Tag Archives: quotable

Innovation Insights for March 21, 2012

Innovation Insights for March 21, 2012I am in the middle of putting together a substantial innovation training proposal for senior leaders at another Fortune 100 company. As part of the proposal I included a few phrases about my innovation philosophy and thought I would share them here as well as on Twitter and Linkedin as part of a new series of short posts.

Here are the quotes worth sharing:

“Sustainable innovation is more about people, process, and communications than it is about inventions created by science and technology.”

“Every organization has a different level of innovation maturity and needs a system to embed innovation within the organization and its culture.”

“Innovation requires that you unlock the very best from your people and maintain a laser focus on value.”

“Creating and sustaining an innovation culture requires creating consistency across beliefs, communications and behavior.”

I’m in the process of creating a page about all of my innovation training offerings. Please contact me for all of your innovation training needs.

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