How to Measure the Success of Change Management Programs

How to Measure the Success of Change Management Programs

GUEST POST from Art Inteligencia

Change management programs are essential for successful businesses, as they provide the structure and insight to effectively operate amidst changing environments. While the general benefits and key practices of change management programs are widely known, measuring their success still remains a challenge.

What constitutes success for a change management program is highly dependent on the culture and goals of the company or organization it is implemented in. The common methods of assessing program success are return on investment (ROI) and employee satisfaction and performance, often overlapping in the assessment process.

However, understanding the attitudinal, motivational, and psychological aspects of change management and assessing their impact over a period of time can be complex. While it is important to measure ROI and satisfaction levels, the metrics that make up these measures have to reflect the goals of the change management program in order to effectively evaluate its success.

Below is a look at two case study examples and how they measure the success of their respective change management programs.

Case Study Example 1 – Institute for Change Management

The Institute for Change Management (ICM) provides change management services to clients seeking to implement strategic changes in their organization. They measure the success of their program by tracking the client’s level of commitment to the changes they are attempting to implement. This commitment is measured in the following ways:

1. Training & Development: ICM tracks the success of their change management programs by evaluating how well their employees and managers are adapting to and learning new skills in order to effectively implement the changes.

2. Leadership Support: ICM looks at the extent to which the organization’s leadership is actively supporting and encouraging the change process, as well as the level of communication and engagement from all stakeholders throughout the process.

3. Internal Performance: ICM tracks the internal performance metrics that the organization is using to measure success, such as cost savings, revenue growth, and profitability, as well as any external standards the organization has set.

4. Change Awareness & Motivation: ICM pays particular attention to the extent to which employees and managers are embracing the changes and are motivated by them. This is assessed through surveys and interviews to gauge the level of enthusiasm of the organization’s workforce.

Case Study Example 2 – International Non-Profit

An international non-profit organization sought to improve their transparency and accountability in their financial operations. They implemented a change management program to develop a unified set of practices for every office to adhere to.

The program was assessed through a combination of metrics. These included an analysis of the amount of time and money spent on training and implementation, an assessment of the number of successful financial operations projects completed, and a look at the customer satisfaction ratings for each office. Additional metrics included internal assessments of the practices implemented and surveys to gauge employee engagement with the changes.


In conclusion, how to measure the success of change management programs depends on the nature of the changes being implemented and the goals of the organization. Common success metrics include ROI, employee satisfaction, training and development, leadership support, and change awareness. However, in order to truly evaluate the success of a change management program, these metrics need to not only evaluate quantitative outcomes, but also qualitative outcomes to get the full picture. Two case studies have been provided above to illustrate this point.

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About Art Inteligencia

Art Inteligencia is the lead futurist at Inteligencia Ltd. He is passionate about content creation and thinks about it as more science than art. Art travels the world at the speed of light, over mountains and under oceans. His favorite numbers are one and zero. Content Authenticity Statement: If it wasn't clear, any articles under Art's byline have been written by OpenAI Playground using Braden Kelley and public content as inspiration.

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