GUEST POST from Mike Shipulski
Do you bring your whole self to work? If not, how do you feel about that?
When you demonstrate your unique goodness and it’s met with “You don’t fit in.” they may say they want you to fit in, but, really, that’s objective evidence that they need your unique goodness.
Witches were burned at the stake because their special powers frightened people.
If it’s a good idea, don’t block it because people call it heresy.
The Universe doesn’t care if it’s heresy, as long as it’s a good idea.
The Universe doesn’t discriminate against witches.
If you’re a plumber that fixes pipes and fixes potholes, they’ll expect you to fix pipes and fill potholes.
Sometimes you’ve got to withhold the solution If you want the organizational learning to happen.
If you fill all the potholes, the company never learns that someone’s not doing their job.
A plumber who fixes pipes and fills potholes should be paid more than a plumber that just fixes pipes.
When no one listens to reason, the only thing left to do is let the wheels fall off.
And if you really care about the long-term success of the company, you’ll let them fall off.
If you see things differently, you’re obligated to say so, even if you’re wrong.
When you speak truth to Power, does Power thank you or kick you?
If after speaking unsayable truth to Power, they kick you, that says a lot about Power.
When you’re satisfied with what you have, striving-based motivation tactics have no power.
It’s easy to mentor down into the organization, but it takes a special person to mentor uphill.
Never do your boss’s job.
When successful thinking becomes geriatric, it’s time for hospice.
Successful business models change only after they become unsuccessful.
Change happens only after exhausting all other possibilities. And it takes special people to make it happen.
If you ‘re afraid and hold back because you’re concerned about being burned at the stake, you should put your magic wand in your pocket, jump on your broom (or vacuum cleaner), and find another job.
Image credit: Pixabay
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