elsewhere) are mine and mine alone, and do not in any way represent the views of Premera.
This isn’t the end of my publishing here on or on Innovation Excellence (now Disruptor League) or the other places that I contribute. In my spare time I will still be writing, and doing the occasional innovation keynote or workshop in various places around the globe.
So, please keep in touch, and stay tuned for more to come!

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