GUEST POST from Mike Shipulski
When you tell the truth and someone reacts negatively, their negativity is a surrogate for significance.
When you withhold the truth because someone will react negatively, you do everyone a disservice.
When you know what to do, let someone else do it.
When you’re absolutely sure what to do, maybe you’ve been doing it too long.
When you’re in a situation of complete uncertainty, try something. There’s no other way.
When you’re told it’s a bad idea, it’s probably a good one, but for a whole different reason.
When you’re told it’s a good idea, it’s time to come up with a less conventional idea.
When you’re afraid to speak up, your fear is a surrogate for importance.
When you’re afraid to speak up and you don’t, you do your company a disservice.
When you speak up and are met with laughter, congratulations, your idea is novel.
When you get angry, that says nothing about the thing you’re angry about and everything about you.
When someone makes you angry, that someone is always you.
When you’re afraid, be afraid and do it anyway.
When you’re not afraid, try harder.
When you’re understood the first time you bring up a new idea, it’s not new enough.
When you’re misunderstood, you could be onto something. Double down.
When you’re comfortable, stop what you’re doing and do something that makes you uncomfortable.
It’s time to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Image credit: “mirror image pickup” by jasoneppink is licensed under CC BY 2.0
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