GUEST POST from Mike Shipulski
It’s not a vacation unless you forget about work.
It’s not a holiday unless you leave your phone at home.
If you must check-in at work, you’re not on vacation.
If you feel guilty that you did not check-in at work, you’re not on holiday.
If you long for work while you’re on vacation, do something more interesting on vacation.
If you wish you were at work, you get no credit for taking a holiday.
If people know you won’t return their calls, they know you are on vacation.
If people would rather make a decision than call you, they know you’re on holiday.
If you check your voicemail, you’re not on vacation.
If you check your email, you’re not on holiday.
If your company asks you to check-in, they don’t understand vacation.
If people at your company invite you to a meeting, they don’t understand holiday.
Vacation is productive in that you return to work and you are more productive.
Holiday is not wasteful because when you return to work you don’t waste time.
Vacation is profitable because when you return you make fewer mistakes.
Holiday is skillful because when you return your skills are dialed in.
Vacation is useful because when you return you are useful.
Holiday is fun because when you return you bring fun to your work.
If you skip your vacation, you cannot give your best to your company and to yourself.
If neglect your holiday, you neglect your responsibility to do your best work.
Don’t skip your vacation and don’t neglect your holiday. Both are bad for business and for you.
Image credit: Pixabay
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