GUEST POST from Stefan Lindegaard
What makes a team great? It’s a loaded question. Let’s dive in: you’re a team player, yes? But does your team prioritize collective growth and psychological safety? If so, there’s always room for further enhancement.
Here’s my perspective, based on interacting with teams globally:
1. Collective Growth Mindset: Teams thrive with curious learners, not just know-it-alls.
2. Psychological Safety: Embrace constructive feedback, hard conversations, and risk-taking in a secure environment.
3. Clear Purpose: Ensure team objectives resonate personally, answering “what’s in it for me?”
4. Trust and Transparency: Despite potential risks, mutual trust, dependability, and transparency yield substantial rewards.
5. Execution: All the above mean nothing without effective execution. Support and mandate are crucial.
6. Have Fun: A joyful environment can enhance productivity and team spirit.
Which of these elements resonates most with you? Is something missing in this list? I’m curious on your thoughts and open for a discussion on how your team can get even better.
Image Credit: Pexels
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