Just wanted to write a quick post to thank you all for your support over the years as I’ve done my best to make innovation insights accessible for the greater good.
Whether you started following along when I launched Blogging Innovation back in 2006 or became part of the world’s most popular global innovation community when we launched Innovation Excellence, your support has been greatly appreciated.
Many of you have been kind enough to nominate me again this year for the Thinkers50 ranking.
There is still time to nominate me or any of your other favorite innovation authors for the 2021 edition of the Thinkers50 rankings.
Nominations close September 1, 2021 at 9am GMT.
Blogging Innovation, and then Innovation Excellence, became home to more than 8,000 innovation-related articles from 400+ contributing authors.
I’m super excited about The Rebirth of Blogging Innovation as Human-Centered Change and Innovation as a place to share with you a multitude of different voices and perspectives from super-talented authors from around the globe on a range of innovation and transformation-related topics.
ESPECIALLY those coming at change and innovation from a human-centered perspective.
If you’ve contributed articles to Blogging Innovation or Innovation Excellence in the past or know someone who has, or know someone who should, please point your browser or their browser to my contact page and we’ll turn the initial trickle of innovation content back into a true Human-Centered Change and Innovation river.
Here are the first GUEST POSTS from Arlen Meyers, Janet Sernack, Paul Sloane, and Nicolas Bry:
- Innovation Teams Do Not Innovate — by Janet Sernack
- Why so much medical technoskepticism? — by Arlen Meyers
- Avoid the Addition Bias — by Paul Sloane
- Catalysing Change Through Innovation Teams — by Janet Sernack
- Innovation organization only thrives along with innovation culture — by Nicolas Bry
- How to Conduct Virtual Office Hours — by Arlen Meyers
Keep innovating!
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